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Posts posted by InstantRockstar

  1. San Diego has been relatively quiet this season, the odd-time they'll sign a new player to the team, but other than that they've silently been waiting for the right moments to strike and make some big moves this season, and with the deadline looming, they did just that. In total so far, they've made two big trades to hopefully add to the depth of their team and also add to the skill-power, and we're going to break them down: 



    W - Lexington Lewis

    S67 3rd Rounder

    S67 8th Rounder



    C - Balls McZehrl 


    So with the first deal, they instantly gain a promising C with a lot of upside. His rights are theirs regardless if the player remains active or not so this deal could be huge for them even moving into next season to gain another asset. For now, it improves their third and fourth line respectively as they now have a good C who can win draws and make a name for himself, all while giving up some later picks and an unfortunate inactive piece in the process. 



    C - Scotty BigShotty

    S67 2nd Rounder

    S67 4th Rounder (Ottawa)



    C - Rhys Chism


    Without speaking too much on the situation, Chism wanted out of Philly, and San Diego wanted him, it made perfect sense to pair these two teams together to make a deal as San Diego was willing to move some pieces to get him. In the end, a heartbreaking move to have to give up BigShotty who their GM is quite fond of, but improving their centers once again adding a capped C is not an easy feat and should give them some leverage moving forward. 

  2. Hey Cowboy! @CowboyinAmerica


    We go back a long way, I'm an expansion team making a huge push for the cup and we want you to help us out. We're doing fairly good this season just need to have a huge finish on the final stretch. We can offer you top 4 minutes right away and we'd love to see you grow the remainder of this season. We're the Marlins if you'd like to check us out! 


    If you do accept, just quote this and I'll get you going. 

  3. 40 minutes ago, MexicanCow123 said:

    I would love to apply! PM me with questions!

    you know I'll always back my people, and right now MC is my people, so here I am. He's been an excellent, stand-up, class-act AGM. Anytime you ask him to do something, his enthuiasm is always there, 100%. He's dedicated, driven and motivated to do more. I don't think he'd be an amazing candidate, I just simply know. From scouting the expansion and regular draft with me, to helping me WITH the draft, to crunching numbers, always being available for input and more, he's just a dynamic guy that can easily provide some much needed help for the Storm in the wake of a GM absence. I trust he'd fit in very well with the group we have, and he's very eager to make that next jump, he wants to have more control, he wants to be involved. 


    I'd also be willing to help him through the whole process, since he already knows the off-season very well after experiencing it with me, and also knows basically the role and expected guidelines of being a GM, all I'd do is just make sure to continue 'mentoring' him as I have been as an AGM and allow him to adapt, then set him free. 


    So yeah, MC is your guy, I'll stand by that 10,000%

  4. 1. How are you getting along with your line mates?

    - Linemate has been stellar, the whole team has, I am very happy with Vancouver as a whole. 


    2. Where do you see us going this season?

    - I'd like to say all the way like any team would love to see, however it depends how we close the season. After a huge start we've kind of been up and down, so we need a huge up swing to keep it going. 


    3. Favorites Teammate in the wolf pack?

    - Jagger is a good guy, I've known him even outside of the league so it was nice to see a familiar face. 


    4. Favorite team to play against.

    - I share a lot of history with the Seattle Bears, so just playing against them is a good time. 


    5. Which Player on a different team do you just love to score against?

    - HHH, we were points rivals in the VHLM and will likely be somewhat competitive towards one another the remainder of our careers. 


    6. Who has been your favorite rival this season?

    - Team wise, not sure if we have one, at least not one I care to be involved with, answer to the player is mentioned above. 


    7. How have you been progressing toward your goal?

    - I just try to add to my game weekly, put in all my practice hours, I stay active, stay happy, stay motivated and just grind. It's all I can do until things come to fruition. 


    8. Which team do you think is drop off before the season ends.

    - It's hard to say, plenty of season left for miracles to happen for some teams and for others to crumble, I would be shocked if Malmo got knocked off their high-horse but they are having a good first year so maybe them? 


    9. What is your pre-game meal?

    - Something light, maybe just a cliff bar or something with some good protein and a bit of liquids, nothing fancy or huge. 


    10. Any pre-game rituals?

    - My family is very religious so I always say a prayer before hitting the ice. 

  5. A lot of people would be fairly distraught when they see themselves slipping. It's a hard shock to the system for youngster Denver Wolfe who despite having a very poor first season in the VHLM, had one of the best ever in his second go. Transitioning from the VHLM to the VHL has become very hard, it seems for the defender who just cannot seem to get any type of a consistent streak going anymore, and it's worrisome but yet somehow Wolfe finds positivity from the whole situation, saying the following: 


    I came out the gate 9 points in 10 games, my first ten, I killed it. I've had a rocky, very rocky start since then and it's been hard, I can't lie, but to be reassured time and time again by training staff, management and teammates alike, it's a good feeling. While the personal statistics aren't the most important thing in the game of hockey, they are always nice to have, so who knows, maybe my second season in the league will be like that of the VHLM, and if that's the case, people should watch out. 


    There is still a bit of the season left to play, maybe Wolfe can turn it around to make a notch for a solid rookie but for now, he's as content as he can be with the outcome in front of him, and he's just looking towards the future. 

  6. Sup FRES! @frescoelmo 


    Nice to see you around again, awesome you're back. As you may or may not know, I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins. We do have some great activity flowing on all cylinders, we're currently a playoff team looking to continue our push. Depending on how your TPE production goes, I can see you climbing our lineups fairly fast. We'd start you on 3rd & 4th pair respectively (to give you the same amount of playtime as 2nd line gets) and then we can likely see about adding you to the PP and PK again, depending on when you climb and how quik. 


    If you wanna come make history in San Diego as a year one team, you know the drill, accept this by quoting it and we'll add you on :D

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