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Posts posted by InstantRockstar

  1. 1 minute ago, Quik said:

    @VHLM Commissioner @VHLM GM


    Just an update on the portal side:


    When I created the draft picks for Philly and Houston last season, by mistake, I gave them 7 rounds of picks instead of 4. In order to easily add rounds to the draft, I need to delete these extra picks. Houston owned all their picks in round 5-7 in both drafts, which made it easy. Philadelphia traded 3 of theirs, so the teams owning them will notice they're missing, but as soon as I populate the draft, I will return them to their correct teams (LV owns PHI S66 5th & S67 7th, while HFX owns S66 PHI 6th).


    @Banackock / @diamond_ace, let me know exactly how many rounds you want, and as soon as I have that, I can create the draft room for you guys.

    the real MVP. 

  2. After two seasons in the VHLM, both where Denver Wolfe had won a championship with his minor league franchise, it's finally time for him to step into the pros. Wolfe has only known winning ways, as previously mentioned he is a two time champion, winning once with Las Vegas, another with Minnesota these past playoffs and because of this, his winning mentality will hopefully help shape the young and futuristic core of the Wolves. When asked about how he feels about his pro team, he had this to say: 


    Some people in my position would be scared, nervous and maybe even feel a little...off because of the whole situation, but when you're put in a predicament you cannot control, in my case I just choose to ignore it, move past it and try as best I can to be the impact player my team needs me to be. Yeah, I know I am going into the pros behind these guys who have been training their whole careers to be winners, but it doesn't mean I can't try, and that's what I'm going to do. Vancouver took a shot on me, and I'm happy to repay them the favor with my efforts. Only time will tell just how good I'll be in the pros. 

  3. 1. What do you feel went wrong this season? - I was not on the team

    2. What do you feel went right? - We lost because I wasn't on the team

    3. What's the plan for next season? - I'll be on the team...

    4. What are you expectations for the upcoming off-season (league wise)? - Hopefully Beaviss adds to us so we can become superior

    5. Thoughts on the playoffs so far? - They were great, really down to the wire. 

  4. On 4/15/2019 at 5:44 PM, BOOM™ said:

    I've done it as well, so it's not a criticism, but was there a reason you used an alias? And did you apply for the role under the alias, or was VHLM management aware that you were IR? 


    Either way, good luck to you. 

    sorry for late reply, I used an alias to escape my past as IR, however all management was aware I am IR prior to making their decision. 

  5. Hello there @Ackiehl72,


    My name is Zack, username on site is InstantRockstar (IR for short) and I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins, an expansion team just introduced to the league coming this off-season. At the moment, we're currently in playoff hockey, which could come to a close soon, and because of when you've created, you'll be entered into the upcoming VHLM draft. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesistate to ask myself or anyone else for that matter, and if you have discord, please come join us and talk to everyone, get acquainted with them.



  6. Hello there @mmarcoux98,


    My name is Zack, username on site is InstantRockstar (IR for short) and I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins, an expansion team just introduced to the league coming this off-season. At the moment, we're currently in playoff hockey, which could come to a close soon, and because of when you've created, you'll be entered into the upcoming VHLM draft. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesistate to ask myself or anyone else for that matter, and if you have discord, please come join us and talk to everyone, get acquainted with them.



  7. Hello there @No_Dangles,


    My name is Zack, username on site is InstantRockstar (IR for short) and I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins, an expansion team just introduced to the league coming this off-season. At the moment, we're currently in playoff hockey, which could come to a close soon, and because of when you've created, you'll be entered into the upcoming VHLM draft. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesistate to ask myself or anyone else for that matter, and if you have discord, please come join us and talk to everyone, get acquainted with them.



  8. Hello there @Gifford,


    My name is Zack, username on site is InstantRockstar (IR for short) and I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins, an expansion team just introduced to the league coming this off-season. At the moment, we're currently in playoff hockey, which could come to a close soon, and because of when you've created, you'll be entered into the upcoming VHLM draft. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesistate to ask myself or anyone else for that matter, and if you have discord, please come join us and talk to everyone, get acquainted with them.



  9. Hello there @Kootscoot,


    My name is Zack, username on site is InstantRockstar (IR for short) and I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins, an expansion team just introduced to the league coming this off-season. At the moment, we're currently in playoff hockey, which could come to a close soon, and because of when you've created, you'll be entered into the upcoming VHLM draft. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesistate to ask myself or anyone else for that matter, and if you have discord, please come join us and talk to everyone, get acquainted with them.



  10. Hello there @Luke Smartnick,


    My name is Zack, username on site is InstantRockstar (IR for short) and I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins, an expansion team just introduced to the league coming this off-season. At the moment, we're currently in playoff hockey, which could come to a close soon, and because of when you've created, you'll be entered into the upcoming VHLM draft. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesistate to ask myself or anyone else for that matter, and if you have discord, please come join us and talk to everyone, get acquainted with them.



  11. Hello there @WalkerBoh,


    My name is Zack, username on site is InstantRockstar (IR for short) and I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins, an expansion team just introduced to the league coming this off-season. At the moment, we're currently in playoff hockey, which could come to a close soon, and because of when you've created, you'll be entered into the upcoming VHLM draft. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesistate to ask myself or anyone else for that matter, and if you have discord, please come join us and talk to everyone, get acquainted with them.



  12. Hello there @TylorSchofield,


    My name is Zack, username on site is InstantRockstar (IR for short) and I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins, an expansion team just introduced to the league coming this off-season. At the moment, we're currently in playoff hockey, which could come to a close soon, and because of when you've created, you'll be entered into the upcoming VHLM draft. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesistate to ask myself or anyone else for that matter, and if you have discord, please come join us and talk to everyone, get acquainted with them.



  13. Hello there @xsjack,


    My name is Zack, username on site is InstantRockstar (IR for short) and I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins, an expansion team just introduced to the league coming this off-season. At the moment, we're currently in playoff hockey, which could come to a close soon, and because of when you've created, you'll be entered into the upcoming VHLM draft. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesistate to ask myself or anyone else for that matter, and if you have discord, please come join us and talk to everyone, get acquainted with them.



  14. Hello there @PutMeInCoach


    My name is Zack, username on site is InstantRockstar (IR for short) and I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins, an expansion team just introduced to the league coming this off-season. At the moment, we're currently in playoff hockey, which could come to a close soon, and because of when you've created, you'll be entered into the upcoming VHLM draft. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesistate to ask myself or anyone else for that matter, and if you have discord, please come join us and talk to everyone, get acquainted with them.



  15. Hello there,


    My name is Zack, username on site is InstantRockstar (IR for short) and I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins, an expansion team just introduced to the league coming this off-season. At the moment, we're currently in playoff hockey, which could come to a close soon, and because of when you've created, you'll be entered into the upcoming VHLM draft. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesistate to ask myself or anyone else for that matter, and if you have discord, please come join us and talk to everyone, get acquainted with them.



  16. 1 minute ago, FakeJenton said:

    Thanks! I was on the pens subreddit and Spade had made a post about the upcoming draft. Seeing as how the Pens took an early bow out of the playoffs this year this looks like an awesome way to take care of my hockey itch for the long off season. If there's any recommendations or anything you think I should do to make my experience better please don't hesitate to let me know!  

    I think for now it's just get familiar with the site, associate and such in discord just for any questions, and just have fun :) we'll get you through the process, you've got a lot of helpful people on this site. 

  17. Hello there,


    My name is Zack, username on site is InstantRockstar (IR for short) and I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins, an expansion team just introduced to the league coming this off-season. At the moment, we're currently in playoff hockey, which could come to a close soon, and because of when you've created, you'll be entered into the upcoming VHLM draft. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesistate to ask myself or anyone else for that matter, and if you have discord, please come join us and talk to everyone, get acquainted with them.



  18. Hello there,


    My name is Zack, username on site is InstantRockstar (IR for short) and I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins, an expansion team just introduced to the league coming this off-season. At the moment, we're currently in playoff hockey, which could come to a close soon, and because of when you've created, you'll be entered into the upcoming VHLM draft. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesistate to ask myself or anyone else for that matter, and if you have discord, please come join us and talk to everyone, get acquainted with them.



  19. Hello there,


    My name is Zack, username on site is InstantRockstar (IR for short) and I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins, an expansion team just introduced to the league coming this off-season. At the moment, we're currently in playoff hockey, which could come to a close soon, and because of when you've created, you'll be entered into the upcoming VHLM draft. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesistate to ask myself or anyone else for that matter, and if you have discord, please come join us and talk to everyone, get acquainted with them.



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