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Posts posted by Dil

  1. Applying as Team Europes’s GM. I’d like to expand my reach and try something at the world stage. I have experience being Oslo’s AGM and this would be a great way to get some more experience. (Also any other team is fine but Europe is first)

  2. 44 minutes ago, BladeMaiden said:

    Nicest for He’s Done for A Fan: This one time I spent a day with this make a wish kid named Dil @DilIsPickle, he was pretty cool and we had a load of fun. Rhett Stoffiday told a Different version of the story saying “Good lord, He took Dil to McDonald's and ditched him in the ball pit...I was there”

    I was scarred. So many colours. So many balls.

  3. 1. I like wingers since they get to focus on other sides of the game rather than spend tons of time working on face offs. The tpe centres spend on face offs I can use on scoring and other things.


    2. Yeah I really don’t care about my contract. To be honest I didn’t read what it was I just signed it.


    3. Jasper Conmore obviously. The guys got rock hard abs.


    4. Elias dahlberg. He’s a pylon


    5. Darude Sandstorm


    7. Yeah. As long as I get to play.

  4. December 14,  2018. Oslo, Norway


    I was asked to get an interview with @Trifecta prior to the VHLM dispersal draft. We were 2 days before the draft. I was hoping he wouldn’t be too busy since I had cut it quite close.


    *Knocks On Office Door*


    Reporter: Umm. Mr. Trifecta? Are you there?


    Seems like he wasn’t in his office. So I headed over across the hall to his Assistant GM’s office.


    Reporter: Hello Mr. Pickle. I was just uh wondering if you could tell me where I could find Trifecta?


    Mr. Pickle: Uhhh. I think he went out for lunch or something. Now if you could please leave I need to make a few phone calls.


    As I was leaving I took a look at my watch. 7:30am. Who in the right mind has lunch at 7:30 in the morning. Unless. He wasn’t having lunch...


    I decided to do some investigation. I went over to the security room at the front of the stadium since I assumed that’s where the security camera footage would be. As I entered the room it was empty. Strange. Well actually it’s Oslo they’ve been having financial issues so probably are understaffed. I walked in and saw the security feed. I took a while going back through the footage outside his office. Trifecta had left his office at 6:00am today. After watching where he was going I noticed he didn’t leave the building. He just went into a supply closet. I fast forwarded the tape until it took me back to live feed. He was still in he closet! He must have fell or something and was stuck in there. I immediately left to go help him. Once I reached the closet I opened the door. And there he lay. Asleep. Cans of beer, lots of chips, and some... Wait a minute. Is that... It’s f*cking Heroin. Jesus Christ Trifectas addicted to heroin. I tried to awake him to get some answers...


    Reporter: Mr. Trifecta? Sir are you okay? Do you know where you are?


    Trifecta: Huh.. Wha. What? Who the hell are you? Get the f*ck out of my office!


    Reporter: Sir this is a supply closet.


    Trifecta: You know what. Shut your mouth you piece of sh*t


    He proceeded to throw an empty beer bottle at me. I left but I had all I needed.


    December 15, 2018. Oslo, Norway


    I had to board my flight to get to the draft the following morning. As I was waiting for my flight I got a text message.


    Hey I know your a reporter. You saw me in the closet yesterday and I don’t want you publishing anything you saw. If you do I will find you, and I will f*cking eat you alive you cunt.


    Not that I’m scared or anything. I only took so long to publish this because I was busy. Nothing else.







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