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VHLE Commissioner
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Everything posted by Enorama

  1. @Baozi couldn't* (unless you actually care at least a little)
  2. That's just a function of supply and demand imo. More people want to be a VHL GM than a VHLM GM, so the applications are tougher and competition is stronger for those roles. I wholeheartedly agree with Spartan though that neither should really be treated as "entry-level", and the only true entry-level management roles in the league are the off-season tournaments and AGM positions.
  3. You can't even construct a proper sentence, you're typing like you're straight out of grade seven. I really wish you would stop attempting to impress people when being honest and truthful gets you much further in life with adults than anything else (unless you want to be in politics, I guess). Everyone here is calling you out, not because the claims aren't possible, but because there are many different versions of the claims you are making. That is the top sign someone is fabricating a story, the fine details are never the same more than a handful of time. Also, just remember, OHL players are student-athletes and are actually expected to be above grade averages... last time I checked anyway. When you claim things like you've taken McDavid one in a one on one, or 'deked out' Nurse, you have to understand that anyone with a head on their shoulders is going to question you about it simply because of one thing: If it's too good to be true, then it probably is. If it quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, it's a duck. You keep creating additional stories that only dig you further into the ground and now you've made yourself a target instead of simply stopping and saying to yourself: 'Huh, okay, it seems like they're not impressed.' You're not impressing anyone, and your trash talk is about as weak as a FORTNITE players. For yourself, and your reputation, you need to stop.
  4. So what you're saying is it's all about r a i n b o w f l a v o u r e d u n i c o r n s
  5. The dark grey layer really only affects his collar and some face shadows, barely noticeable imo.
  6. Calgary 7/8 Chicago 8/8 D.C. 8/8
  7. Any particular reason why you only listed 13 of the 16 teams?
  8. Free speech only protects you from government prosecution because of things you say. Nothing is stopping private forums from policing speech in any way.
  9. https://sba.today/forums/index.php?/topic/70540-affiliate-check-rule-change/
  10. > googles name > it's an anime reference
  11. Grit gives you more hits and PIMs, but also makes your team likelier to lose because you're in the box a lot more. Some might say that Poise or Leadership are useless, but at worst they're a net 0 (and I think Poise is actually decent) while Grit is actively detrimental to team success. At the high end (>1000 TPA), people are still going majority scoring first because they can afford the extra cost and recognize that it is still going to be overall better than pass first. However, at the lower levels it's definitely more of a decision rather than it used to be. At 600 TPA I think it's a genuine debate whether pass first or scoring first is superior.
  12. Another 1 game sim woohoo!
  13. We have. It's been fairly well known that the first post-VHL draft season is the first major speed bump after the first couple weeks.
  14. Exactly what I have been touting forever. @Victor can attest to this.
  15. I'm just gonna keep commenting this until you happen to see someone interacting to your content: Please copy the image address before pasting the link here, so that it auto-embeds.
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