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Everything posted by jhatty8

  1. VHL Wordle https://vhl-wordle.herokuapp.com 2 2/6
  2. I got a notification on Sunday saying that I was called up. Didn't receive a message from my VHLE or VHL GM. I don't really need the constant communication like others might but touching base would help, I don't really know how this system works
  3. Any way you could get the weird white line out of there?
  4. Making a single copy pasted post takes time, effort, and availability? Very foreign concept but if moving it to the portal would help with that then sure
  5. hi guys I am selling this NFT collection for 999 ETH
  6. random gif of someone eating popcorn
  7. also its been an eventful day but be sure to watch out for WW/arso since we probs don't have SK. Don't have too many people at a house
  8. one of the biggest questions in ToS. Is it better to die or is it better to live? What do we learn from each? It sucks as a townie but you have to recognize that if its a 50/50 between you and someone else, and you come up clean after dying, they'll get the baddie the next day.
  9. how about omg flips a coin and we'll see what happens? I doubt an evil would risk it to visit either one of you
  10. chances are at least 1-2 are evil. Can say the same about the Pty/ADV/Jericho situation. I think I can be of some use tonight though.
  11. also our three sher/inv are extremely sad. Checking jailor, checking obvious jailed person, and being jailed
  12. I don't like how NSG pushed hard onto Goals early. But definitely more important matters to attend to. Vote Advantage
  13. Ok, let's say I am not the jailor and I claim to be one. One of two things will happen: - The real jailor simply jails and executes me on N2 or straight up counterclaims me during the day. - There is no jailor and people realize soon that nobody is being jailed and the fake claim gets killed. Either way the end result isn't good and there's no need to investigate a jailor claim. Also, some evil roles come up as Not Suspicious. Like Godfather, Arso, Jugg, Vamp, Plaguebearer, etc.
  14. why would you check the jailor claim lol
  15. well Ricer (and maybe omg) would know if someone attempted to kill him
  16. if any TIs have some useful info, please share.
  17. happy new years ledge, GL with school in 2022
  18. I love how this thread devolved (evolved?) into color theory
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