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Everything posted by dlamb

  1. 100% agree. I tried playing around with it to make the "marner" a little lighter, but nothing I did made it as clean as it looks right now, it is what it is haha
  2. This is definitely one of the best graphics I've seen from you. A few things I would do, however, is add a blur to the back render, or just try so make it blend into the background better so that the main render is more in the forefront. I like the text, but for some reason on the Z and M at the ends it cuts off awkwardly. I'm also a sucker for team branding, so maybe a VHL logo or something would fit as well. Nonetheless, no reason not to be happy with this. 7.5/10.
  3. 1. How do you feel our first series as a team against Riga went? We almost swept them taking it 4 games to 1. It went very well. We played our game and brought it to them, putting up our normal types of goal and shot totals. Definitely was probably closer than the final series score, but I'm very happy with how we played. 2. How did your player play through the first round? Not too bad. I'd like to see some more goals from Lamb, and I know he has it in him, but I can't complain being over PPG with a series win. 3. Warsaw is in the Conference Finals!! We play Malmo. What are your thoughts on our opponents? Malmo is an absolute wagon this season, there's no denying it. There is a ton of storylines to tie us together, whether it be Muffbeav or Hylands, I'm just hoping for a long, competitive series, and may the best team win. 4. What are our strengths and weaknesses so far through these playoffs? So far, SOG and scoring goals has been our strength. As well as our PP, which is sitting around 30% after our first round. I don't think Riga really showed us what our weaknesses are just yet, but no doubt Malmo will. We have to absolutely bring it. 5. Who is the stronger team in your opinion in the North American Conference? Los Angeles or Seattle? I honestly think LA. Merrick has been an absolute beast, as well as Pines on the back end, and it has been a long time coming. Sorry Seattle, but you have to share the wealth sometimes. 6. Summer is coming to an end, how did yours go? It was good, I had a pretty eventful summer. It doesn't feel like the end though, another month would be nice.
  4. WOOO UNOFFICIAL AWARDS SZN!!!! Get these on the portal, unofficially of course. Great work as always, finally some hardware
  5. lol thanks, this is my specialty, the "add random stuff until it looks okay"
  6. The Warsaw Predators would like to congratulate several players on achieving new career highs! Almost every player on the team established a new career high in either goals, assists, or points. Going through every other statistical category would take quite a while, so I’ll just stick with these ones (with 1 exception). Obviously rookies Tynan Sylvester & Bogdan Trunov also established career highs as well, this being their only season. LW/C Aloe Dear @Renomitsu – Assists (77), Points (121) Previous assists high: 74 (Season 78) Previous points high: 118 (Season 78) C Dakota Lamb @me – Assists (64), Points (108) Previous assists high: 62 (Season 78) Previous points high: 104 (Season 77) D Victor Grachev @KaleebtheMighty – Goals (31), Assists (70), Points (101) Previous goals high: 20 (Season 78) Previous assists high: 57 (Season 74) Previous points high: 73 (Season 74) RW Lexi Glass @AW13 – Goals (47), Points (99) Previous goals high: 36 (Season 77) Previous points high: 88 (Season 77) D Chris Hylands @hylands – Assists (74) Previous high: 68 (Season 78) C/LW Leo Strauss @gregreg – Goals (34) Previous high: 33 (Season 78) D Tim Waters @Siddhus – Assists (47) Previous high: 44 (Season 74) D Hadrian @bluesfan55 – Goals (10), Assists (23), Points (33) Previous goals high: 2 (Season 78) Previous assists high: 13 (Season 78) Previous points high: 15 (Season 78) G Vsevolod Askarov @Gooningitup – Wins (45)* Previous high: 31 (Season 78) And last but not least: LW Chris Reynolds @Crstats23 – Plus Minus (+42), Shots Blocked (33) Previous +/- high: 24 (Season 78) Previous SB high: 19 (Season 76) Still putting up a monster 39 goals and 51 assists, Reynolds was just shy of his career highs set last season. I think he’s saved his best for the playoffs though. If an entire team could win the "most-improved" Dustin Funk Trophy, I think a case could be made for Warsaw. Congrats again to the team on a great season! Looking forward to what we can do in the post-season. *Split between CGY and WAR (i hope all the numbers are correct lol)
  7. (fwiw in my mind Kevin King is on the left, and General Zod is on the right) Check out the article here:
  8. 1. Who has been the best offensive player on the team this season? Our offense flows through 1 player, and that is our star C Aloe Dear. She absolutely dominated the league last season, and has come back to Warsaw once again tearing up the league. 2. Who has been the best defensive player on the team this season? Victor Grachev for sure. 2nd on the team in blocked shots and 1st in hits, as well as the best +/- by a defender on Warsaw. He's been a beast on all 200-foot of the ice, and gets my vote for the best defender on the team. 3. Does anyone on Warsaw deserve any individual awards this season? Sterling Labatte Trophy - Chris Hylands or Victor Grachev Alexander Valiq Trophy - Chris Hylands or Victor Grachev Mikka Virkkunen Trophy - Lexi Glass Christian Stolzschweiger Trophy - Bogdan Trunov Aidan Shaw Trophy - Vsevolod Askarov 4. How do you feel about the team's performance this season so far? (Warsaw is 2nd in the league after 57 games played). Very happy. We had a poor start, but have since rebounded to become the team everyone knows us as. Definitely excited to see how we play down the stretch and beyond. 5. How has your player been doing this season? Very well. Lamb has a slight chance to set a new career high in points, but even if he doesn't do that, I'm very happy with his play this season. 6. How has life been treating you? Anything new going on? Work/school has been okay? Just got back from a camping trip, but other than that, just relaxing, swimming, drinking, and enjoying the sun. I've been pondering going back to school, but not quite sure on that front yet.
  9. NEXT STOP HOF** **after a S79 cup
  11. Hey, if this image was high quality, you'd also be able to see it https://vhlportal.com/hof/awards/history/9 But it's the KEVIN BROOKS TROPHY, get your roleplay hat on!
  12. 1. Warsaw is 3rd in the league! How are you feeling?!?!?! Feeling great! It was a little discouraging having the start we had, but with just a couple of tweaks, we have shown the VHL that we have the ability to perform like we have in previous years, even if we are aging. 2. Can we bring home the Victory Cup? (Best Regular Season Record) I believe we do have a chance, but Malmo has just been so insane this season, it's definitely looking a little slim. But if we keep playing how we have been, who knows! 3. What has been the key success to our winning stretch? Contributing as a team. Different teammates are pitching in to get us the wins, and that's exactly what matters. We win together, always. 4. The NHL does not start for another two weeks, have you been watching any other sports while you wait? Not really, I'll probably start watching some football when the regular season starts, but right now I've just been watching TV shows and YouTube for the most part. 5. Out of all of the individual VHL awards there are, which one would you love for your player to win? I would choose the Daisuke Kanou Trophy for Playoffs MVP. A Kanou would be nice, but I'm not really too fussed about individual awards. Lamb's HOF chances were shut down the moment he didn't come up the season after he was drafted, so all I'm focused on is another Continental Cup. 6. Anything interesting going on in your life right now? Anything exciting? Not too much, looking forward to being able to go to the US again, and other things opening up, but nothing super concrete as of now. Just relaxing and enjoying the rest of my summer!
  13. 1. Practice Facility should act as an "activity check", and instead of being a button you click on the portal, you should have to comment on a sim thread per week or something. This has been said in discord before, maybe in a Gus article, not too sure. Or maybe just add a "sim attendance" like some other leagues have, for everyone who comments on the thread in a certain amount of time. 2. Not sure if it is possible on the forum host we have, but achievements under each members name would be cool, like SHL has. "S78 Continental Cup, etc etc." I guess it wouldn't really improve forum activity, however it would still give members something to strive for beyond their name on a page on the portal. 3. An UPDATED video tutorial on how to get started in the VHL. I didn't stay in SHL, however for the 2 days I was there, the starter video really helped and made me realize how useful one can be for new members. I think too many members are coming to the site, getting a bunch of VHLM offers, and not much beyond that. I guarantee you a video would increase retention and maybe even get some Welfare+PF new members to go beyond that. 4. Bring all-star games back, doesn't have to be in EA NHL, at the very least announce the teams
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