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Everything posted by Dil

  1. not interested, thanks for the offer though
  2. Dil

    Jaromir Jagr

    Ola Vikingstad - Scoring
  3. josh steals candy from babies
  4. hold on, you're telling me @gorlab caused actual change? are pigs flying yet?
  5. Check Out The TFC:


  6. I actually have some proof that bek rigs the sims. About 3 seasons ago.. hold on there’s someone at my door. Let me just go and che-
  7. 1. New knees,these ones are getting too old to skate on 2. Definitely more issues... 3. Yes I can wait to check penguins 4. If Jubo keeps refusing to pay me, I’ll have to consider all my options.... 6. I think hockey would be very confusing/scary in space. What happens if you check someone too hard and you float out into space 11. I think insanity brings less sanity and that’s about it
  8. Dil

    Games: 332-350

    @Beketovwanna stop being insane so I can win something? thx
  9. Dude this is gold also hairline go brrrrrrrrrrr i love you
  10. Not good with the words but here’s a clusterfuck of pings @Beaviss @Josh @tfong @Jubo07 @eaglesfan0366 @Bushito @GustavMattias @Renomitsu @.sniffuM @fonziGG @BladeMaiden @Riley_Couture @dylanjj37 @Big Bob @DollarAndADream @Blazzer
  11. Welcome aboard! My name is Dil, I am the General Manager for the Halifax 21st. I can offer you middle 6 minutes on our roster for the remainder of the season! If you’d like to join, hit quote and say accept!
  12. Welcome aboard! My name is Dil, I am the General Manager for the Halifax 21st. I can offer you middle 6 minutes on our roster for the remainder of the season! If you’d like to join, hit quote and say accept!
  13. Halifax Has A Top 6 position for you!!! If you’d like to join us, hit the quote button and say accept
  14. had me a little confused at first tbh
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