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Everything posted by Ricer13

  1. Can I persuade someone to vote for hatty? @Spartan @chatfan036 just taking one last stab at it ?
  2. Please keep wasting your Roleblocking on me ?
  3. How can I pursuade you to vote Hatty? How much ice time so I need to give Fishy?! Lolllll
  4. It was a pleasure getting to know you! I hope you stick around the discord channels so we can still go back and forth about the Canucks and Bruins!
  5. There is definitely a chance that mafia and coven take each other out leaving town and exe to clean up the mess haha
  6. Could I persuade you to vote against Hatty or Flex? Coven actually had your back with that Exe win. We were going to pull our votes but gave you the win in hopes you’d side with us later down the road.
  7. Yah this has been such a weird game. Can’t say I like this mode because it sort of killed a lot of the buzz with anything happening during the day .
  8. Since I was roleblocked that confirms we have a consort!!!
  9. I was RB’d last night. I’m also good with throwing up someone to vote. We have to many quiet players this time around. Let’s also completely ignore @chatfan036 so he doesn’t manipulate this game. He is the exe and is useless now. Vote Wreckoning This guy hasn’t said a peep yet.
  10. Exactly this. I say we push someone who has been a bit quieter. It’s still very early in the day. I do believe that eagles is Exe which is unfortunate but he is an extra vote if he decides to side with town so I don’t think wasting a lynch on him is wise.
  11. If Mafia visited me the how could I be evil? Unless Ofcourse I were coven but what would the benefit be of me saying I was or was not roleblocked. I wasn’t role blocked either night. We could very well have an escort and the third mafia may not actually be consort. If I have to reveal I will but it’s to no benefit of the town to do so as it’ll put a giant target on my back.
  12. I was not RB’d on either night
  13. That was a huge win for town!!!
  14. Didn’t think of this. It could be an Executioner play
  15. As much as I hate to agree with Eagles... Vote caboose
  16. Well that was something.
  17. Kris Rice Ricer13 is currently in his sixth season with player Kris Rice and is a few seasons from retiring. Kris Rice is his first generation player and Ricer wanted to experience being a top scoring forward. He started his career as a winger and during his time in the M and the first couple seasons in Calgary he remained at the winger position. Kris Rice then switched to the centre position because of Calgary’s needs and has been fairly successful with the switch so far since making the change. While Ricer has enjoyed his time so far with Kris Rice he has spent a lot of time thinking about what comes after Kris Rice. Position Ricer is a fan of the forward position but respects the defensive part of the game more than any other. This is why when he recreates after Kris Rice retires it will be as a defensemen. Ricer plans on creating a high flying offensive defensemen who if you don’t have your head up will take advantage of you in a hurry and lay a big hit. He is going to be a team first player who will likely drop the mitts of you rub him or his teammates the wrong way. The Name Recreating isn’t all about position or build you have to have a sick name to go along with it. Well let me tell you that Ricer is absolutely terrible when it comes to picking original names. His recreate will most likely be a spin off of his current player Kris Rice’ name. You might see something like Kristoph Ricerov, Kristopher Ricinski or maybe he will go off the board with something creative but that is very unlikely. His play is going to have to create his stardom because I can guarantee the name will be a bust. The Render This has to be one of the most important decisions a player can make. Who’s face will you use to represent the player you’ve created. There are so many great options to choose from you might want to select a veteran player such as Drew Doughty or Erik Karlsson but maybe you decide to take the youthful approach and choose up and comer studs like Quinn Hughes or Cale Makar. Well as a matter of fact that is exactly what Ricer plans to do as his recreate will be represented by one of the most talented young defensemen to play the game. Quinn Hughes will be the face of Ricer’s recreate when the time comes. Conclusion Though Kris Rice will be around for a couple more seasons you best know that Ricer is already planning what weapon he’s going to pull out of his arsenal next. He wants to surpass the limited success of Kris Rice and create something special. A player who may one day look back and be able to read their name out loud in the VHL history books. Perhaps he will get the opportunity to stand next to some past legends in the VHL Hall of Fame. Word Count: 509
  18. 1. I did notice and it was a sad time in the VHL life. 2. I have watched quite a bit. I watched the entire Canucks series and have been watching bits of other games each day. 3. The name I would give our Bot goalie is Junior. Because he’s learnt all that he knows from JL. 4. All of the seasons. I want that cup so bad. 5. because his head never stops growing. This year it’s even worse lol 6. 7.5/10. We started out rough but are finding our stride now. Would be nice to keep pushing for wins.
  19. Gratz Hylands!!! Welcome to the crew
  20. I have built Miami over two seasons to become a juggernaut. I drafted valuable members last season that would be in Miami for two seasons in hopes they would be key pieces for this seasons cup run. After last season we have a ton of top picks in the draft so we began to fill out our roster with top players to create some serious depth. After that I made moves to bring in even more depth to help bring us to the promise land but is it worth it? I am struggling to wonder if having so much talent on one roster is a good thing for the league or not. Yes we have a great chance to be champions but that is never a guarantee. The sacrifice each player is making to share ice time with one another to win a championship is big but is it worth it if they aren’t having fun? Having so many players who are elite getting less ice time is causing everyone’s production to be less but more evenly spread across the board. Yes it is a team game but it is only the VHLM right? Should players be put in a position to feel good about themselves so they want to stick around longer or does the idea of being a champion in the VHLM make them want to stick around longer? That is something I am still trying to learn as a young GM.
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