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  1. Like
    Smarch reacted to Ahma for a status update, Davos is the best!   
    Davos is the best!
  2. Like
    Smarch got a reaction from CowboyinAmerica for a status update, Figured out how to change the VHL buttons finally. S56 up for the VHL side. VHLM to b   
    Figured out how to change the VHL buttons finally. S56 up for the VHL side. VHLM to be done when Index is posted!
  3. Like
    Smarch reacted to Will for a status update, There'll be an extra set of games simmed tonight and tomorrow, which will therefore e   
    There'll be an extra set of games simmed tonight and tomorrow, which will therefore end the regular season tomorrow night! 
  4. Like
    Smarch got a reaction from der meister for a status update, Happy Birthday @Phil . 29 sexy years old!   
    Happy Birthday @Phil. 29 sexy years old!
  5. Like
    Smarch got a reaction from Bushito for a status update, Happy Birthday @Phil . 29 sexy years old!   
    Happy Birthday @Phil. 29 sexy years old!
  6. Like
    Smarch got a reaction from Phil for a status update, Happy Birthday @Phil . 29 sexy years old!   
    Happy Birthday @Phil. 29 sexy years old!
  7. Like
    Smarch reacted to gorlab for a status update, Some of these mf'ers submitting these nitpick ass trivia questions need to get slappe   
    Some of these mf'ers submitting these nitpick ass trivia questions need to get slapped in the mouth.
  8. Like
    Smarch reacted to scoop for a status update, taking real steps to getting better   
    taking real steps to getting better
  9. Like
    Smarch got a reaction from Da Trifecta for a status update, Let's get that Off-Season Schedule up and running today. Bring some more excitment to   
    Let's get that Off-Season Schedule up and running today. Bring some more excitment to the boards!
  10. Like
    Smarch reacted to VHLFantasy for a status update, VHFL Updated! @Phil , @jRuutu , @evrydayimbyfuglien , @Smarch , @Toast , @The Bread M   
    VHFL Updated!
    @Phil, @jRuutu, @evrydayimbyfuglien, @Smarch, @Toast, @The Bread Man, and @Tylar lead their groups. congrats so far boys!
  11. Like
    Smarch reacted to Higgins for a status update, Chance of rain tonight????   
    Chance of rain tonight????
  12. Like
    Smarch reacted to eaglesfan036 for a status update, whats ur psn   
    whats ur psn
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