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Posts posted by Da_Berr

  1. Wow, it has been a while since I've even glanced at the VHLM, and the first thing I see is the monstrosity that is the player leaderboards. We have 5 players already over 60 points, and 2 of them are past 70. Brian Strong Jr and Florent Vericel, both of whom are on Saskatoon and have been carving up the league each respectively with 87 and 78 points. The insane part of those stats is that there has been only 34 games. Everyone knows that scoring in the minors is way easier than the bigs, and for good reason. In previous memory, we had both Riley Knight Gee and Adam Syreck break 140 points in a single season. This season seems to be comparable to S71, where Richard Penisson and Adam Syreck had every 199 points and 181 points. Note that they were also both on the same team. Now the question that remains is whether or not Brian Strong Jr or any other S74 player will be able to make it on to the top 10 record books for the M.


    Currently, the obvious front runner for making it into the record books is Brian Strong Jr, with his absurd stat line so far. He is averaging 2.56 points/game, and in a standard 72 game season, he'll make it to 184 points. Unfortunately, that means falling short of both Adam Warlock's absurd total of 255 points and Richard Penisson's recent 199 point campaigns. But if he does keep up the pace, he could beat out Adam Syreck's 181 point campaign and place 7th in most points in a season. Another very achievable goal he could reach is 6th most, which is held by Tim TebowGow with 185. Strong's teammate, Florent Vericel, has a much lower chance of making it on to that top 10 list, as by averaging 2.29 points a game, he'll end up with 165 points after this season. By no means a low point total, but he'll have to keep up this pace to just edge out Zach Parechkin with 163 points. This also has the condition that his teammate, Strong Jr, scores less than 165 points, which is unlikely. 


    In the goals category, once again, Brian Strong Jr is in the race. In fact, he has a very good chance of taking 2nd place in goals in a year. At his current pace, he is projected to have 97 goals, but he'll only need 98 to beat out Ivan Morozov for 2nd. Unfortunately, this season it seems like there will on one else who can enter the possibility of having this top 10 record. Although a few might be able to achieve more than 74 goals for the 10th. The leader of this is once again Brian Strong Jr's teammate Florent Vericel who is on pace for 72. If he's lucky, he may even be able to pass Richard Penisson with 77.


    Unfortunately, those are all the main categories that might have new people in the top 10. There are a few minor ones such as shots taken, which Brian Strong Jr can crack the top 10, but that's it.

  2. On 9/28/2020 at 8:41 AM, Emi said:

    1) What would you say is an area you need to improve on as a player?


    2) How do you measure a successful season?


    3) would you rather win a cup on a team with a dead locker room or almost win on a team with an active locker room. 


    4) Outside of Hockey, do you watch any other sports?


    5) Who are some players you look up too?


    6) You have to cut one player from your team. Who is it and why?

    1. Faceoffs, I need to be more consistent on the dot.

    2. Individual points and team success.

    3. Active LR, dead LRs are no fun.

    4. NBA, NFL

    5. People who are taller than 6 2

    6. I'd cut myself, I need some vacation time

  3. Give me TPE, my eternal hunger for TPE can never be satisfied, and I am determined to go down in VHL history as a TPE bitch. So here is a bunch of filler for my excuse of a media spot so I can claim my 2.


    1. EU has passed NA as the best conference this season. For a while now, the NA has had considerably better standings than the EU, at least in the regular season but with the emergence of Riga and Malmo, it seems like the EU are the top dogs for now. Perhaps this is another one of the effects of the expansion draft, as expansion teams mainly took players from NA.
    2. Scoring is high. Like seriously, we have two players on pace for 2 points per game which is seriously insane and have stats better than some players will get in their entire season. Maybe due to the league being relatively top-heavy, so the teams on top are beating up the ones at the bottom.
  4. I think it is safe to assume that the dead puck era and low scoring of previous seasons are fully gone now. Ever since the addition of 4 new expansion teams in S73, league scoring has consistently shot up. In season 72, we had the leading point-getter, Condor Adrienne, with 100 points. No one else broke the 100 point mark, and altogether 14 players broke 80 points. In S73, the season after the expansion, we had 8 players break 100 points! The top being Sigard Gunnar, with 119. With that, we also had over 30 players break 80 points that season. Almost double the number of players that had done so in S72. As of S74, this current season, we have 40 players on pace to break 80 points. The top 10 of them, all on pace to reach the 130-160 point mark, which is insane. Of course, the pace they are on currently is unsustainable, but it does make me wonder, at what point will the increase in scoring come to a standstill. I'd say we have only 2 seasons worth of extremely high scoring left as the expansion teams that everyone is beating on will start to have their prospects develop. Of course, new teams will take their place, but I don't think any team could make a roster worse than most of the 1st and 2nd year expansion rosters on paper. There is the argument that the number of solid prospects available at lower in the draft will be lowered due to said expansion teams, but I believe that the VHL is still growing at a decent pace. Enough to upset the four additional picks per round. After the scoring starts to plateau, I believe the top scorers at most will get 120 points, with maybe 5-8 other players in the 100 points marker. Another question that this period of high scoring leads me to ask is how will HOF nominations be affected? We all know that HOF nominations consider what era they played in, but the gap difference in points for some players may cause them to lose their one chance at being inducted. As HOF nominations also don't necessarily mean you'll be competing against other payers in your same generation, I can see some players who didn't get inducted the first ballot, get shafted for multiple seasons in a row. As players who retire after them will have played in one of the highest-scoring eras in recent VHL memory. This has also become a rant from me saying once again, S72 draftees got shafted. Not only did we not get the late joiners TPE bonus, but we also joined in a time where TPE inflation was being looked at and clamped down on. Furthermore, whoever in the S72 draft class and decided to play in the bigs for their first-year point totals are not where they should be. SS-Hornet who only put up 47 points, and led rookies that year would have broken at lead 60 

  5. t0iLC3y.png

    *Week ending September 27* (remember you only have to do 6 for your 2 capped TPE) 


    1. With a few games under your belt, how do you think you player is doing?

    2. What some places you think you need to improve in.

    3. Unfortunately we haven't had much luck on the ice, what do you think we need to do to get out of our slump?

    4. What do you think about the selections for our C and As?

    5. EU teams are looking like powerhouses this season. Is this the year they surpass the NA conference in terms of strength?

    6. Our rookies are tearing it up (give yourselves a pat on the back), who do you think will win ROTY?

    7. Who do you think will be our standout player this season?

    8. Who will win the Stanley Cup in the NHL? Dallas or Tampa Bay?

    9. With fall halfway done, what is your favourite activity to do in the fall season?

    10. Favourite drink?

  6. I need more TPE, and university is killing me, so here it is, a garbage heap of my thoughts on things relating to VHL.

    1. Su is playing really well to start off the season. Currently, I'm tied for 9th in points with 12 points (5 goals, 7 assists) in 7 games played. That also makes me third in points for center. My FO% is also at a solid 60%, which is 10% better than last season. My +/- is at +9, which is tied, for second-best in the league. In those 7 games, I have also gotten 4 stars (1 2nd, 3 3rd). The thing is that I always start off the season well and then crash and burn halfway through.
    2. VAN is also killing it. We're the only undefeated team left and we currently have a goal differential of 14 which is insane. Maybe this year will be the year we win a cup.
  7. t0iLC3y.png

    *Week ending September 19* (remember you only have to do 6 for your 2 capped TPE) 


    1. With the draft finished, who do you think had the best draft and why?

    2. How do you think our draft went?

    3. Muff the madman actually did it and gave everyone huge bonuses in their contract. What do you spend your first paycheck on?

    4. WIthout much veteran support on the team who do you think should be our A's and C next season?

    5. What are your expectations for next season as a team?

    6. What are you hoping to accomplish next season as an individual player?

    7. Any suggestions on improving the LR? 

    8. Who do you think will be favourites to win the cup next season?

    9. What have you been doing this offseason?

    10. Are you excited for the piergoie stream that muff is forced to do?


  8. It's been a day or two since the VHL draft has run its course, and now, with the dust settling, we can take a look at our draft night. I would definitely say Warsaw had one of the top drafts this season, with the only other two teams that surpassed us being VAN and LON. This draft, we had the first overall pick (woot woot), 19th, which we traded for a 22nd and 28th, 23rd, 39th and 55th.


    1st OA | Aloe Dear

    With the first overall pick, we just knew we had to pick the best available player in Aloe Dear. Despite their pre-draft comments about wanting to test out free agency when the rookie contract expired, Aloe was still our go-to pick. A lot of GMs, when hearing that most likely would have passed on him, but we decided that our team is in a prime position to be competing for cups when Aloe's initial contract expires. Warsaw is probably one of the only teams that are currently set up to have everyone hit their prime in 2-3 seasons. Although the risk is quite high, the upside is also huge. Aloe has been a consistent full cap TPE player per week, and it shows in their total TPE and play in the minors. Aloe was second in total TPE, the night of the draft only to Thornton. Aloe in the minors had a monstrous season of 46 goals, 49 assists and 99 points, doing so on very efficient numbers and minutes. Averaging a shooting percentage of 11.8% and 1.29 points per 20 mins puts Aloe near the top of the draft class in pure efficiency. Furthermore, Aloe fills a need of Warsaw in the winger position, since at the time of the draft our only winger was Lin. Aloe's offensively focused play is sure to improve the scoring ability of any line he plays on and should help give us a spark in the offensive zone.


    22nd OA | Tim Waters

    Our twenty-second pick was able to net us, Tim Waters. Despite the pick looking odd on paper, as Warsaw already has two centers for the future in Dayne and Lamb, after talking with Waters, we were impressed by the maturity and selflessness he had, in being okay to change positions. That allows us to be much more flexible in our draft and team building, which was one of the reasons we liked the pick so much. Not only that, but Waters has been a machine in claiming TPE, averaging around 10 capped per week, which is great for the second round. Waters also plays in a way that makes everyone around him better also. He's mainly a puck-moving center, who loves to get his teammates involved in plays. This can be seen with his stat line of 8 goals, 53 assists and 61 points. In this draft class, Waters is probably one of the best puck movers, which is essential if we have a team primarily shooters, which Warsaw is. Waters is also not afraid to get physical, as seen with his 114 hits last season down in the minors. His play is sure to be an asset for Warsaw and can improve an entire line's play. I can see him leading the league in assists at one point in his career.


    23 OA | Lexi Glass

    Right after Waters with the 23rd overall pick, we selected Lexi Glass. Now initially, we thought that Glass would be gone way earlier than 23rd, in fact, we had them going as high as the first round. Fortunately for us, Glass slid down an entire round, right into our hands. Not only was Glass's total TPE the highest in the second round, but they also claim 12 capped per week. I'm calling it right here, Glass is the steal of the draft. Although Glass's stats in the minors might not be eye-popping with a line of 24 goals, 19 assists and 43 points, Glass did it all with impressive efficiency. Only playing 22 minutes a night and shooting 13%, I can see Glass's numbers improving massively if they got more minutes and had a different line. Glass much like Dear, is an offensively focused player, but even more so. Glass loves to play a fast, aggressive game that can translate nicely into the big leagues. Glass can bring intensity and scoring to any line their on, and will probably lead the league in goals for a season in their career.


    28th OA | Chris Reynolds

    With the 28th pick, we selected Chris Reynolds. With this selection, we have our winger core for the foreseeable future set up. Reynolds is another great TPE earner with around 10 capped/week. He also had a respectable stat line of 25 goals, 28 assists, 53 points last season. In this draft, you might notice a trend for the players we drafted. High-efficiency players. Reynolds put up that respectable stat line with just 20 minutes a night and on 12% shooting. With more minutes, and a larger role on the team that could translate to some great high point seasons. Reynolds is also a decently physical player, racking just over 100 hits last season. In the future, I can see Reynolds as a solid two way forward with more of an emphasis on scoring. Reynolds will be the type of player you can put with anyone and will perform well. Currently, his play is well rounded with less extreme skill sets, which makes him a jack of all trades that we can play anywhere, whether its the PK or PP.


    39th OA | Angel Wachiure

    With our 39th overall pick, we took Angel Wachiure. Once again a very efficient player, wherein only 17 minutes a night on 11.2% shooting, put up relatively impressive numbers of 26 goals, 28, assists and 54 points. Now as a 3rd round pick, Wachiure's TPE earning is quite impressive, averaging 6 capped per week. Considering many 3rd rounds picks either go IA or claim on 4 a week, Wachiure is a solid steal in the third. His play primarily focuses on individual skill and scoring, which is what many of the VHL greats also focused on. If Wachiure continues to develop, he could become a solid player who can add a scoring spark when he goes on the ice.


    55th OA | Nathaniel N

    With the final pick we chose, Nathaniel N. His TPE earning is impressive for a fourth-rounder with multiple weeks of 10 capped. Unfortunately, San Diego was unable to take full advantage of him in his season in the minors, with him only putting up 3 goals, 28 assists and 31 points. Despite that, we loved the way N plays. A primary puck-moving defensive player is just what our team needs to counterbalance the other offensively focused players. He just like Waters, could one day be one of the top playmakers in the league.


    1051 Words claiming weeks ending in Sept 13 + 20

    1. Draft night is almost here, and Warsaw is ready to rumble. Watch out everyone, in a season or two, Warsaw is going to be gunning for the top spot in the league and a cup.
    2. Scouting is mind-numbingly boring. The actual draft is a night of excitement, but the preparation beforehand could be a better experience. Obviously, it's necessary for any team to be successful and it also improves the player's experience when they get a pre-draft interview, but a lot of it is compiling TPE earning rates.
    3. Being a GM/AGM is much more stressful than being a player, but much more satisfying. The position definitely tales more work and can be stressful at times, but when the team is doing well you feel great. The amount of work kinda contributes to this feeling as you have a sense of building something by yourself.
    4. I really hope that draft night doesn't take more than 5 hours this time around.
  9. t0iLC3y.png

    *Week ending September 12* (remember you only have to do 6 for your 2 capped TPE) 


    1. We have the first overall pick in the draft, anyone you wanna snag?
    2. What will you be doing to improve for next season?
    3. Are there any regrets you have about last season?
    4. With season 73 done, who do you consider the best player for that class?
    5. What are you looking forward to next season?
    6. What does your player's number mean to you?
    7. How do you think we could improve in Warsaw?
    8. What is your favourite drink to celebrate a victory?
    9. Is Bana the GOAT GM with his most recent cup win?
    10. How do you think we'll do next season?

  10. On 8/31/2020 at 5:17 AM, Emi said:

    AGM Asks Press Confrence:

    1. We lost in the playoffs. But what should we take away from the experience?
    2. We currently have 3 picks in the first round for this draft! Who would be perfect for this team in you opinion?
    3. What will you be doing to improve for next season?
    4. Is there any regrets you have about last season?
    5. Who is the most underrated player in the league?
    6. Who would you class as top prospect from last season (S73) Draft?

    1. We're a young team that is rapidly improving, come next season we can win it all.

    2. No idea, can't give away draft secrets.

    3. Improving faceoffs, it's going to help the entire team.

    4. Not being able to hit 80 points and losing in the WC round.

    5. ME (SU)

    6. Adrienne is doing pretty well.

  11. Warsaw has not had the greatest of inaugural seasons, that much is obvious. They certainly didn't have a Cinderella run like the Golden Knights in the NHL. Coming 3rd last in the league, only above fellow expansion teams such as London and Chicago, is not much to be proud of, but fans of the team should be excited about next season. Is Warsaw going to win the cup next year? Probably not if I'm being honest, but we do have a bright future. With the 1st overall pick this year and a slew of prospects, Warsaw could be contending within a season or two. We first have our goalie for the future, and perhaps generation in Ajay Krishna. Two top tier centers in Dayne and Lamb. A solid start on the wing and defence with Lin and Grachev. That's a prospect core that is nothing to scoff at, and has enough potential to win a cup.

  12.     It's almost the end of the playoffs, and that means that awards are almost here. The MVP award is given out in recognition of the top of the top in the VHL. It's no secret that every player that steps on the ice dreams of receiving one of these honours. Over 70 seasons of VHL play, the league has had numerous prodigal and generational talents who have been inducted into the HOF. Yet many of those players don't have one or either of this achievement. To receive this award means to cement your name and legacy as one of the GOATs. Despite this, many of those players start from much humbler beginnings. 


        Although having a good or great rookie season isn't necessary to become one of the greats, it certainly helps. But, entering the league is a tough process. The step up from the M to the bigs is massive, and many players are never able to adapt their playstyle. It's no stretch to say that most rookies will struggle if they decide to jump right into the bigs. Yet, that also can lead to huge breakouts in the following seasons. Although the MIP award isn't the most prestigious award in the VHL, it shows a player's growth and potential to become something great.


        This season I believe that Su (definitely not biased) will be able to claim the MIP award. Across the entire board, Su has improved at a monstrous rate. From a stat line of 9 goals, 10 assists and 19 points, Su this year has splits of 34 goals, 43 assists, and 77 points. Some may attribute this increase as a result of Su getting more shots and minutes, which are all true. Although Su's minutes may have also increased (by an average of 10 minutes/night), his efficiency has also gone up. From a measly 0.29 points/20mins to a respectable 0.75 points/20mins. His shooting percentage also increased by 1.2% to 9.4% shooting. Not only has his points totals skyrocketed, but they were also 3rd most on the team, which made the playoffs as the #4 seed. Furthermore, on the faceoff dot, he has improved by a solid 8% from 46% to 54%. That marks a shift from being a liability for the team when playing center to being above average. Not only has his individual stats improve, but Su is also helping out the team more. Su has also started to improve his flexibility as a player. His power-play minutes have increased by almost 3.5 times and his penalty kill time has increased by double. All of Su's stats point to him being a top 25-30 player in the league, which although doesn't sound high is impressive for a sophomore player who only had a lousy 19 points in his rookie campaign. With the new expansion teams bringing the total team count to 16, Su firmly has placed himself as a top/high end of second-line players. 


    For the following reasons above I believe that Su is indeed worthy of the MIP. 


    504 words, claiming week ending sept 6

    1. I really did jinx the Wolves in the wildcard round. After predicting that we would win in 4 to D.C, we lost in 5. We started struggling again with penalties, which I did predict would cause us to lose the series, but after our hot streak right before the playoffs, I thought we would be fine. Next year maybe I'll predict that VAN will get swept in the first round, and instead, we'll win the cup.
    2. Scouting is the worst part of being a part of a GM or AGM. This probably isn't the case with most people, but with university starting up again I can't really afford the time to do a full in-depth prospect study. Also, I feel older members definitely have an advantage as they know more players in the draft and can have some insight on them.
    3. I definitely deserve most improved player (definitely not biased at all).
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