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Posts posted by Grape

  1. 39 minutes ago, JCarson said:

    Not sure how that is an issue.  Season 1 they build and gather to the max 200TPE applied banking any remainder (VHLM season) next season they keep accumulating and gather up to 400TPE applied, banking anything else gained (VHLE season) they move up to the VHL and can apply all that is banked potentially being close to 500 TPE as their first VHL season starts.  They still play 2 seasons in the minors but you are correct they will claim over 400TPE before their third season and first in the VHL.

    The issue is that they get past the 400 TPE cut-off before the cut-off date. One can even pass the 20p TPE cut-off before the date for the M. The only way for some max earners to fulfill the requirements is to sabotage their own claiming so they stay under the cut-off, when they could surpass and skip a league.

  2. 4 hours ago, JCarson said:

    okay so I am going to throw a strange curve ball out.  Please don't everyone shoot me down before fully reading.  My idea is that we allow people to have 2 players but only if they meet this specific criteria.


    1) The original player must be in the VHL and must be in their final 2 seasons.

    2) The players may never be in the same league (meaning player can't skip VHLM or VHLE)


    Under these conditions a VHL player could be in season 7 and have a VHLM player

    Then as the VHL player hits 8th and final season, the second player hits the VHLE.

    The VHL player retires and the second player can move to the VHL


    This does a couple things, 1 it adds a few more players to teams in the lower leagues second it helps to deal with the frustration of not seeing your player improve as you are only banking TPE to combat depreciation.  For some of us this is a real struggle.  


    Let me put it this way, knowing you have hit your max build in about year 5 and knowing that you need to bank TPE to combat depreciation but watch your player get their ass handed to them by Daniel Janser for seasons without being able to do anything about it, kind of sucks.


    I don't have all the answers on how you would monitor this in relation to illegal multi's, manage it from a system perspective (one log in, multiple players) It is just a thought.

    The issue with this is a max earner would be able to claim over 400 TPE within the 2 seasons, and would therefore need to sabotage their own claiming to fit within the criteria

  3. 19 hours ago, UnknownMinion said:

    engaging there players isn't fair, I gmed there for three season, and tried really hard to be engaging and what not, I belive everyone does a fantastic job for what I've seen, but feel free to be a gm there instead and show them what they are doing wrong 

    I'm already a gm bud. You can say everyone is doing a fantastic job but when I'm hearing multiple people not getting scouted and being put in dead LRs, I'm gonna criticize y'all. GMs aren't even reaching out to their players at times. Last season a player got traded and didn't hear from their new GM for like a week.

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