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Everything posted by InstantRockstar

  1. @MexicanCow123 you have certainly come a long way, and you were amazing to have as an AGM. You will always be the OG AGM and I am proud to see the accomplishments you made throughout the league. Very unfortunate that you had to make a rough decision because I know how much you love being a GM, and most can attest that Yukon has been what it has because of you and the great work from @fromtheinside too. Great combo.
  2. Can't say I seen this coming. Unfortunate to hear how your experience here has dwindled and everything. I'm surprised honestly I haven't burnt out myself but thankfully I have taken breaks here and there to avoid it from happening long term. Was a pleasure playing under you as GM, obviously idk what happens there, but in respect to this resignation, congratulations on the tenure. Really unfortunate to lose a good one.
  3. I can respect the mindset, 100% I do kinda feel the same way. That being said my goal *was* to get into the VHL and GM there, however after both times of unfortunately missing out on the opportunities, I couldn't resist trying to get to come back and this was the perfect opportunity to go back in. I likely wouldn't have even stepped down if I thought there was 0 possibility of me moving up, but I got proven wrong.
  4. only cause you asked so nicely lamb.
  5. and you with Mexico! Don't crush me too bad.
  6. I apply, my background is pretty well-known in the GM world and I have nothing better to do. Yeah. DM if needed.
  7. I would like to apply for this job. I believe my knowledge of what happens under the VHL "hood" from day to day will give me the experience needed for this position. I understand where the fine line needs to be drawn for hard to have conversations and I've made a fine improvement myself in improving my own character and personality, etc. I know I'll have the time since I work from home and can easily monitor the chat/pings as needed. I have worked in management and now am my own business owner, basically since I was 17 I've been in some form or role of management within Retail/Business.
  8. @Jubis unfortunate to see you step down, I feel like your moves as of recent were gonna make Calgary huge for a long time coming. Hopefully your successor can keep up the excellent work. Take care of yourself, coming from me who knows how hard life can be sometimes, personal ALWAYS comes over virtual >>> great GMing career.
  9. A few seasons ago, Leveque only had one thing on his mind...where was he going to play in the minors? It was such an innocent time for him, he had little to no worries, he was happy just having little worry and little concern, and when he landed in the lap of his agents team, San Diego, things just seemed to click. He ended up becoming one of the most dominant forces for that team, winning himself a few individual awards and helping the team make the semi-finals in his final year on the team. After graduating, like many rookies, the uncertainty kicked in. Was he going to be good enough? Was he going to be able to find that same groove in the major leagues? Was his GM going to think the same of him if he didn't? Thankfully, Leveque's agent knew the GM quite well, the two went way back, as @Banackock was his boss prior to moving on from the job and the two have always had good talks. With this momentum and good vibes going into his rookie season, Leveque was able to really put on quite a show early on, and while the pace slowed down a bit, the mentality and the fun he had is unforgettable with this team. So what is it like now being a non-rookie on the team? Honestly... exactly the same. Leveque still has his own set of standards he holds himself to, and he was recently assigned to become the teams assistant captain. The Seattle Bears are much more than a team, they are a family. The amount of time spent with the team is almost more than some of the players spend with their actual families, so a lot of us are very close. No single person is looked at solely for pressure situations or anything of the such ,we all pull our weight, our input is acknowledged, our feedback too, and the GM and coaching staff really come together to make the train work. Overall, this is an excellent place to be, the presence that Leveque brings is just bring there, being active, being present and offering advice where he can, if there is room to improve, he will voice his opinion, and thankfully since the locker room is a safe place, he is never judged for his recommendations, they are validated and not just pushed away. This speaks wonders on the team, and Leveque is loving every single second of it.
  10. 35. @Phil THE ROCK JOHNSON finally got on the board with a Goal + Assist + Point. They lost, but still took him out to celebrate. What did the team and him do? He made them smell what he was cooking... the team just watched in awe. 36. What is something good that's happened to you in 2021 so far? I got @gregreg back on the team, so the universe is back to being aligned. 37. What is something you're looking forward to in 2021? Just continuing to have fun here, engage with my teammates, make new friends, and so on. 38. Valentine's Day is coming up.. Who is your VHL sweetheart? Why? Are you brave enough to tag them? @gregreg tagged me and it's only right I tag him back, mans the do or die here. 39. What are your thoughts on the Bears season so far? I'm happy with it, performance is good, team is active and good, we're having lots of laughs, lots of love, lots of fight in us. 40. How much does Randy Marsh @oilmandan pay for rent in the penalty box? Nothing, we pay him to be there
  11. Lucifer Olivier Leveque is showing off his skills each and every game, as one of the most dominant defenders in the league. Just shy of being in the top 10 already, just in his second year in the league, and Leveque is showing just why you do not sleep on him. But outside of his dominance, he is a very personable person too. Leveque is a go out and live life type of person, he likes to live in the moment, be in the moment, and most importantly, have fun. Leveque is a prankster as well, and is quite frequently pranking his teammates, coaching staff and so on. But everyone seems to take it in good stride, no one seems to hold a grudge and everyone seems to enjoy one another's company, so this is good. With so many years left in the league, this is just the shorter part of his career, Leveque is looking to improve immediately ASAP, the sooner the better. Getting over a point per game pace as a defender is his goal, but we shall see if he can achieve it.
  12. Very interested. Resume is quite extensive, knowledge is there, I am READY for this. I apply
  13. @FrostBeard you know our history together both as VHLM GM's and our small time together while you were on San Diego. One of my favorite members here, you're an awesome addition to this league and I am saddened to see you step down. Best of luck to you with everything
  14. 19. Predict the Bears record at the end of the 72 game regular season. 50-20-2 20. Predict your players offensive stats at the end of the 72 game regular season (VHL or M) 12-33-45 21. Who will be the Bears biggest player this up and coming season? Greg 22. Predict who you think will be the league MVP? Likely going to be anyone on Seattle cause DA BEARZ 23. Which goalie will reign supreme and be goalie of the year? Let's go with Victor cause I'm bias 24. What team will make the finals from the EU? Why? Helsinki, just a hunch 25. What team will make the finals from the NA? Why? Us, because I'm confident.
  15. Last season, Leveque began about as 'hot' as he has this season. Despite being a bit cold in the last 2 sims, Leveque is averaging quite high with points and as a defender, that's quite a good thing. That being said, where does he go from here? As Leveque see's it? Only up. "When I come to practice, I put all my effort into it, no half-ass, no nothing, I am here to compete, I am here to win, I love where I am and I love the team around me, so not only am I giving it my all for me, I'm giving it my all for them too." When it came to asking Leveque's agent what he thought about Seattle's recent trade, and how it would affect his client, he had this to say: "Seattle GM @Banackock has a good head on his shoulders, and when he traded @gregreg originally, I was very disappointed. Greg and I go way back, and have a huge history with Seattle, so to see him go was hearbreaking, however to have him back is like mending the pieces back together and really filling that void Seattle had on the offense. Now we're back together, our clients are back together, and we both know what's going to happen, long term you're going to see these guys with championships hoisted, and possibly an HOF nod, who knows..." More to come from these two and the Seattle squad.
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