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diacope 2

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Posts posted by diacope 2

  1. Like many others have already stated this Theme Week, I think the issue with recruiting new users is keeping them here. As a relatively new member myself, the thing that kept me around was the community. I made some friends immediately in Saskatoon, as we have a really nice GM and AGM, and our captain is really cool. However, I think there are some things we could improve on to help improve the experience for new users.


    The main thing for retaining members is making them feel welcome immediately, in my eyes. Whenever Saskatoon signs a new player I make sure to reach out to them, either through personal messages in VHL or through discord. When I first joined my create a player page was buzzing. I had a bunch of people commenting, and offers from several different teams. This was the moment when I knew I would stick around for a good while. I sometimes see other users with barely any welcome messages or offers, and think that could be sort of discouraging for new users. Back in March when I first joined the VHL discord, I also noticed that I would frequently be talked over and ignored by some of the other members. Although I don’t know if this was because I was a noob, or if it was just because I’m annoying.


    One possible cause for the lack of interest in some of the new players is that there is an abundance of wingers in the VHLM. I remember that there was a warning for a large number of goalies when I first created my player, so I think that there should be some sort of warning for wingers when new users first create their player to combat this. During my player creation, wingers and centres showed up as the lowest population of players. This can be misleading though, since the needs of the VHLM and the VHL are very different. While the VHL has many good defensemen, and goalied the VHLM has a shortage.


    On the recruitment side of things I think that the reddit recruiting will always be effective to some degree. It’s not like we’ll ever run out of users to recruit, because new members do join the hockey subreddits and we may reach members who didn’t see the previous posts. I saw some users saying that the reddit method is kind of dying, but I think that we could reduce the amount we use reddit to fight it. If we only recruit every other week on reddit and alternate some other form of recruiting it could be more effective.


    A possible recruiting method I thought of is to use a site such as fiverr to get outside help to recruit. If you don’t know what fiverr is, it’s a website where you can hire freelance services to do pretty much anything you want them to do. Fox example, if we wanted to hire someone to make a VHL recruitment video professionally, we could do that. Heck, we could hire someone to stand on a street corner and hold up a sign.


    I hope my suggestions can be somewhat helpful for recruiting, to help more people find this great sim league and stick around.


    540 words, using for week ending April 26 (Doubles Week)

  2. 11 minutes ago, Doomsday said:

    1. As Saskatoon pushes for a playoff spot, several new faces joined the Wild. What sort of contributions do you think they can make this season?


    Mikael Keef will provide much needed help on the blue line, and Cal Conway will  be a solid backup.



    2. The VHL/VHLM All-Star Skills Competition is being held again this season. How do you think Saskatoon's representatives will do there?

    We have a few rookies going, so we're not going to be there for a long time, we'll be there for a good time.



    3. You have a meeting with @McWolf in his office, what are you taking with you to make sure it goes well?

    I will take some of Adam Frence's wine, and the legend Adam Frence himself.



    4. You're arriving at a red carpet event to represent the team, what would you do to make a grand entrance?

    I would light myself on fire, and suddenly all eyes would be on me.



    5. If you had to compare the Saskatoon Wild team this season to a vehicle, what would it be?

    My 1996 Chevrolet cavalier. It's unreliable and you never know what might happen to it on any given day.



    6. Are you on track to meet any personal goals you set for yourself this season?

    I am exceeding my goals set at the start of the season. I wanted 30-40 points, and I could hit 50 at this rate.

  3. I really like the snowflakes, they look nice and are fitting for Frostbeard. The font is cool as well. The white font/snowflakes and the blue background contrast nicely. The  only thing I don't like is the double vision effect with the player.


    Overall I give it a 8.5/10, nice graphic my guy.

  4. Timothy Brown Junior Review


    Born to a middle class family in rural Saskatchewan, Timothy Brown fell in love with hockey early in life. Some of his earliest memories were playing mini sticks in his family's basement with his father, who was the goalie for their local senior hockey team. His parent’s influence and support caused him to pursue a career in hockey from an early age.


    Playing minor hockey for his local team, Timothy was always the best player. Consequently, this caused his coach to rely on him heavily. It was around this point in Timothy’s life that his coach and his parents noticed that he had a defensive mind, as he would frequent the blueline while his teammates chased the puck. Rival teams would often be completely shut down by Timothy, whose defensive awareness was remarkable for his age. His defensive capabilities, combined with his powerful shot allowed him to become one of the best offensive defensemen in Southern Saskatchewan.


    It was around Peewee when Timothy joined his first AA team, the St. Albert Jr Oilers. During tryouts his coach noted that his skating abilities were far below average, and he was nearly cut from the team. It wasn’t until the season started that he realized how valuable he could be to the team. While the other kids focused on conditioning drills, Timothy spent most of his time watching film and working on his shot with his dad. His scoring and defensive abilities made him one of the best two-way defensemen in Saskatchewan AA. While he didn’t ignite the league point-wise, he put up a modest 69 points in 69 games played and led the Oiler’s special teams to first in the league.


    It was during his first year of Midget that Timothy chose to play for the AAA Swift Current Legionnaires so he could be closer to home. In his hirst year his coach convinced him to switch to winger because of a lack of skilled forwards in the league. He had hoped that a larger talent pool for forwards would give him a bigger shot at playing in the NHL. However, Timothy’s decision backfired and his production dropped significantly. Timothy’s best season in Midget was a measly 30 points in 62 games played, with most of those points coming from special teams. While his hopes for the NHL were shattered, he found interest in another league called the VHL.


    Several teams in the VHLM, the VHL minor league showed interest in Timothy. Halifax, Houston, Mexico City, and Saskatoon all offered him a contract. Timothy ultimately decided to sign with Saskatoon, beginning his VHL career.





  5. I think the light effect looks pretty cool, but it's a little much in my opinion. I also like how the font looks. One thing I would change though is layer the lighting effect and put it behind the player, I don't like how it covers his lower body. I also think that the player should be the focus of the graphic, and he's off to the side and partially covered up.

    Overall I give it a 6.5/10

  6. 16 minutes ago, McWolf said:

    If not, @a_Ferk, time to vote solas?


    I say yes. I was skeptical of solas this morning, all of the pieces kind of fell into place.


    It makes sense for someone that has already claimed a town role to be the Juggernaut, since there's one too many town claims.





  7. 20 hours ago, Devise said:

    I think we should vote Doomsday given how late he was to vote last time. But I'm open to suggestions. I feel like despite my non claim claim people who know whats up should know I'm with you. 


    1 minute ago, Proto said:

    I feel like Guardian Angel should claim..


    Devise left a cryptic message that implied he was the Guardian Angel.

  8. 1 minute ago, McWolf said:

    For the record, I won't jail anyone tonight. Wouldn't want to take the risk that someone kills both my jailee and me now that it has unstoppable attacks.


    This can't happen. According to the wiki, if the Juggernaut attacks the man in jail you will be unharmed. 

  9. 8 minutes ago, McWolf said:

    Funk has claimed to be a Doctor.

    Proto has claimed to be a Vigi.

    Devise has claimed to be Batman, literally. I'd see him be the GA, and someone else could be lying about being a townie while they are the Jugg. But if he won't claim, we'd better just clean him at this point. No role can do anything to the Juggernaut. Claiming or not claiming doesn't mean shit anymore. We gotta lynch him and that's it.



    Jailor - McWolf

    Town Protective - Berocka (Trapper claim)

    Town Protective - Mike (Bodyguard claim)

    Town Support - Spartan (Mayor)

    Town Support - omgitshim (Transporter)

    Town Investigative - a_Ferk (Sheriff)

    Town Investigative - Mr_Hatter (Tracker)

    Town Killing - Enorama (Veteran)

    Random Town - jhatty8 (Spy)

    Random Town - solas (Lookout claim)

    Random Town - Proto (Vigilante claim)


    Random Town - DoktorFunk (Doctor claim) *Not Possible*


    If Devise is the GA, we lynch solas tomorrow.

    He's the only one that isn't confirmed on this list, in my eyes. Lookout is an easy role to fake as well.



  10. For @DoktorFunk to be Doctor, someone else has to be lying. There are no more town spots. 


    Jailor - McWolf

    Town Protective - Berocka (Trapper claim)

    Town Protective - Mike (Bodyguard claim)

    Town Support - Spartan (Mayor)

    Town Support - omgitshim (Transporter)

    Town Investigative - a_Ferk (Sheriff)

    Town Investigative - Mr_Hatter (Tracker)

    Town Killing - Enorama (Veteran)

    Random Town - jhatty8 (Spy)

    Random Town - solas (Lookout claim)

    Random Town - Devise (Vigilante claim)



    Mafioso - Rayzor_7

    Random Mafia - Nykonax (Consort)

    Random Mafia - ContinentalCup036 (Consigliere)

    Random Mafia - Doomsday (Forger)


    Neutral Evil - pennypenny (Executioner)

    Random Neutral - (Juggernaut)

    Random Role - (Guardian Angel)


    Mike and Berocka are basically confirmed at this point so at least one of Ricer, DoktorFunk and Proto is evil.

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