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Everything posted by Dil

  2. I added them because Beaviss asked me to. He then realized it was gonna be a bunch of work and never did it.
  3. Already exists, go to player management in admin panel and tick the hof field. I think I added it like months ago but no one used it since there’s a shit ton of hof players and no one wanted to go through and click it for each of them.
  4. There’s not a no cursing rule. Unless you’re not cussing someone out or dropping slurs it’s okay
  5. Trivia should be added the portal, with the Trivia Head adding new questions to a pool of questions weekly (or whenever they have time/want to). If someone wants to do trivia, they can go to it on the portal, get two random questions from the pool that week, submit, and get automatically graded + given the TPE
  6. Diljodh Starload, my first VHL player, had a pretty alright career. Despite only playing 5 VHL seasons (due to an early retirement and an extra VHLM season) Starload managed to pick himself up some hardware. After his switching to defense in mid-S68, Starload's numbers picked up quite a bit. In S69, Starload put up a pretty good 18 goals and 67 assists for 85 points. This statline was enough to win him both the Alexander Beketov and Alexander Valiq trophies for being the VHL assists leader and top offensive defenceman. Looking back, his stats weren't that bad and I shouldn't have retired him, seeing he had just picked up producing points. Hindsight is 20/20. Despite not being anything more than pretty good, Starload does have one pretty cool and unique trait... he is the only player to have ever won every award named after an Alexander. Currently, the VHL and VHLM have three awards named after various Alexanders, the Beketov, Valiq, and Chershenko. We've already gone over how he picked up both the Beketov and Valiq together in S69, so let's now see how he managed to pickup the Chershenko. The Alexander Chershenko trophy is awarded to the top VHLM goal scorer every season. Being a goal scoring award, this award is primarily won by forwards (ironically, it was won by Alexander Beketov in S5 for a staggering 108 goals). What makes this feat unique is the Valiq is an award for defenseman, and the Beketov can go either way, meaning it is very difficult for one player to win all three awards. The best way to do this is to start as a forward in the VHLM, win the Chershenko, switch to a defenceman in the VHL, and with the Beketov and Valiq, all things that Starload did. Whereas accomplishing this feat wasn't really a goal, in fact I wouldn't have even noticed if @Victor hadn't pointed it out, It is a pretty cool thing to have to my player's name. After a pretty whatever career at the least he can this really niche and unimportant statistic and feat. Like I said earlier, I probably shouldn't have retired Starload right after he won two awards since he could have contested for more in the next few seasons (And by stealing some spotlight and splitting awards could have stopped that stinky Werbenjagermanjensen from getting into the HOF @Fire Vigneault ). Two more seasons of being good would have changed my opinions on the success of Starload's career. This of course wasn't very likely because depreciation would have hit the ol' Starload like a truck over the next two seasons. As I'm writing this, I just remembered another weird thing about Starload. There was one point in (i think) S68 where Starload had a cap hit of $7.5mill, which is I think the highest ever. This was pretty short-lived though since the $2mill bonus I had gotten from Bush put us over the cap and Josh had to readjust me down to $6.5mill. Anyways, another pretty cool feat from a pretty decent player.
  7. Literally everytime I make a player card for vhl.com GFX I always think how cool it would be for VHL trading cards, have a new set of cards every seasons including rookie cards etc
  8. Jubs, I love you dude but absolutely not please….
  9. Lol they aren’t grading this, just your looking for your suggestions. You’re good.
  10. 1. Add VHFL to portal, would make it so much easier to see all available players like the draft page 2. Diversify in the youtubers used to make VHL ads, stop using thrasher every time because its easy. There is no point in doing with the same youtuber unless there is an event like a game launch which will add onto their viewer base because you will just be showing the ad to about the same x number of people again and again 3. Make jersey numbers a thing, even if its not an option in STHS it adds more flavor and retired numbers actually take effect 4. Re-locate Moscow to Mumbai
  11. If you use your phone or tablet, check out picsart app, I used it when I first joined too
  12. wtf mom how are you gonna feed me now
  13. Alternate Title: STHS is broken. Here's Why!
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