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Everything posted by InstantRockstar

  1. @Kyle no copy and paste pitch, no bs. I am the GM of San Diego, I'd like to believe I have a good roster, a fun roster and a good LR with a lot of great people I think you'll get along with. I'd be happy to give you tons of playing time, even more when you earn more TPE, and we'll make sure you're treated good here. Come join us for a cup run we'll make it enjoyable every step.
  2. Hey @Quik Sorry I'm working but trying to get out offers lol. As you know I am the GM of San Diego, I'd love to offer you top 6 mins on a strictly competitive team. We have a super active and fun LR, you can come join the likes of flyersfan, esso, eno as well as guys like dtyal, ok and steve, many of our roster is active and we're just looking to purely dominate the competition. Wanna have fun and win a 'ship? Come to San Diego.
  3. hey @Banackock You know how much I miss you in the VHLM, so lets bring back the fun connection and bring you to San Diego? I have a pretty damn good roster after the draft but I am always trying to improve. I can guarantee you top 6 minutes with PP and PK time as you earn more TPE. You will join one of the more stacked teams right away and help us win a championship!
  4. 1. How do you feel we did in the draft? - I am bias as I did the drafting but I felt like it went smooth overall, some rocky situations I would've liked to now avoid but overall a very successful and well-rounded draft. 2. If you are a newcomer to the squad, what do you look forward to doing most? If you are a veteran, how do you feel to play along side of the new draftees? - I am looking forward to just growing with the core, it's a rare case that you are a GM with your own player on the team so I just look forward to the experience of it all. 3. Which is more important: Ice Time or Success? - Success for me, at both the GM and player level. I'm planning to play myself less minutes to give others the opportunity to experience max minutes and hopefully have some fun this season. 4. What is your pre-game workout routine? - Can never go wrong with an ice bath, I do it before every game with enough time to get ready. I like to shock the system before each game. 5. Are you excited for what might happen next season? - Always hyped and excited, going to be a very fun season. 6. Will we be a contender or rebuilding next season? - With next to no picks, it'll be unlikely we compete, I'll do my best to do it but likely going to be a turnover year.
  5. I've been here a long time on and off, and this birthday for the VHL just reminds me even more of how fucking old I am. I started back here when I wasn't even an adult, now I've grown my whole life, grown into a way better person and overall had so many memorable experiences here in my current run in the league. It's been a blast
  6. My intentions were never to profit on taking him. If you’d like to know instead of assuming please just ask I’d love to clarify then live under false accusations
  7. Welcome @DirtyDerek! we here in San Diego just came out of a massive draft and we’d love to continue adding quality players to the dream team i can offer 3rd line mins for the time being on a deep team and a shot at glory. quote to accept
  8. https://efl.network/forums/index.php?/topic/15974-fastest-qb/ +6
  9. On average, how many times a week do you hurt yourself trying to dance in the shower? When You Dance In the Team shower are you dancing alone? Or is it a team effort? I would say I hurt myself quite often, gotta really get into it, y'know. Always a solo performance, this is not a 'for the boys' moment... What’s the most money you’ve ever drunkenly spent at McDonald’s? What did you get? Not so much the money spent, but the quantity of the order. I ordered the whole $1 menu which was quite a lot of food, didn't cost much but was damn good. On a scale of 1 to 10, how intolerable do you find players that post their entire lives on their insta ? 8/10, would not recommend. People don't need to know my whole life unless I want them to, and I don't care for them to. Some things are meant to be private How many bowls of cereal do you eat every single day and why aren’t you eating more? Not huge on cereal for the most part, a bowl here or there but not something I eat daily. Who on your team would you let punch you directly in the face no questions asked? Anyone, cause yolo right, they want to punch someone, go for it. But shot for shot, right? How many days have you gone without showering? Did people notice? You tell me, do I smell like roses or a toilet bowl after Taco Bell?
  10. @TsarBrick I am on my phone so sorry for the short intro. I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins. We are unfortunately not in the position of playoffs, but if you want to come join a fun and active LR and play a lot of minutes, come join us and have a great time!!
  11. I'm very happy that this has opened up, really love the concept. Experience: Multi-year irl sim leaguer Multi-time VHL and VHLM GM Current tenured SDM GM Made the playoffs every season prior, since our expansion year (yes, even during our expansion year I made it) Always embraced what it takes to be a VHLM GM (hard working, dedicated, fun and reliable for the new recruits) I always reminisce about all the people I see in the VHL that I have had the honor of having on my team, so I'd love the opportunity to join the VHL GM ranks. We can always talk more if anything else is needed credential/clarification wise.
  12. hey @d3vilsfire I totally forgot you were here way back when. Its EHM Rockstar! Haha. My team isn't a cup contender in the slightest, but I can give you max mins if you want 'em just to play a lot. Otherwise good luck on one of the more competitive teams
  13. new guy, didn't donate b4, here we go. Receipt No:2990-5542-3628-0996 5 TPE Doubles Week free Week
  14. I second this. If you wanna just get max mins, come to us
  15. @BladeMaidensuper happy to see you gave this place another shot I doubt you'll come to San Diego nor do I expect it, but we'll offer the usual top minutes, all minutes, and a fun, active LR. If you want to compete, don't come to us haha, I think we're already eliminated from POs!
  16. @fonziGG I am not competing in San Diego, but if you want top line mins and just to pad stats, come join us
  17. When Viktor Mjers entered the league, his goals and aspirations were to be like his grandfather, Radislav Mjers. Unfortunately, when push came to shove, Mjers was shoved and decided he was fed up with the VHLM and going to train with his grandfather back home in Russia. Now left with no client, iRockstar had to go find himself the new 'guy' that would progress through the league and make sure to do all of his duties to become the best he possibly can be. With that being said, Rockstar went out and found just the guy. Lucifer Olivier Leveque, a French-Canadian player has now joined the league and yes, his name spells LOL but when he's on the ice, he'll prove that he is no joke. Leveque has been compared to a young Tyler Myers or Aaron Ekblad, a stocky frame and not afraid to use it, with a very hard slapshot and scary accuracy. His defensive game is up there with some of the greats as well, learning very early on in his career how to ensure he shuts down any of the opposing players as they gain access to his zone. Leveque quickly and eagerly signed with Las Vegas, but was not able to be reached for comments at this time, once we get the scoop, we'll keep you in the loop!
  18. 1. Do you guys think @Spartan is doing a good job as GM? Blink twice if you are being held at gunpoint. - I am new *blink blink*, not too sure how good or bad of a job he's doing, but I guess I'll learn. LVA is high up in the standings so I mean something is being done right haha. 2. VHL's Pride month is in full swing now. What do you think of the logos for the various teams? - Honestly love them, they look great. I am really happy that the league chose to stand in solidarity for the cause and it's awesome to see all the neat logo concepts. 3. We raised an incredible amount of money for our BLM charity drive. How do you feel about the charities chosen to receive the money? - Again really impressed and really happy about it. The money raised just blew me away, and the charities chosen are exceptional. 4. What are your goals for the team as we near the playoffs? - I am going to be a late bloomer, so with that being said, I am just going to work my ass off to make sure my player is compliant and good to go come playoffs, where I will make the most impact. 5. Have you used our wonderful in-house casino? If not, why haven't you gambled away all of your salary back to the team...erm I mean won? - I am an addict, don't let me go there man! 6. Have you talked to our new AGM twists? If not leave a friendly hello! - I have not yet, I will make sure to drop a friendly hello!
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