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Everything posted by mediocrepony

  1. Someone's buying one of these! and that someone is me!
  2. @Victor how are ya dude
  3. why was chat removed in the first place?
  4. no ban chatfan no ban chatfan no ban chatfan no ban chatfan no ban @chatfan036
  5. I actually don't mind getting tagged. It gives me something to do from an otherwise monotonous day of school(apart from watch youtube)
  6. Lovely! Thanks for asking dearest gritty
  7. alright, just my thoughts! With the fonts, there's a big city in the background and the graphic is quite clean, and the font has a lot going on and is pirate themed. There is no denying it goes along with pirates. I didn't recognize it was a wallpaper, so yeah.
  8. You sure you haven't been doing this for a couple years? 9.5/10 This is amazing! So, awesome job with the recolor of Zibenajad's jersey, and the skyline in the back is great! The text is well placed, and looks great. Upcoming sig genius
  9. 7.4/10 Pretty good job, especially for someone new here. It has a lot of blank space, which is something that is pretty easy to fix. I love the skyline in the background, and you did a great job on the recoloring. The text i feel doesn't go along with the image as well as other texts could, but I like it. Nice job!
  10. why are you posting songs with your graphics? also, I really like this graphic
  11. Can you backclaim graphics? I didn't do any for a while, but I just did like 8 this week

    1. Quik


      You can save them and post them for the next 7-8 weeks (I don't know if you posted one this week or not). Can't use them to claim for prior weeks if they weren't posted on the forums for those weeks.

  12. can somebody make another graphics tourney?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Blazzer


      U can check the post I made on graphics. 

    3. mediocrepony


      The chicago team sig?

    4. Banackock


      Can Bana do tournament plz

  13. Man youtube is pumping out recruits. Welcome @Dioptricboss64!
  15. what sites do people use for making sigs? i recommend pixlr. It is free(base plan) and the free plan does not take away features, and easy to use

    1. SlapshotWrangler


      i've actually used pixlr for all of my graphics

  16. how tf did you add all of those in a single post? I could only add one?
  17. @thadthrasher https://ibb.co/4sWX4X9 https://ibb.co/Tvt2mGY the second one i did and then I realized your player was a goalie...
  18. All made with Pixlr https://ibb.co/0V6HzRH https://ibb.co/F83sLkH https://ibb.co/SQ9HWZH https://ibb.co/48x1xZd https://ibb.co/Khv0MvF https://ibb.co/Tvt2mGY
  19. D- victor grachev @jhatty8
  20. i'll go because @a_Ferkis not responding. he picked someone I already had. @fishy can we skip the group leader?
  21. better than any of the others... except logo swap 5... vote #6
  22. probably my favorite ive done
  23. omfg my lil brother got a bighorn sheep stuffed animal and named it horny unknowingly

  24. alright, time for the presser. 1. I think I'm kind of the new- ish guy whos kinda funny and is pretty nice and cool 3. I think I'm an athletic nerd who recently discovered youtube 3. A person who has made his rounds of the internet and is kind of funny 4. newer members do a heckuva lot more reviewing, and old members just know what to do, i guess. They understand what it was like to be a newbie(probably) 5 just recently I have discovered the internet. not like found out about it, like the culture. The memes. The youtube. the reddit. I am so much different behind a profile pic and username than irl.
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