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Everything posted by dlamb

  1. This got me thinking... NHL = 8/34 (23.5%) VHL = 33/77 (42.8%) however, if we put the sample size down to the past 34 seasons, like the NHL, it goes down to 13/34 (38.2%).
  2. I am applying! Congrats to Muff on a great GM tenure here in Warsaw, let's finish it off strong!
  3. End of an era for sure, couldn't have asked for a better GM to guide me as a 1st gen player. I appreciate the recommendation too, I would love nothing more than to continue the legacy and culture you have created here.
  4. 2. We won the Victory Cup for the second consecutive season, this time sharing the award with Chicago. What does taking this award mean to our team and the legacy of this group of players? It definitely adds to the legacy of this core, who has been pretty much dominant the last 4 seasons or so. I would love to cap it off with the most prestigious trophy in the VHL, and that's what we need to focus on right now. Victory Cup 'aint too shabby though. 3. What are your predictions for New York-DC and Helsinki-Malmo? My heart says New York and Malmo. However, I think my brain would give you different answers to both. It's the playoffs though, so you never know. 4. What is your favorite flavor of gum? Uhhhhh, I wouldn't call myself a big gum chewing guy, but probably one of those fruity five ones, even if they lose their flavour after 5 chews. 6. Which team that missed the playoffs are you most surprised about? Toronto. Maybe it's the lineup inconsistency, but I feel like they've had multiple franchise players come and go. They should be in a better spot, like they proved last year. 7. Which team that made the playoffs has your favorite logo/color scheme (besides Warsaw of course )? I kinda have a knock against them all, but all things considered it would be one of our EU rivals, being between Malmo and Prague. They both have sick color schemes, just a bit iffy on the logos. 9. Which league leader in any category are you most impressed with for their performance this season? How can I say anyone but my teammates, both @Renomitsu and @hylands had amazing seasons, and I can't wait to see them clean up at the award ceremony. Although he didn't lead a category, another shoutout to @Crstats23 for being 4 short of the league lead in goals.
  5. Sheesh, bad season for me. I require assistance next year
  6. Welcome to the league, @ThatCanadian! Unfortunately we are about to start the playoffs, thus I can't offer you a spot on my team, however if you need any help with preparing for the upcoming draft you will be a part of, or helping out understanding the league, feel free to let me send me a private message on the forums and I can help you out!
  7. VHL GMs take note, got a keeper here
  8. You guys even tied GF-GA in the season series LOL. Duet time it is!
  9. Welcome to the VHL, @Marz! My name is dlamb, GM of the Ottawa Lynx, and we would like to offer you a contract. We can offer you a 3rd line position for the remainder of this season. The team is currently in the midst of pushing for the final playoff spot, and we would love to have you as a part of it! We pride ourselves on maintaining a friendly and active locker room here in Ottawa. The Lynx have a long history of developing top-tier talent, and YOU can be the next! Just quote this post and say #FEEDtheLYNX if this sounds good to you! Best of luck with your career, dlamb Ottawa Lynx GM
  10. Welcome back @Mason! My name is dlamb, GM of the Ottawa Lynx, and we would like to offer you a contract. We can offer you a 3rd line winger position for the remainder of this season. The team is currently in the midst of pushing for the final playoff spot, and we would love to have you as a part of it! We pride ourselves on maintaining a friendly and active locker room here in Ottawa. The Lynx have a long history of developing top-tier talent, and YOU can be the next! Just quote this post and say #FEEDtheLYNX if this sounds good to you! Best of luck with your new player, dlamb Ottawa Lynx GM
  11. 1. We've gone through a rough stretch lately that has us barely clinging onto the top spot in the EU. What can we do to re-gain some positive momentum? Just take things 1 game at a time. I think we're getting a bit ahead of ourselves, so we just need to slow it down, study, train, and practice for the next one and we should be good. 2. Which EU team do you feel stands as our biggest threat in the postseason? I'd definitely say London, as they've got a solid team and are right on our heels in the standings. Prague is up there too, however there is no shootouts in the postseason so how are they going to win games? /s 5. Youtube or Twitch? Youtube 100%. Unless it is an event or something like that, I'd rather watch stream highlights on YouTube than just a long stream. 6. Which of the 10 teams currently in playoff positions do you think is most likely to miss the playoffs and why? One of Calgary - Los Angeles - D.C. is going to miss the playoffs, and I think it's going to be Calgary due to growing pains. I like all 3 teams, and the battle will be fun to watch nonetheless. 7. How would you grade your player's performance this season on a scale of 1 to 10? I'd give it an 8 probably. Not the best season Lamb has had, but still quite good, and I am more than happy. 8. How would you grade the team's performance this season on a scale of 1 to 10? Again, an 8, possibly even a 9 if we didn't have this slight rough patch here lately. I still think we can kick it in gear for a Victory Cup, we will see.
  12. Oh hey, welcome back @jhatty8! Ottawa is a team currently outside the playoff picture, but just narrowly, and we hope that with some good play down the stretch we can make it in. If you would like to be a part of the push while playing 3rd-pairing minutes, just quote this post and say #FEEDTHELYNX! (also we have the best logo in the league, I'd love to see it in your gfx no bias) Good luck with your new player! dlamb Ottawa Lynx GM
  13. Good luck with Detroit, and hats off to Mitchell on a great career. Warsaw legend
  14. Welcome to the VHL, @GirouxFan! My name is dlamb, GM of the Ottawa Lynx, and we would like to offer you a contract. We can offer you 3rd line ice time, but of course that can change as you grow your player. We pride ourselves on maintaining a friendly and active locker room here in Ottawa. The team is currently in the midst of pushing for the final playoff spot, and we would love to have you as a part of it! Ottawa has a long history of developing top-tier talent, and YOU can be the next! Just quote this post and say #FEEDtheLYNX to join the Lynx! Have fun and best of luck, dlamb Ottawa Lynx GM
  15. Hello friends, thought I'd post here instead of creating my own. Give me some song suggestions! Any genre, just trying to expand my personal playlist. I only have one playlist I constantly have on, just shuffled, if anyone is interested (it goes back to 2017 and I haven't deleted anything, pls no judge): https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4f3useQHPjiq1VokVhvyXh?si=a677953a67b941fa
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