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  1. Haha
    Frank reacted to eaglesfan036 for a status update, Just had a random flashback to when Robbie and Bushito were messaging each other on f   
    Just had a random flashback to when Robbie and Bushito were messaging each other on forum to arrange a real life fist fight 😄
  2. Love
    Frank got a reaction from Munk for a status update, Me following you 🫡   
    Me following you 🫡
  3. Hmmm
    Frank reacted to Ahma for a status update, @Frank @STZ @Lemorse7 @Banackock thanks for being chill!   
    @Frank @STZ @Lemorse7 @Banackock
    thanks for being chill!
  4. Haha
    Frank reacted to Motzaburger for a status update, this place boring and is too much like homework.   
    this place boring and is too much like homework. 
  5. Like
    Frank reacted to Subject056 for a status update, Slater's been drafted 7th overall in both the VHLE and VHL! Thank you to all the GMs   
    Slater's been drafted 7th overall in both the VHLE and VHL! Thank you to all the GMs who interviewed me. Had a great experience chatting with all of you. Looking forward to playing with Oslo in the VHLE and Chicago in the VHL
  6. Fire
    Frank reacted to kirbithan for a status update, i have passed the 700 tpe mark   
    i have passed the 700 tpe mark 

  7. Love
    Frank reacted to jacobcarson877 for a status update, Marlins United.   
    Marlins United.
  8. Like
    Frank reacted to Triller for a status update,   
  9. Like
    Frank reacted to Aimee for a status update, At some point this week I'll find the energy to write and answer my trivia. Until the   
    At some point this week I'll find the energy to write and answer my trivia. Until then, I'll just stare at my phone with exhaustion. 
  10. Haha
    Frank got a reaction from jacobcarson877 for a status update, Calgary GM flees to Mexico ahead of round 1 match up against the Vancouver Wolves.   
    Calgary GM flees to Mexico ahead of round 1 match up against the Vancouver Wolves. 
  11. Cheers
    Frank reacted to Aimee for a status update, Newly engaged and freaking exhausted. 💍   
    Newly engaged and freaking exhausted. 💍
  12. Like
    Frank reacted to Triller for a status update, New Saskatoon Wild Stadium Shot!   
    New Saskatoon Wild Stadium Shot!

  13. Fire
    Frank reacted to Triller for a status update, It was a fun season with the Wild! Excited to see what is ahead for Leonard Triller!   
    It was a fun season with the Wild!  Excited to see what is ahead for Leonard Triller!

  14. Very Nice
    Frank reacted to jacobcarson877 for a status update, Wow I never would have thought I would win the Elmebeck! Means a lot to me, and there   
    Wow I never would have thought I would win the Elmebeck! Means a lot to me, and there's a lot I want to do still! Love you all 🥰
  15. Like
    Frank reacted to boubabi for a status update, Draft should be held every summer in Montréal   
    Draft should be held every summer in Montréal 
  16. Fire
    Frank reacted to JigglyGumballs for a status update, I'M BACK BITCHES   
  17. Like
    Frank got a reaction from Banackock for a status update, Meta 10 wins 1 loss.   
    Meta 10 wins 1 loss.
  18. Fire
    Frank reacted to Ahma for a status update, #BringBackQuebecCityMeute   
  19. Fire
    Frank got a reaction from jRuutu for a status update, My solution to the meta? Disband Vancouver and disperse their players evenly througho   
    My solution to the meta? Disband Vancouver and disperse their players evenly throughout the VHLE as punishment 
  20. Sad
    Frank got a reaction from hylands for a status update, Inactive GM gets robbed of top GM honours.   
    Inactive GM gets robbed of top GM honours. 
  21. Love
    Frank reacted to Munk for a status update, You disgust Jardy   
    You disgust Jardy
  22. Like
    Frank reacted to Munk for a status update, You disgust me   
    You disgust me
  23. Haha
    Frank got a reaction from FrostBeard for a status update, Why is Robin Winter in the Slobo poll? I thought inactives were left off.   
    Why is Robin Winter in the Slobo poll? I thought inactives were left off.
  24. Like
    Frank reacted to bigAL for a status update, Shoutout @Vat . Everyone haaaates notifications on here, but this poor guy is sad tha   
    Shoutout @Vat. Everyone haaaates notifications on here, but this poor guy is sad that he hasn't gotten a ping in two days. Comment so he gets more red dots!
  25. Like
    Frank reacted to Horvat98 for a status update, This place looks cool   
    This place looks cool
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