Bana Blabs Down Under #72
S88 VHL Index
S88 VHL Playoffs
Hello out there! We’re on the air! It’s Bana Blabs again.. last point task of the week and then we’re 13/13. Playoff hockey has continued, and we’re getting closer and closer to the final round. Seattle is playing against one of their biggest rivals during my tenure in the Calgary wranglers. On the other side, you have Davo‘s in London, fighting it out for the finals. That’s a super cool battle in my opinion. Outside of the VHL, I just applied to one of Western Australia’s biggest fruit farms and just got news back on Monday that I got the job! It just so happens that this job starts when my girlfriends temporary position will end. We always discussed before how it would be cool to work together in a farm/fruit/horticulture role while over in Australia. So she applied to. She just got word back yesterday that she too had been hired. So that’s pretty cool. Other than that, pretty relaxed days since getting back from Indonesia. With that said, let’s blab x3.
My player seems to have figured things out a little bit. Good time for them to come to life because we really need everyone on board against Calgary. 10 points in 11 games is much better than they were in the series against Vancouver. I am pretty happy with his performance right now.
Seattle is playing Calgary right now. The series is currently 3-2 And it is close as it could be. Both of the first two Sims were split each way in close games. The battles have been fierce and intense. I can only imagine if this wasn’t a simulation how crazy these games would be. I don’t think the rivalry is out of heat, but just that these teams have met so often in the playoffs that there’s just this vibe of strong competition. What’s cool about it though is that it also comes with a lot of respect on my side. It’s a very strong rivalry, but it’s one where win or lose. You still have respect for the rivalry.
Davos in London make up the European teams remaining in the playoffs. This is super cool because I have always been somewhat of a Davos fan. The area is cool and who doesn’t like purple? One of my first best impressions in the league too was from a member named JackRielly, and they were the Davos GM at the time. For London, I feel like it’s just been a bunch of mediocrity since they came into the league. That or under performing. Just not really being anything that special. That’ll change the season and it’s super cool! No hard knocks on this team. I’ve always really liked them. You just can’t help the root for the underdogs. Go London go!