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Everything posted by Dil

  1. I feel like this would end badly which is why they should do it
  2. Review almost as long as the media spot yeesh look at you
  3. Hello fellow VHLers, it is I, Dil. I haven’t done one of these in a while, seeing as graphics are easier and more fun but I have yet again left it to the last day and I don’t have my computer and it’s painful to make graphics on ipad. Random Thing #1: All star game All Star games used to be pretty fun to watch back when ol beav did them, but they haven’t been done the past few seasons. I guess the new recruitment head, @MexicanCow123, believes it’s not worth doing since it’s very time consuming and not many people watch it. Where I understand how time consuming it is, it was very well received and had a fairly good viewership. Mr Cow did do it for a couple seasons I believe, but stopped after seeing there wasn’t people who cared. My issue with that is… no one knew it was happening… Stuff like this requires a bit of advertisement so people actually know it’s happening. Plus, when all else fails the good ol @members will do all the hard work . What would make it a whole lot easier though is if EA allowed sharing roster files so multiple people could edit them… Random Thing #2: Player store Another random idea that kinda has to do with EA NHL games. NHL 21, as lacking in content that it is, has added one really cool feature in their be a pro mode where your player can use their contract money to purchase things like cars, houses, and other items that provide you with certain stat boosts and sometimes debuffs to balance the upgrades. Adding things like this to our Vhl player store would not only add more options there, but make players actually want to negotiate for bigger contracts and have that become an actual part of the VHL. Not to mention that it’s pretty cool. Random Thing #3: Contracts Piggybacking off of the last thing, one thing I dislike is how the whole contract negotiation part of the experience is completely ignored in the VHL. How negotiations usually work is, the GM sends the player a minimum contract, and the player accepts it. This happens because there is no motivation or real gain to having a good contract. If salary brackets weren’t a thing, everyone would be making like 1.5mill or whatever is the base amount… People usually respond to this take with things about how depreciation is there and how you need money for that, but as long as you claim actively your automatic salary bracket boost will get you very close to being afford everything you need… Adding more things to the player store and adding more things to use money on will actually make people negotiate. Hopefully. And that concludes my random thoughts for this week. Hopefully I actually take the time to do a graphic next week somI don’t have write this thing again next week. Anyways, good bye. I love beaviss, please come back daddy.
  4. Posting again cuz I cba to find my original reply
  5. By community they mean like it’s a community voting to rank them like a normal power ranking methinks
  6. Wrote a script to scrape giveaways/takeaways from the play-by-plays. Before you go "Oh BuT DiL ThEsE ArE So HiGH aNd uNreALisTiC StAtS ThErE MuST bE A MiSTaKe!!>!!!>!>!!@", I opened up 3 random games and searched for the word "intercept" to see how many intercepted passes there were and: In STHS simulations, there are around 250 pass interceptions ALONE. That's around 250 giveaways/takeaways per game just from interceptions, not even including hits and puck fumbles... Blame Simon Anyways, here are the results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NWO_KB3u_6JEB2HuS-BMCTQHmlLhzcVJuCG3T_pRTt8/edit?usp=sharing
  7. bro just hire me wtf u doing
  8. Fuck your questions hire me
  9. One more person to talk to about Indian expansion team……
  10. Didn’t look at stats, voted for sonnet because sonnet
  11. Very interested, hire me!
  12. 1400 1100 and then on the ground somewhere you should see a staircase going down. Follow it and the cobble blocks and it’ll take you there
  13. 1. S64 with the Las Vegas Aces!! 2. Definitely the season where Vikingstad had 50+ goals and 110+ points 3. Starload’s final season he won the Valiq and Beketov 4. I took an extra season in the M, so 2 for Starload 5. New Member Guide 6. If only if only :sadge:
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