I don’t like to toot my own horn (okay, sometimes I do, but who doesn’t?). The Seattle Bears have been rolling the last many seasons and have created one of the best, if not best, dynasties this league has ever seen. Being someone that is massively passionate about helping out the league in this role, but also just for the role in itself, it’s been an absolute blast the last 26 seasons (4-5 years real life) leading the Bears team. It’s been coming for a little while now. I think the talks starting happening around win 800-900? The boys and myself in the locker room saying it would be nice to be together to get the milestone and while a few have moved in to other teams, we still chat almost daily and they are very much Bears as they are anything else.
Last week, I finally managed to get win 1,000 under my belt. That win has been on my radar for as long as I can think back. I don’t know when it became my mission and while it’s never been my main one, Is be lying if I said it wasn’t in my GM “todo list”. The win took a small while and I was constantly checking up on it this season to see how close I was. I didn’t want to miss it. Fittingly, it came against Vancouver. All great things for Seattle come against Vancouver. Name a better duo of the two, Vancouver losing to Seattle and Seattle winning the cup, or Calgary losing to Seattle and Seattle winning the cup. I think I may have even got #900 against Calgary. Or Vancouver? I know one of the two...
Well, after I hit that 1,000 mark... the mission strictly became.. break @Advantage record if 1,006 wins all-time.. in league history for GM’s... 74 seasons.. and today, October 14th 2020, Seattle has once again made league history as they beat the Calgary Wranglers 5-1, to give myself - GM Blake Campbell, win #1,007.
Super proud moment to finally be on top. These last few years felt like I was climbing the VHL very own Everest and I have finally found myself at the top. Maybe not to others, but I definitely feel I’ve hit the peak (maybe even for my career lol!!). Super amazing feeling. It’s just a sim league, but #1 is #1. If you ain’t first, you’re last.
Thanks VHL for all the amazing seasons. DA BEARZ