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VHLM Commissioner
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Everything posted by Spartan

  1. Love to see the new create! Maybe Moscow this time?
  2. Happy to have you here with us man, and appreciate you being willing to be part of our rebuild. It's high praise to hear from someone as significant in the league's history as you.
  3. Hi folks, So I've heard that folks would like a personal tool beyond our portal to be able to calculate their builds/TPA along with plan for depreciation with an accurate tool. I've made the following Google Sheet that contains both! A tab for each. Instructions for use are on the first tab of the file - you will need to make a copy of the file for your own personal use. Do NOT request edit permissions, as they will not be granted. Just make a copy for yourself. Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oyj6T5O-bTH-CumYQR-Fe4oFz6cALWjWaRrGNBxNnrQ/edit?usp=sharing If there are any questions or issues you find, feel free to DM me either here on forums or on discord at sp_rt_n. Happy mathing!
  4. Just curious to hear what you think the M GM's main responsibilities are that would prevent them from being the "all in one" source of assisting the players on their team (either through draft, trade or waivers) and how much time you think those responsibilities take. This isn't targeted to you specifically, it's just the last post in this thread about "M GM's have too much to worry about" and I don't want to quote everyone.
  5. Right but you can't say that good thoughts will be buried when you clearly have seen this article and commented on it. Not hard to then send this to the rest of the team. I only posted this article because 1. I'm not on the recruitment team to be doing their work for them, and 2. wanted to specifically post this one because of your comment about good ideas being buried. If I see other good thoughts the rest of the week and notice them not in the recruitment server, I'll try and send them as well. But I'd hope that recruitment members are checking out some of these articles since the Commissioners just crowdsourced some of the brainstorming work recruitment needs to do.
  6. Bojo has a long and storied history of only enjoying success when re-signing midseason, right before the TDL
  7. Dunno why you're coming in with this sort of response when we both know there's a newly made channel in the recruitment server to post and discuss community suggestions and thoughts. There's absolutely no reason why you should be feigning outrage here instead of just posting it in that channel for all of the recruitment team to see. It seems like you just wanted an outlet to vent which could be better done in a different spot than in a constructive article that was clearly posted for theme week - hence why it's not in that thread. I'll post this article in that channel on discord. This has been a job within recruitment for as long as I've been here. RJ had the role and posted weekly draft class rankings for all active classes and also advised various commissioners on population trends to inform league expansion or adjustments. I presume Mubbles was hired for a similar role but per his own admission, has been busier with life recently and doesn't have the time. It was easier to justify a lower pay for RJ since he was one of the few people who had portal API access and just ran scripts weekly that made the job "easier." For anyone else, it'd be a much trickier and time consuming job unless they can set up a file like Gus has and maintain it over time.
  8. So I'm reading that we need to make the TMB LoL tournament a VHL sponsored event @Enorama make it happen
  9. What, scared she'd be more active than you? We can keep her out of Moscow though
  10. The VHLM Commissioners are re-assigning Wayne Shotzky @Kenamatic from the San Diego Marlins to the Missisauga Hounds. @vincentlg2007 @MexicanCow123
  11. He wants to stay and he's not that old all things considered. Will still be a perfectly fine player for a while and a good winger to have for young centers.
  12. Good, there's another voice in the process to help finalize updating decisions. I'm happy with the hire and already like the discussions had so far.
  13. I was hoping to see some music recs, very disappointed
  14. I mean we can only use free web tools unless the league wants to invest in a forum add-on. But yes, I imagine the burden will likely fall onto the graphic maker to supply proof.
  15. Not speaking for V.2, but there will never be a tool that can tell us that something is clearly based on AI or just a tool used for something smaller. I think we can always have these individual conversations on a person by person basis, but we can always investigate the graphics makers and ask them to send us raw files or original graphics to prove their individual efforts. There's no clear cut answer here and it'll be based on updater judgment to reach out and investigate.
  16. I believe in you buddy! The league will see (in due time) that you're a very useful player
  17. Is there a particular reason you've decided to make a new Instagram account for the league outside of the one the league already has? How did you think this was a good idea?
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