Agreed with a few points here but will mostly keep them in the shadows.
What I will comment on is my management tenure and how it’s always been fun. I know it’s not likely what you meant. There’s been a few lows along my tenure too, but nothing too extreme. You learn as you go. Ride the wave, whether it’s big or small. What I will say is that Seattle hasn’t been good for all 4 years, or 24 seasons straight, that Ive been a GM. There’s moments of frustration (expansion, criticism or whatever) and moments of being tired and exhausted from the role. However, I think those moments are individual pieces of sand on an entire beach and that’s how I think about it. I have loved managing Seattle the entire time and have always had it be my passion, even before the VHL when I was on the SHL. Does the criticism suck? Yeah it can. After awhile though, you care less and less because you learn it’s usually just the same people and a majority notice your work, efforts and accolades. Not everyone is gonna like your style, trades or ways. That’s how it will always be and can’t shit on them for it. I want them to enjoy the league as much as I want them to enjoy Seattle. And usually, it’s lighthearted bugging and jokes. We must remember what this community is about. We’re all here together with the same purpose. It’s something I’ve learned more and more over the years to respect, cherish and even welcome.
Ive had bad rebuilding teams too and empty locker rooms. Probably more than most as my tenure has been longer than any single tenure ever in league history. What keeps me going is the passion and it’s what also makes the criticism and all that a little more intense (likely for you too as I know you had amazing passion for Halifax). I’ve encountered so many amazing people on Seattle and throughout the league. The role gives me the ability and desire to reach out to many members that possibly I wouldn’t without the role (and others maybe don’t as much). I have had members on my squad in recent seasons that I basically consider buddies and have become people that I trust the most on this site and it’s amazing to still have that happening after all these seasons. That’s weird for me. “Online buddies”. But these guys I talk to everyday and when the time comes to move them, I actually do feel sad. Moving @FrostBeard, as an example, I felt like I wanted to tear up, man. He’s a VHL brother to me. Having the GM role and doing that, it’s pretty damn special.
I am grateful for the GMing role. I have no intentions on stepping down for quite some time and while our differing opinions on the role are okay, I find it to be amazing. It’s the best thing that’s happened to me on these sites and I cannot truly express how amazing it’s been and how amazing it continues to be after all these seasons. The fire is still very much burning like it was on the day that the blues picked me to lead the Bears. It’s such an amazing experience and privilege to be able to serve the league, it’s members and the dominant dynasty known as the Seattle Bears.
I know shits been frustrating on here for you a bit Shawn, but nobody has any horrible thoughts towards you in the grand scheme of things. You’re a great guy and have great potential on this site. Thank you for what you’ve done over the last 2 years and I hope you stick around for many more man. I’ve really enjoyed you being around!