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Posts posted by hylands

  1. Mexico City Kings Press Conference

    Final week of regular season edition!


    1. Do you think we have what it takes to round out the season and claim 1st overall?

    2. What do you think of our trades to add two capped players in Dominic Gobeil and Tee Pee E II to the squad?

    3. We have an incredible 11 players that have hit the 40 point mark on the season. How important has our depth been to our success?

    4. Kevin Wu was recently named offensive player of the week in the VHLM, how crucial is it to get that scoring support from our defensive core?

    5. What are you hoping to get for Christmas this year?

    6. Are you a fan of the winter weather? Or are you more of a summer person?

  2. The ultimate procrastinators are at it again. Another week and another failed podcast startup attempt by Rory and I, but that's alright because we don't want to overshadow everybody's podcast right before Christmas time as that doesn't seem to align with the whole season of giving and cheer. So here I am to also write some garbage about the wonderful ice hockey team of Mexico City, the Mexico City Kings. Simon T seems to have noticed that we are in fact the best team ever assembled and has decided to punish us with unfortunate simulated hockey game results. I made a couple of trades and that seems to have ruined the chemistry of our once dominant lines but things are looking good as we remain in first place in the Victory Hockey League Minors. We remain confident in finishing the season on a high note with a very long win streak.


    Now we will move on to the team in the Victory Hockey League known as the Malmo Nighthawks. Simon T is hitting me where it hurts and has absolutely ruined my Christmas as the Nighthawks struggle to gain any momentum at all. Furthermore, my player Chris Hylands, has resumed his regular routine of drinking heavily before games and has become absolutely useless on the ice. I had high hopes at the midway point of the season, as the amazing player Hylands held the league scoring title for an incredible two entire days. I have shifted my sights from overall league points to the goals scored category as Hylands is a mere five goals behind current leader, and fierce rival, Timothy Brown. Much to my surprise, Hylands actually leads the Nighthawks with 70 points in 55 games played. The amazing franchise defenceman, Condor Adrienne, seems to have suffered from the same drinking problem as Hylands and perhaps this is a team wide problem that General Manager John Frostbeard will have to address. Luckily for the Nighthawks of Malmo, the rest of the European Conference has also joined in on the drinking game and there are just 5 points between first place and seventh place.


    Lastly I want to thank all of the wonderful people who tuned in to the charity gaming stream last night, hosted by Esso. I had a wonderful time hosting the stream with Muffins, Al, Reno and the drunk birb himself. We managed to raise a grand total of four hundred and sixty five dollars that will be donated to Food Banks Canada and Feeding America. It is wonderful that this community could donate this amazing amount of money to people who really need it this holiday season. This year has been very shitty for a lot of the world and being lucky enough to be in a situation where we as a community can help others in need is truly inspiring. There are a lot of ways many of you could have chosen to spend that money, but you all decided to donate to a good cause, and for that I can't thank you enough. Without all of you we could not have done it.

  3. Mexico City Kings Press Conference

    December means it's Christmas time edition!


    1. We've struggled a bit as of late, why do you think that is?

    2. We have some very important games coming up, playing Philadelphia 3 times in the next 10 games. Do you think these games will decide who takes 1st place?

    3. Who do you have your eyes on for a potential playoff matchup?

    4. What's your favourite gameday meal?

    5. Are you on the naughty or nice list this year?

    6. What is your favourite part of the Holiday season?

  4. 27 minutes ago, hedgehog337 said:

    mhm, seems like Malmo is pissed?


    Rocket beats up Chris Hylands at 0:05 of 3rd period


    oh no they don't! @Rocket destorying @Hylands because well, that's what happens if you're scoring against us too much 8uRN3VZ.png


    also nice job in surviving the third period against Toronto so we could take a point there.


    I love a good old fashioned line brawl!

  5. 17 minutes ago, dlamb said:

    Not sure who John Callahan Jr. is, but he must be good if he has an Olofsson render. I like the text, if flows into the sig without being too overpowering. Colour swap solid too, you can barely tell that it used to be a Sabres jersey. Idk what is going on in the background, but I must say, it looks nice. I would totally rock this sig. My only knock is that there seems to be a rough cutout on the render? Maybe it was an intentional thing, but I don't think it hurts the sig that much nonetheless. 9.25/10


    By the time i realized the rough cutout I was too far gone to go back hahaha

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