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Everything posted by jack

  1. Not my favourite from you, but it's still pretty nice. Lens flare is very intense, as is the colouring. Could use a bit more stock work, and maybe a bit of distortion in the background. Has an interesting feel but I think with your skill the execution is a little lacking.
  2. Not sure what it is about this but I love it. Feels like he's sittin by a foggy lake. The text is insane but it works for me, probably could've even removed the simple easy-to-read text at the bottom and just had the crazy ones. Keep up the good work, I love the way your style is coming along.
  3. Nice work with the colouring and composition. I like the work with the shapes, and how the composition of the sig moves around it. Lighting could be improved a bit, but it doesn't really hinder too much. I really like the main 'Hines' text, but the low opacity on the 'Jace' kinda throws it off. Nice work overall.
  4. Definitely something different. I like the poster feeling, and it's got a nice theme going. Definitely something going on with the colouring, the renders seem quite pink. I'd try to keep the text a bit more consistent throughout the piece. Too many different text styles makes it feel a little disconnected. Keep at it.
  5. The centrepiece of this is done very well. I like the composition of the circle with the wolf and render on either side. The stock work is very good, especially around the circle. I agree with Beketov that some more lighting, mainly on the render's face would help this out a bit. Keep up the great work!
  6. I actually don't mind the text here. Nice and simple, and doesn't take away anything from the sig. Great lighting, and I really like the grainy feel to it. Feels like an old western. I don't think I'd change anything here, great work.
  7. Definitely an improvement. I actually really like this, there's some really creative stuff here. Text is pretty cool, I like what you did with the opposite colours. Background is clean and slick, and the render effects are sweet. I'd like to see some work in adding some stock work on top, to give it that extra pizzazz. Keep it up!
  8. Lighting is godly here. Love the yellow and pink/purple contrast. It works very well. Great stock work and great composition. I agree that the subtext doesn't really add anything but it's not really hurting anything either. Nice work.
  9. that 7-1 game was very out of place, good series
  10. Yeah that scene was pretty weak script-wise, and I thought the sand snakes scenes were pretty sub-par as well. I especially thought the "greedy bitch" line was out of place.
  11. send goals pls 425 cold st. reyjavik, iceland
  12. I've been getting into running recently. Not really any goals right now, but I'd like to get to a 5 minute mile by the end of the summer. My pace right now for that distance is about 14.5km/h and I need to get to 19, so definitely lots of work ahead.
  13. Good to see some new frank sigs. Colouring here is super intense, but works well. Lens flare is a bit out of place I think, but isn't too distracting. I really like the background work, and the text is excellent. Nice work.
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