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Everything posted by dlamb

  1. 1. This past week we added a new goaltender, what are your thoughts on @Gooningitup (Vsevolod Askarov)? He's been playing incredible, and it has made us much more confident as a team. 2. Moscow and London are less than 8 points away from knocking us out of a wild card spot, how can we keep our playoff spot secured? Just keep playing our game. We've started a nice streak lately, and we can't let the outside noise distract us form what we do best - win games. 3. Has your player been performing well this past week compared to the rest of the season? Yeah, Lamb has actually been having a really good season. His career clock is almost done, so I'm sure he wants to climb the all-time points leaderboard while he still can. 4. We are 5-1-1 with our new goaltender Askarov, have they been the difference when it comes to winning? Like I said before, of course, even though they are not among the top by TPE in the league, upgrading to Askarov has given us new life and confidence that this core can do what they did last season. 5. How have you been lately, anything new in your life? Not bad, had a few birthday gatherings with family, but other than that just been enjoying what is left of my summer. 6. If you could anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? I would either go back to London, or check out what California has to offer. That's been on my bucket list for a while.
  2. he just got traded, his new helmet hasn't come in yet!
  3. 1. Warsaw is at an even record (9-9-2). What does the team need to do to start winning more games? Just need to stick to our game. We've found the goalie upgrade, now it's up to us to play to our potential like we did last season. 2. Are their any surprises in the league this season? Teams that are doing well that shouldn't be? Teams that aren't doing well that should be doing better? I'm quietly happy that Davos and Riga are finally doing decent, they deserve it after seasons of disappointment. Also NA being so strong as close has come as a big surprise to me. 3. Who is Warsaw's biggest threat this season if we have one? Prague or Moscow I think. We've been back and forth with them all season, and we need to beat those teams if we're going to go on a run here. 4. What upgrades are you planning towards your player's attributes? If you bank for depreciation, which attribute do you wish could be maxed (99 overall) at all times if you could pick one? NUTTIN'. My build is donezo, Lamb only has 1 season left after this, so it's all about protecting what I have. Scoring MAXED always, Lamb loves to snipe it. 99 faceoffs would be nice as well, but that's kinda overkill. 5. What are your hobbies besides the VHL? I play a lot of ball hockey, collect Pokémon and Hockey cards, and play quite a bit of CSGO. That's about it 6. Choose one: Filming a comedy movie with Adam Sandler, Playing 1v1 basketball with Barrack Obama, or Weightlifting with Dwayne Johnson. (I'm a 20 year old dude so these are the coolest things I could think of). Honestly probably 1v1 with Obama. Post-presidency he seems to be a really down to earth dude I'd love to have a conversation with. I would probably lose, but it would be fun. Maybe Sandler, that would be sick as well.
  4. dlamb

    WAR/CGY; S79

  5. How do you feel Warsaw performed in our opening weekend? Not bad, not great. We still need to get the chemistry together with the new additions. It will come with time, I have no doubt. How has your player performed so far? Pretty good, scoring more goals than usual. However for me that doesn't really matter, it just comes down to wins and losses. Does our record (2-2-1, 4th in EU Conference) after the opening weekend predict the future for the rest of S79? Or is 5 games not enough to tell? Like I said before, no. Even sitting at 5-7-1, I know we can easily turn it around. Just need to take it 1 game at a time. What are your thoughts on Seattle's Expansion draft and the NHL draft that took place this past week? I don't hate it, I think they may have a solid team. Not going to make any solid takes, because look at what Vegas did. I do think it was a mistake not making any side deals for teams to protect certain players. Have you been following the Summer Olympics? If so, what events are you keeping track of? Not really. I'm basically only keeping up with how the Canadian Athletes are doing, no sport in particular. I would like to catch a Women's Soccer game though. How has you 2021 summer been going? So far, not too bad. My birthday is tomorrow, so that's definitely a plus.
  6. That's what I get for opening VHL the moment I wake up @Domg5 we are done!
  7. @Alex_J32 feel free to make your final pick. @Renomitsu you can make yours at any time as well.
  8. @a_Ferk has been skipped. Feel free to pick whenever, again. @Renomitsu is up!
  9. G - Sirkants Klamasteris @a_Ferk
  10. D - Victor Grachev @MattyIce
  11. @a_Ferk Has been skipped. Feel free to pick whenever. @Renomitsu is now up.
  12. F - Duncan Idaho @a_Ferk
  13. @a_Ferk has been skipped. Feel free to pick whenever. I pick F - SS Hornet @MattyIce
  14. Dakota Lamb. @a_Ferk
  15. D - Alex Letang @MattyIce
  16. 1. The S79 VHL draft finished up earlier tonight, we added a solid goaltender in @Donno100 . What are your thoughts on the draft for Warsaw? The team definitely picked up a goalie who has the potential to do great things here. I am very excited to watch their development. 2. What are your player's goals for this upcoming season? Lamb, now getting older, will do whatever it takes for the team to win, no matter what he has to do. 3. Do we have another shot at the Continental Cup this season? 100%. Like I've said before there is question marks around hoop, but with pretty much the same roster as last season, no reason why we can't do it again. 4. If you were the GM for Warsaw what are some changes you would make to the team if any? Well.... teehee. Like I just said, I'd like to get us an upgraded starter. other than that, this team is definitely rock solid. 5. Was your offseason good? How was your player's development? My offseason was pretty good, went back home and visited family in Canada. Lamb is definitely feeling his age this offseason, but has put in the work to remain at the top of his game. 6. As the new AGM I'm super excited for this team and pumped to work with the goat himself Mr. Lamb... If there is any advice you could give me or anything I can do to help the team out what would it be? GM Lamb likes a Caramel Frappuccino, with whole milk and 3 pumps of vanilla. Get that daily and you have done your job, Mr. AGM.
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