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Everything posted by Kendrick

  1. @KingRobbie When they are mentioning "manhandling' they are talking about the Whip, not the women. I have not seen one report mentioning the elbow on the women as manhandling, they are referring to the Whip. I think context would help anyone responding though, because the Whip's job was being blocked by the NDP leaders. They had a pack mentality in the House of Commons and that right there is dangerous.
  2. Let's also take into account Sevilla missed two bicycle kicks directed at the far side corner that easily could have been put in (open looks). It goes both ways like Higgins.
  3. It was fun playing alongside you and you helped my point totals as well, so for being a good teammate I thank you!
  4. Well we will be back.
  5. If you had to choose one other person on earth to have dinner with besides the obvious choices of Rosie O'Donnell and your brother, who would it be and why? Favourite hairstyle on a female? Blake Lively, hottest women alive. Discuss.
  6. You think they want anyone other than Spanish teams to win? Spanish teams are being forced down the audiences throats, it's so sad.
  7. Time to get your dicks wet!
  8. Yeah but silver is for losers.
  10. Tyson Hamilton
  11. I will, but someone can do so as well.
  12. My line switch to put bots in worked!
  13. That they should.
  14. No you can't do this nonsense. I don't think it was added to the rulebook but I remember that a team can't offer more than 500k on the previous offered team.
  15. Fair enough, from my point of view when I was a GM you always let the other team know you are in the works with someone else just to let them know you haven't ignored the inquiry.
  16. We'd have him sooner but apparently Helsinki's PM systems are slower than usual.
  17. Nope. "The Bears are who we thought they were" - Dennis Green
  18. Big Philly style is coming to the Expressos!
  19. Yeah the loss of Lahm does make our fullbacks very weak. Considering even before he retired from International duty the weakest part about our game was whatever side Lahm wasn't on. Of midfielders and strikers will have to score at will to get past that. I don't mind our CB's though. Gundogan was left off so that was a surprise for me. Also Durm was left off as well.
  20. Sucks about the inactive tho
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