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Everything posted by leafsman

  1. Do I have 12 points since I mistakenly put a capital sometimes?
  2. Part I - Pick em' (Pick the correct winners of all three games for 2 TPE) Game 3 - Helsinki Titans @ Vancouver Wolves Game 4 -Helsinki Titans @ Vancouver Wolves Game 5 - Vancouver Wolves @ Helsinki Titans Part II - Predict the Score (Predict the correct score and winner of this game for 3 TPE) Game 5 - Vancouver Wolves 3 @ Helsinki Titans 4 Part III - Player Predictions (Predict the correct player for each category, 1 TPE for each correct answer) Series leader in points:Julian Borwinn Series leader in goals:Julian Borwinn Series leader in assists:Julian Borwinn
  3. looks like I got into a stick fight with Ironside during the brawl
  4. 1. We are currently two points from the new expansion team and rival Malmo, Would it be better to tank for a higher pick or fight for pride? Play for Pride, as Herman Edwards famously said " you play to win the game". If i was a fan id say take the higher pick 2. When our season started, the team goal was to win 10 games. Are you excited we've nearly doubled that total? Yes, wining is awesome, last year was rough. 3. Would you rather win a game 6-5 or 2-0 and why? 6-5 as Im an offensive defensman so its good to win and pile up the points while doing so. 4. How do you celebrate after a win? Have a nice glass of wine from the homeland. 5. What has been the most surprising win we've had this season in your eyes? The 7-0 win recently vs Vancouver. Didn't think we could shut someone out they way we play. 6. What are your expectations for next season? To at least compete for a playoffs spot.
  5. 1. If you had the opportunity to change positions from/to F,D or G, Would you? I probably would change to a forward next time to change things up 2. Moscow Menace want to create a mascot! How would you design our mascot? What would its name be? I would make it a bear with a russian hat on it and call it Sergei 3. Since Moscow will not sniff the playoffs, is there a team you're supporting on their quest for the cup? I will say one of my former team Helsinki. 4. We are 8 points from hated rival Malmo! DO YOU HATE MALMO ENOUGH TO WIN OUT OF SPITE?! In reality what are you doing to win and get motivated? Yes. Staying out of the basement motivates me 6. Why do you think Moscow is such a bi polar team, leading in both goals for and against? I think we just play a crazy free flowing entertainig games that leads to the high scores. It makes for great entertainment for our fans. At the end of every game I think of the gladiator scene where he says to the crowrd are you not entertained. 7. Does Owen May suck? No just a young goalie who needs to learn how to play in the VHL, he will be a great goalie soon.
  6. least we got back to back loser points
  7. apparently I dont want to score vs New York, no points in 2 vs them lol.
  8. F Scott Shawinganen @fonziGG If its up to us I'd say let him pick now.
  9. G- Ismond Kingfisher @PenKnight
  10. D-Joseph McWolf @PenKnight
  11. Already chosen by penknight. Will give you sometime to pick again before I make mine.
  12. How is it fair a player sits out? The player shouldn't get punished for it when it should be the leagues responsibility to make sure teams are cap compliant. The contract should be accepted by the league or rejected at the time of signing.
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