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Everything posted by Dil

  1. Welcome to the 2nd Episode of the DilCast! In this episode of the greatest podcast in the history of the Victory Hockey League, me and @Moonplay rocket league and chat shit about various VHLM GMs! Just joking, I get Moon to give A+ -> F rating to the trading abilities/skills of the current @VHLM GMs!
  2. Don’t talk to Bek anymore, he just tells me to Fuck Off
  3. Haha I just launched up OBS and hit start recording. Learned after I uploaded that for games like this that involve a lot of motion I should update my bitrate. I’ll have to tweak around for next time if the game involves motion like this.
  4. Also… awful quality recording, I did not know what bitrate was
  5. Hello People & Jardy, welcome to the first episode of the DilCast! In this podcast series, I will be randomly chatting with various VHL members while we play a mutual game! In the first episode, me and @eaglesfan0366play some Rocket League & talk about random bullshit! In particular, I get eagles to give a A+ -> F ranking to various prominent VHL members! I would ping people mentioned in this video but the list would get pretty long...
  6. Not interested, please stop offering me this job
  7. Dil

    Ban Thread

    User @Nothing but goals has received a 2 Week TPE Ban (Dec 27-Jan 9) for a violation of the VHL Code of Conduct (Section 1.2). User was found to have created and used multiple accounts/players. In addition to the TPE ban, all of the other accounts, @Thegoat, @Therealgoat, and @Mia Khalifa, have permanently been banned.
  8. Dil

    Ban Thread

    User @Alexandrehas received a 3 Week TPE Ban (Dec 27-Jan 16) for violations of the VHL Code of Conduct (Section 1.2). User was found to have created and used multiple accounts/players. In addition to the TPE ban, the following accounts have been banned: @Jacksparrow @Cruze @Thatsurfdude @Sharky @Collusion @Grosgars
  9. Dil

    Ban Thread

    User @Kachur has been permanently banned for creating a fake charity auction item and essentially conning a member along with various violations of the VHL Code of Conduct. In particular: Section 1.2, user was found to have created and used multiple accounts/players ( @Horcrux & @Horvat98 ), who have also been banned. Section 1.5, user on various occasions made unprovoked antagonizing comments and generally caused unnecessary, drama-provoking, discussions. Section 1.4, user admitted to attempting to bait another user into violating the Code of Conduct.
  10. Zoo Tycoon 2: Ultimate Collection stream by Beketov makes Dil a very happy boy!
  11. https://store.steampowered.com/app/873180/__1000_Stages__Adventure/ I suggest this $170, extremely boring, platformer with 1000 levels.
  12. Dil

    Ban Thread

    User @Is_thatok has received a 2 Week TPE Ban (Dec 20-Jan 2) for a violation of the VHL Code of Conduct (Section 1.2). User was found to have created and used multiple accounts/players. In addition to the TPE ban, both of the other accounts, @Turnip67 & @Russianmenice, have been permanently banned.
  13. I’m being forced to do this. Do not choose to do it willingly.
  14. 20869075203639369 $22 = $20 for cow stream + $2 for d_a stream
  15. We've been twying to weach you concewning youw vehicwe's extended wawwanty. You shouwd've weceived a notice in the maiw about youw caw's extended wawwanty ewigibiwity. Since we've not gotten wesponse, we'we giving you a finaw couwtesy caww befowe we cwose out youw fiwe. Pwess 2 to be wemoved and pwaced on ouw do-not-caww wist. To speak to someone about possibwy extending ow weinstating youw vehicwe's wawwanty, pwess 1 to speak with a wawwanty speciawist.
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