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Posts posted by InstantRockstar

  1. @Strooper99 welcome to the VHL! 


    Glad to see you accepted our offer to join the Marlins! I'm the GM of the franchise, I've sent you an offer on our portal (should show up anytime now in your notifications, I'll also grab you a link to our locker room on discord (if you use it). If not, we have an LR on site you can use too :)

  2. While it could be short lived, the information is right there, the San Diego Marlins are a top three team in the league. When the season began, and these expansion teams were announced, everyone had the same two reactions...


    Oh good, another set of expansion teams 


    These expansion teams going to suck as much as year one Philly...


    And while the season is young, and again as mentioned, things can change quickly, the Marlins have been the expansion team to beat. They currently are number three behind Philly and Ottawa who were always talked about as top competing teams. What shocked everyone most is the sudden and odd decline of the Saskatoon Wild who were poised coming out of the draft as one of the strongest and most depth-filled teams in the league, however it's showing that anything can happen. 


    Obviously the Marlins are excited to take and make strides to continue their skill in the league. In their last 10, they've been 7-3-0 with a five game win-streak that sprung them above their competition. If they can have another lucky streak like that, there is no telling where they end up come playoff time. 

  3. 1. If you were a new draftee, is this the team that you were hoping to join? If not a new draftee, is this the team you were/are hoping to start the season with?

    -  I am in my rookie season, previously drafted just one season prior to this, and I have to say that I am very happy here, Vancouver has been very accepting of me and I love being here. 

    2. Are you excited for the season to start? (hint: yes)

    - Season has been fun thus far, ups and downs, personal performance has been slightly stinted but because of the team success I am okay with this. . 

    3. With whom are you most excited to play this season?

    - Probably Jagger, really enjoy his build and happy to have the opportunity to play with him, hopefully some day on the same pairing. 

    4. Who's your least favorite player in the league?

    - Not going to start drama, but his name is better known for three letters rather than a full name ;)

    5. What brand have you signed with, or are hoping to sign with?

    - I am with Ferda, been with them since the last tourney and I signed a two tournament deal with them, so we will see just how that goes. 

    6. What is your personal goal for the season?

    - Just contribute honestly, in what ways I have no clue, whatever works for the team success I suppose. 

  4. Week of 5/20: 


    1. How well do you think your individual performance is going? Do you feel like it's contributing enough to the team? 

    2. Do you think San Diego can hold up being a top three team in the league, or was it a big fluke? 

    3. Do any of the Marlins surprise you based on their performance? If so, who and why? 

    4. Other than the Marlins, rank your top 3 favorite teams and why (nothing crazy, sentence or two)

    5. What could the VHLM do as "improvements" to enhance the members experience while in the minors? 

    6. Why did you choose your player render (if you have one), any meaningful significance? 

  5. On 5/14/2019 at 2:34 PM, cody73 said:

    Cody Smith 
    Player: Brett Bellemore 
    VHL/VHLM Team: You can do the Hounds or Wranglers, as although I'm playing with Missisauga, I was drafted by Calgary
    Text: Rounded, like the Jets or Canes font 
    Other: If you can get in the #73 in the pic as that's what Bellemore wore, that'd be great. 

    Thanks for doing this bro. 


  6. 1) How happy are you that you got a Hat Trick? Impressive coming from a defender... 


    2) Do you expect results to be like that fairly often, or one time thing?


    3) If you had to choose one other player to come to San Diego, who would it be and why? 


    4) Do you think San Diego is a playoff contender with their current roster? If not, what do you believe could be done to improve? 


    5) With controversy around the league lately, you seem to be quite happy in San Diego, is there anything you can say as to speak on the atmosphere in San Diego? 

  7. Hello @LeoKoz3


    welcome to the league! I’m the GM of the San Diego Marlins and I’m excited to offer you a spot on the franchise. 


    Right now we can only offer 4th line minutes with PP minutes down the road if you want it. We’re all about rewarding activity and growth so if you stick with us there is no doubt in my mind we’ll see you move up the rankings. 


    Were in competition mode mode so we’re going for the gusto. If that sounds like fun to you, quote this and accept our offer and we will get this going. 

  8. Just now, BladeMaiden said:


    I say give it back to the Champ @Jubo07 ! Give Canada a chance to be great again under a pro, plus his world  jrs record is still as undefeated. Give the newbies a challenge! Plus It's always good to throw in at least one person who knows what the heck they are doing.


    Btw I think it is messed up that it isn't public who applies, there has to be some form of transparency. 

    Jubo has tons of experience which is great, but the facts are just that, he’s been a GM and I think this experience should help those that don’t get that chance in the VHLM. No one is taking away what Jubo has done, I was on his winning team just two seasons ago. But if not Canada then I would have to hope Mexican at least gets the opportunity for another position :)



  9. 6 minutes ago, MexicanCow123 said:

    Applied for Team Canada as well @Jubo07 Would be a massive opportunity for me to learn the ropes of a GM! 

    Mexican has been a great AGM thus far and I think this opportunity would help his growth into becoming a VHLM GM some day. While he has a small grasp and understanding of what a GMs duties are, he has yet to experience it hands on. This would give him an opportunity to learn the line system and just the overall process of being a GM. Make it happen! 



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