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Posts posted by InstantRockstar

  1. Just now, ItssYoBoiDaLegend said:

    I have been in Simulation Hockey League for quite some time now, very active looking to add in another league. If you have a Discord, that I can have you help me learn my way around VHL, I will surely stay active.

    Yes, I accept.

    Glad you're accepting, now you just need to decide which offer haha :P

  2. Welcome @ItssYoBoiDaLegend


    Awesome name, awesome username, cool build. 


    I'm the GM of the SD Marlins, year one team here just looking to make history by winning games, setting records and having fun. We're looking to win the cup in our first ever season and we'd love for you to be along for the ride. 


    We're offering third pair minutes for the time being but stay active, get those gains and I'm sure you'll climb the rankings in no time at all. If this sounds like fun to you, then just quote this saying you accept, and you'll be on your way to making history. 

  3. It's that fun time again. I feel like doing a lot of work for no reason so I can have tons of PT's done for future tasks. All I ask is you use the simple format to request: 


    Player Name: 

    Preferred Render (NHL Player): 

    VHL/VHLM Team: 

    Text Preference: 





  4. gPBJFcV.png


    @Nick Kirkpatrick welcome. 


    We're the San Diego Marlins and hear you have interest in joining us, well thankfully, I also have interest in you coming to the Marlins. We're going to be able to offer you third line minutes and with activity and growth who knows where your career will get to. 


    Quote this saying you 'accept' and we'll make it official :)

  5. Just now, Boheem said:


    Sounds fun, and I wish you good luck, but honestly, if I didn't sign on my friend's team after he begged me to join for like half a year, he'd probably never speak to me again. So, I'm going to have to go with him, sorry.

    No worries man, I don't blame you, you know its bad when your friend has to beg you to join so that his team doesn't tank eh @Thranduil


    jk, all in good fun :P enjoy the league, hopefully you can help Halifax out, Thran is a good dude 

  6. gPBJFcV.png

    Hey there @Boheem, so you're probably going to want to go with Thran because he recruited you but seriously...why? He's a great guy but you could instead come make history on San Diego. We're an expansion team meaning anything and everything you do here, is history in the making. You'll get to be the first to set records, the first to get wins, the first to get a cup here, firsts all around, so if that sounds good to you and you think you'd be a good fit for the Marlins, come join us by accepting this offer and we'll get down to business. 

  7. gPBJFcV.png

    Hey there @Viknegar and welcome to the VHL. 


    I was looking over your build and I just want to say it's a pretty stellar start, and with the right building blocks I think you'll become a very successful defenseman in this league. That being said, I am the GM of San Diego, we're an expansion team in the VHLM and I want to offer you 2nd line & 4th line minutes on the team with possibility of PP/PK minutes as you improve and progress through the league. We're attempting to make a big push towards a cup run and we really do need defensemen to make that happen, so you'd be a crucial piece to our puzzle. 


    if you choose to accept our offer, just quote this saying "I accept" and we'll be in touch. If you choose to go elsewhere, best of luck on your journey and enjoy your stay! 

  8. gPBJFcV.png


    @Dominus89 welcome to the VHL! 


    I'll cut this short and sweet for you. San Diego is an expansion team in our first season ever in the league. League is expected to get going tomorrow hopefully so we want to get you on a team very soon, and preferably, we'd love for you to join ours. 


    We can guarantee you 2nd line minutes, with good progress maybe even 1st line minutes, we're an active team, we're a very deep team and you would help us progress to become better, you would be heavily relied on for minutes which I'm sure any new member would love. 


    If you choose to come here, just quote this saying "I accept" and we'll get this deal done. 



  9. If you asked Denver Wolfe two seasons ago where he thought his career was going to go, he likely wouldn't have the same answer he has for you today. Two seasons ago he joined late into the S64 season with the Las Vegas Aces. At the time, the Aces were 5-0 and on an absolute tear, it only made sense for Wolfe to sign on with the dominant team and he had no regrets that season. Despite not achieving person statistics up to his standard per-say, he did win a championship with the team, going one-for-one in his career. 


    While most people's luck would have stopped there, Wolfe was fortunate enough to go 2nd overall to the Minnesota Storm and he had his best season while with the Storm. Not only did the team go on to win the cup, allowing Wolfe to win back-to-back championships in the VHLM, he also took home two trophies which felt great after his lackluster performance the season prior. With the complete 180 in performance, he then began to focus with the VHL. 


    Vancouver drafted him 9th overall, he is currently ranked #2 for his TPE production, and is going to look to dominate in his rookie season. While he continues to grow, there is only up from here, but with nothing looking to stand in his way, there is very little the other rookies will be able to do, to stop his tyrant. 

  10. old but I need points: 


    What Brand of skates do you use?

    - Bauer everything! 


    Why did you choose your player number?

    - I chose it because it was significant to the age in which I started playing hockey (11) 


    What player do you use to represent your VHL/VHLM Player? Why did you choose them?

    - I usually use Claude Giroux because he's a redhead and I am portraying someone who comes from Ireland, and I don't know of any super successful Irish players. 


    What mythical creature do you wish existed?

    - The manbearpig. 


    What’s the funniest joke you know by heart?

    - Not going to go there, it may hurt some peoples feelings


    What’s the funniest VHL name you’ve heard of someone having?

    - I'd have to say that the funniest is probably Henrik Zoidberg this time around, its a good one. 

  11. WEEK OF 5/12


    1. With the season beginning tomorrow, how excited are you to make your VHLM debut? 

    2. If this is your second season, how does it feel being a veteran in the league? Any "expectations?" 

    3. If you can predict right now, what kind of impact will you have on the team? (most goals, assists, etc?)

    4. Besides yourself, who is it that you will 'rely' on the most to help the Marlins win? 

    5. If you could have one player come to the Marlins right now, from any team, who would it be and why? 

    6. Do you think we've done enough to be a serious threat? If not, what else could be done from your perspective? 

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