So basically AGM’s just more buffed? I think I brought this idea or something close to it up once upon a time and it got shut down. Looking/thinking back, I see why:
I feel like there’s too much maintenance, work etc for very little reward to the entire community and it effects a small group of players. I just don’t see it as something the league needs or something that would strongly benefit the league and would be more of a pain in the ass/burn out thing than anything else.
Similar to my idea of VHL teams etc having owners, making money matter more and having values on VHL organizations. Similar to like Franchise mode on NHL... the idea sounds sweet and would probably be amazing fun, but when you’re weighing every side, is the work worth what’s being offered? For that idea, probably not. It might add lots for some, and some for some, but for most it may be whatever and for the league as a whole and for those who run it, it’ll just be more work than a good thing.
Awesome stuff though man on these suggestions. I love seeing this stuff and being part of good conversations to make the league a better place! @studentized