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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. In light of the VHLM having to fold two franchises in Yukon and Moscow, it became very apparent that Russian fans were not happy. That led to St Petersburg to reach out to Davos, to ask them about a potential relocation after rumors came afloat that they might potentially want to move on after many disappointing years. It is a tough ask, Davos is a history rich city in the VHL for the veterans it would be odd not to see them in the VHL. However with their recent, slumps and struggles many players refusing to play their it raises the question is it time to move on start fresh. St Petersburg has a name, they plan on stocking with purple as the main part of the jersey its unique. Secondary colors are up in the air at this point in time. They have put out a call for logo makers, looking to create a very cool logo. Perhaps being unsure of what exactly is going on is why its been almost total silence. The team has decided to go with Russian heritage in its name, calling themselves the St Petersburg Armata. A tank that has not been very often used, but its seem as the best tank ever to be made, a source of Russian pride. They know its a long shot, but they are hoping that they can find themselves in a position to atleast allow a real discussion. Would people be open to a new Russian team, im sure they would but risk Davos is the real question? They are a rich heritage, something the Komarov family will ensure is kept, its not like this is a family that has no history with the franchise, its the only team both father and son have ever laced up for. They hope the fact they are such an important part of the franchise that it will soften the blow. The only thing they are looking for at this point in time is a logo, with an entire offseason and playoffs to find one they hope it will not hinder their chance. However the sooner they can find someone willing to step up to the task the better. The jerseys primary colors would be Purple, Gold, and Black. The shoulder patch would pay homage to Davos with its logo minus Davos name. St Petersburg hopes to hear soon from perspective logo makers, aswell as the VHL board they are prepared to make a big purchase if allowed to do so. Its now out of Davos and St Petersburg's hands as they both await league reaction on this pressing matter. Let the discussion begin and perhaps the start of something new and exciting to get the league talking and bring exciting talent to the VHL.
  2. Eh i did my job, got a team not supposed to make it anywhere to the playoffs. Im more than content. Id be shocked no matter what i did to upset Cologne
  3. I bid on about all inactives aswell i traded a few. Forgot some when i was sleepiny but otherwise did what i could
  4. I tried i ran up prices lol but not alot of interest in an empty team. Next year ill be doing the same, atleast i pulled off the impossible
  5. Lets be honest here no one expected us to win lol
  6. Please and thank you looking for something specific
  7. Pavel Komarovs career can be summed up in one word, that word is disapointment. Despite coming from great bloodlines, hes never quite lived up to his fathers high expectations. That is not to say he can't turn it around, but despite being more developed than his father at this point he just hasnt seen results on the ice. The hope is a new dedication on the ice, will change things for him and his future. Going into his fifth season, Davos once again will find it hard for wins. However, dont expect Vlad to just sit around and wait. He hooes he can add atleast a free agent or 2 along with the hope of the young talent continuing to grow. Unfortunatly 3rd overall pick Fekete, who was a gamble to begin with doesnt appear to be paying off, which means there is less promise coming into next year. That wont kill Davos GM, or stop him from taking risks like he did with that move.
  8. The start to his VHLM career has been one word, disapointing with only 3 points in 10 games the offensive defender just hasnt found his groove. A point that could also be hurting his team, they are on a huge losing streak since he joined Bratislava. Hes taken notice, but it doesnt seem to have slowed him down at all. He continues to want to work, and hopes that his hard work will pay off and help him turn things around. The promising swed has, not done anything as of yet to silence the critics who just thinks he is going to be another alright player. Nobody is quite sure what to expect will he be a 2nd pair power play quaterback? The hope is not, but nobody can guaruntee anything, his agent has made him work it off and hopes to shake the repuatation. He smooth skating offensive defender has just let his game do the talking so far.
  9. Hey Yukon may i point out u are playing a player illegaly in Dynamite whose in the VHL?
  10. Its crazy the few years i have had as GM, im in what is likely the worst season behind the helm. Thats nothing against my players, we just arent ready. Two of my prospect were not ready for the big show, and well Skye has played amazing he is young and suffered the struggles of a bad team. I was one win away from denying history, the team was given zero chance by the entire league. It sucks we blew a 3-2 series lead, however i give kudos to Moholt to managing to turn it around and win it all. I chose to be happy with my calls, everything i did was worth it. Im not gunna gloat, winning GM of the year made me happy. Now however, i am here and need to prove myself once again grow Davos into a franchise players want to play for. I need to build Davos into a contender for more than a year or two. Prove i was not just a fluke, i belive in myself and hope my players do too. Ill admit going into this draft with 0 picks is going to be rough, but i have kept all my S53 picks i wont be drafting my own player. Reason being i want to experience the rest of the league, without tarnishing Komarovs family streak. The future is bright with Skye, Komarov, and Jelen it would have been nice to add prospects here. However i will be very active in the free agent market this year willing to throw money at players i feel can atleast help improve this team next season. Im very proud of what ex Dynamo Muller, and Covington @TheLastOlympian07 @KingRobbie are doing despite burning me really bad. Ill admit it had me angry, im nothing but loyal to my players; but i let it go and am happy to see them succed. Holik @Beketov my first ever draft pick has proven i made the right choice, he has been an amazing player for the Bears. Roberts, @Da Trifecta has also enjoyed some great success this season. Like always be ready for bold moves im ready to bring Davos into the contention soon. Ive lit a match under my ass after a battle with depression. I bleed Davos purple and i hope all future members who join Davos see that too. I want to build a culture here that everyone enjoys, i go above and beyond for my players. Anyone whose shared a lockerroom with me for more than a few days knows this. Ive found my fire again, being a GM is why i am here. Meeting new people and building a fun culture is what i want to establish. My personal journey, has been a great experience, joined the SHL which ive found some enjoyment, but also the downfall of a big group. Davos is a fun place with an open door policy.
  11. Lidstrom isnt going to strike fear into anyone with his checking, or his fighting. Unlike the Komarov family, agent Orlov also represents Lidstrom is a different breed of defender. His goal is to score, he can fire the puck unlike any other defender joining the VHLM dispersal draft. The big lanky defender, he has a cannon but unlike offensive defenders hes not a liability in his own zone. His goal is to be the powerplay trigger man, no one will want to get out infront of it when he steps on the ice. The Sweds next biggest asset is his skating, he uses his smooth stride and strong agility to get out of tough situations allowing him to unload his leathal shot. He prides himself on this attribute the most, so expect him to continue to grow as a skater likely one of the best in his draft class. Look out for this man, he hopes to be a talent on someones blue line for years to come.
  12. It has been a disapointing year for Pavel, he expected despite the lesser talent. With the bigger role, and hard work would all finally pay off. However it hasnt, and he was seen at the gym less he seemed depressed. Davos GM Vlad Komarov himself, did not seem the same. Nobody really knew why, however both have been seen around more. Pavel seems to have really grown, his focus is now even better than ever. He looks bigger, hitting more many confused him for his father. Well their absence has been noted no one really knows why or where they went. Both father and son however, seem to have a new breathe and both focused on trying to turn Davos around once again. Expect to see alot of Komarov in the coming seasons. Davos may be down for now but dont expect it to be for very long. We bleed Davos purple!!
  13. With the Mill i just got i now have 10mill Player Name Pavel Komarov VHL Team HC Davos Dynamo Cash i have: 10mill Purchase Name: Reroll your TPE Cost Purchase:10mill Money i have left: 0
  14. 5mill for the year in light of my recent trade need to add cap
  15. Accept sorry late made the deal last minute and was on break
  16. For 13 seasons the name Komarov has struck fear into opponents. I wont be bringing his family name with my second player. Idea was the Komarov name was said with loyalty. I will be bringing a Komarov, with my 3rd player. However with this guy, will be a new name and with it wont bring my normal style. So that is where you guys step in, i want help naming my player and what position. Goalie is out of the question, same with brusing defender. Position wise, will likely be best vote name who knows depends how i like the names. Till then expect Pavel to continue to grow like his father except with slightly more skill. My plan will be to work my ass off with the next Komarov, and hopefully with this guy i can get more articles in. Coming in S53 will be the next great fill in the blank. Get in your opinions today!
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