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Everything posted by Kendrick

  1. Aren't you Merica? Or Live4him? I'm so lost these days its been years
  2. Good article, yes those would be welcomed additions. I'd add in @Squinty, @Brandon, @Sandro and @fever95
  3. Yeah what he said. Make Leadership Matter again!
  4. Tight game. @TheLastOlympian07 playing well
  5. One of the Scientists that Trump refuses to acknowledge even though he is 100 times more intelligent
  6. I planted the seed! Good to hear man. I hope you enjoy your time here because it's a lot of fun
  7. Hello! Welcome to the forum. If you need any further help don't be afraid to ask! I left the url at MetroHo a couple years ago and maybe you saw that one?
  8. Yuppppp
  9. We are rolling!
  10. Yes but often times in the past you've said you don't want him included because you were inactive. We could include him in that. In regards to the same old jokes comment, I make it because it gets annoying having a DT player in every VHLSC draft rankings and so writing about his players is somewhat strange considering they don't really have a good success rate.
  11. List all your players. I'll break it down for you
  12. No point in explaining. You're taking away from other draftees
  13. I didn't attack you man. I attacked your player history. I don't think you know what a personal shot is
  14. Didn't fail at all, just going off history. That's not even a personal shot haha
  15. @YEAH!stlemania @boubabi @Lunaro @bgreene21 @John Scott @evrydayimbyfuglien @GoodLeftUndone @CowboyinAmerica @Will @754 @pdp @Jericho @Daniel @HearnNation67 @Reinis Skele @Noppadet @Imperium @Marko @Doomsday @iRockstar @InciteHysteria @murguy @canucks30 @daBenchwarmer @.sniffuM
  16. @DeathOnReddit *For Keller
  17. And why is that?
  18. What are you even going on about? How are we even trashing the VHLM. I'm a GM there you idiot. If anything I am allowing the VHLM to do what it's supposed to do and develop prospects. Oh we are throwing the temper tantrum? Remind us who is whining that Quill is getting called up again. You literally are so blind to this it's not even funny anymore. We are not throwing anything under the bus. I feel bad you have Bushido's back here because it makes him look back having you argue points. I never once said the VHLM is dead man, you are putting that in your own head and thinking someone said it. You actually just told us to scrap the VHLM in your last sentence. So it appears you are trying to put the VHLM down.
  19. How am I even doing anything thats hurting the VHLM? I don't think you do considering you have no idea what the Achievement Trackers purpose is or the 200 TPE Cap. Keep thinking you do though, it's funny listening to it. Worst "Troll" is someone who is whining.
  20. You honestly do not know anything VHLM related and you're trying to argue points home that don't make sense. Brush up on why the rulebook is the way it is before you enter a discussion. It would do us all a favour (including your own argument).
  21. The Point ------------> . Your Head -------> ' ' ___
  22. Uhhh did you just compare the NHL to the VHL in regards to a prospect calling their NHL/VHL team to be called up? My goodness. You realize this league is for fun and no one here actually makes the money deposited in the bank for their player right? Wait all you want but you are literally comparing apples to oranges haha. Why are you upset over it concerning the VHLM? Literally no one else is worried and the member gets to have his player play in the VHL; which is something he would like his player to do. This literally doesn't affect the VHLM at all in regards to it's daily operations moving forward. All that happens is Quill goes from Oslo to Davos in the sim and things move on. What exactly have I said that is a twisted idea? You are going on about absolutely nothing. What you say is in plain sight and it's embarrassing because you think you know things when you don't. It's like arguing with a pet rock. From this day forward you are the VHL's pet rock. I should state though you probably do look good in a garden. Next.
  23. Oh look see now the personal shots come out. I thought you were talking earlier about "disrespect"? Hmm... crazy. The VHLM is a stepping stone. One used for players who want to become VHL players someday. Quill feels it is his time to do that and you are upset because it takes a player away from your squad. Why does Green owe you anything? You have disrespected him in the other thread and here a tad as well. Don't tell me you think this hissy fit will help anything? If so it might be wise to just back up a bit and analyze what the VHLM really is about. I've been in this league since day one, the VHLM Achievement Tracker is for anyone who has spent time in the VHLM in a given season and collected stats, period. No "ifs", "and's" or "but's" in this. Thats just what it is. You are arguing for nothing man. This is laughable that you even think you're going anywhere with this.
  24. You literally don't even know what you are arguing right now haha. It's funny because it just shows you aren't paying attention and like arguing for the sake of arguing. VHLM GM's can't get upset, it's not really their place.
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