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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. Okay. Well then, love your name
  2. LOVE the name! @omniscius
  3. Damn Dusty, you so fine, you so fine you blow my mind, DAMN DUSTY
  4. BOBANDY DUSTY DEGROOT NANO Good stuff. Good series by Chicago! Seattle struggled to score for parts of it but scored here when it mattered most.
  5. Good stuff, @Enorama, on the career GMing the Dragons. Good luck to those who apply.
  6. Also, haven’t had these or been able to find them since I was a very young kid.
  7. Bana Blabs Down Under #59 S87 VHL Standings S87 Playoff Index Well, since the last time I wrote one of these a lot has changed. We're both finally in Australia and have been here since Monday (Canada) and Tuesday (Australia). We've had a lot of crazy adventures here and it's been a very exciting, interesting time. Saying good bye to my family, her to her family, and us to our animals was very difficult. I think it's going to be difficult for some time. I certainly miss my mom and brother quite a bit (sorry, sister! haha) and I miss my doberman, Zara, the most! I think I had a good cry one of these past mornings when my mom or brother sent a video of her in the morning of where she sleeps. Basically likes she's waiting for us to come back! ANYWAY, some exciting things about he trip: We've gone to a lot of cool places and have walked about 50-60km so far around the CBD, North Sydney etc. We're seen the aquarium, Sydney Tower, Zoo, walked the entire Sydney Harbour Bridge, the Wax Museum and other attractions like Circular Quay, Darling Harbour and all of that fun! I have tried a lot of amazing food and beverages. This trip is all about having fun, experiencing life and pushing myself to try new things and just be myself. Become myself. I have had sushi for the first time ever and it was AMAZING, lol... Baklava was really good! We went down to the market in Circular Quay yesterday and I tried these lamb kebab's with chilli that were incredible and went again this morning on our way to a Darling Harbour event and tried myself a churro with a hot dog in it, lol. Yesterday, for the first time ever, I tried a alligator burger and it was pretty good. Cross it off the list and that is that. Then two nights ago we were on a rooftop restraurant and had myself some wedges with sour cream and sweet chilli Thai as we shared a bottle of Prosecco! Seen a lot of cool animals. Kangaroo (zoo), tennis ball sized spiders (The Gardens by the Opera House), Platypus (Zoo), Sharks and all the Aquarium animals (most of them were in the ocean and you walked through tunnels), a bunch of lizards (everywhere lol), Cockatoos (mostly The Garden) and bats at night time that are EVERYWHERE and they're all the size of crows or big birds! We came during Mardis Gras and World Pride and it has been a very cool, inclusive experience! Most of the tall buildings, bridge and everything are lit up. It's been incredible vibes with music, markets, food and all of that good stuff! ONE Bana Australia Fact or Learning from the week: It takes a bit to get used to everyone driving on the other side. Drivers in Sydney are very respectful and aware of pedestrians and we LOVE how accommodating the country has been seemingly so far to people who may be blind or deaf etc. From the noises, colours, foot markers or brail, it's super amazing to see! Very happy to be in Sydney, Australia. Now to the VHL side of things, Seattle is trying to push their way through Chicago. I honestly am unsure it's going to happen. On paper I think most would say Seattle is the better team. On the ice? Not so easy! Chicago did finish slightly above Seattle in the standings and have absolutely wrecked us in the shot department this series. It goes down to the wire as the series is tied 2-2. Can't wait for Game 5 on Monday (hehehehe) Dil stepped down for London and this helped further push my vibe to want to retire and embrace The Australian experience I am on. I've been bored of this player somewhat and with this experience I've wanted to create a new player to enjoy while here. I told Dil I would remain loyal to him and would play out my career for as long as they wanted me to. However, things changed fast and Dil is now stepping away. This may mean that Kovalchuk is going to do the same thing. My player had their best season yet and it was a lot of fun with London. It's a shame I am bored with them but would like to start fresh with everything that is happening and with these new update scale/build stuff etc. That is all. BYE
  8. Never interacted or had you as a GM, but thank you for those you had an impact on.
  9. Should I retire and recreate an Australian player? 

    1. rory


      with the lambinator and i yeah

    2. Banackock


      That is after next season, right? 

    3. der meister

      der meister

      Slava Ukraini!

  10. Hey

    1. BOOM


      It takes approx 18 hours for a status update from Australia to reach the VHL. G'day Bana, how's it going?

    2. Banackock


      Hey, Boom. Good! Let’s are a tad sore from walking roughly 28km in the last couple of days. Checked out Sydney tower, opera house + Garden and CBD yesterday some more. Aquarium today.


      How are you?


      18 hours later. 

    3. BOOM


      Nice. Hope you're enjoying it here and it's not too hot for the next few days. 

  11. Me too Yep…
  12. Wtf
  13. Nice to see!
  14. Sweet. That’s a wicked VHL accomplishment!
  15. Things are slightly looking up! Good sims overall.
  16. AMEN! Good job. What a game!
  17. Beav taking L’s
  18. Well, we’re going to have to figure things out!
  19. OH YEAH
  20. Beautiful ! @Schwein
  21. This! Welcome to the league @asteria
  22. @Radical Welcome to the league. What do you think so far?
  23. @BigIrish Welcome back!
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