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Everything posted by dlamb

  1. 1. Dakota Lamb and Lexi Glass are back! How does it feel to have two longtime Predators back on the squad for another cup run? WOOO! Super exciting to be back, it's time to win it all. Lexi is also one of the most underrated players in the VHL. 2. In order to make things work financially, we were unfortunately forced to trade away Latrell Mitchell and allow Jacob Carson to walk. How do you feel about these big losses to our team? It hurts, for sure. Both of them were valuable on and off the ice, but this is a business, and it had to be done. Hopefully I can reconnect with them down the line, whether it be, again, on or off the ice. 3. Which team had the most impressive offseason this year? As much as I hate to say it, it has to be Seattle. They definitely got way better. 7. If you had Animorphs-style powers and could morph into any one animal whenever you choose, which animal would it be? Something that can fly. Maybe like an eagle or something, big enough to not get killed my other birds, and also not by hunters. 8. How cohesive and legible is your written signature? I'd probably give mine a 5/10. You can clearly read the D and L, but beyond that, it's kinda just scribbling. 9. Are you a light mode person or a dark mode person? Usually I'm dark mode, but for the forums I prefer light mode. For everything else (including the portal), dark for sure. 10. Which VHL player do you think will make the biggest leap this season? I have Cabe McJake @RedSus as my Funk winner this season. Highest TPE on the team, poised for at least a point-per-game season for the first time in their career.
  2. Transaction ID: 20632666555257247 S78: Doubles Week (claiming this week) 5 Uncapped TPE (claiming this week)
  3. @NerdyCowz Been 12 hours since last ping, your 1st pick has been skipped. You have 4 hours to make a pick before DQ
  4. Thanks! Gotta compete with your offers somehow!
  5. Welcome to the Victory Hockey League, @Lohenhrin! My name is dlamb, and I am the new General Manager of the Ottawa Lynx. We would like to offer you a contract! Right now, we can offer a back-up position, with a friendly and growing locker room! Me and my AGM JB123 are both very active and willing to help with any questions you have, you just got to ask! Ottawa has a long history of developing top-tier talent, and you can be the next. Just quote this post and say #FEEDtheLYNX to join the Lynx! Have fun and good luck, dlamb Ottawa Lynx GM
  6. Hello @ajwllmsn, welcome to the Victory Hockey League! My name is dlamb, and I am the GM of the Ottawa Lynx. We would like to offer you a contract! We can offer 3rd line ice time, always with an opportunity to move up, with a friendly and growing locker room! Me and my AGM JB123 are both very active and willing to help with any questions you have, you just got to ask! Ottawa has a long history of developing top-tier talent, and you can be the next. Just quote this post and say #FEEDtheLYNX to join the Lynx! Have fun and good luck, dlamb Ottawa Lynx GM
  7. @NerdyCowz bump because I'm going to bed, you have 2 picks to make. 3 hours left on the first.
  8. Hey @Agito! Welcome to the Victory Hockey League! My name is dlamb, and I am the GM of the Ottawa Lynx. We would like to offer you a contract! We can offer 2nd pair ice time, always with an opportunity to move up, with a friendly and growing locker room! Me and my AGM JB123 are both very active and willing to help with any questions you got, you just got to ask! Ottawa has a long history of developing top-tier talent, and you can be the next. Just quote this post and say #FEEDtheLYNX to join the Lynx! Have fun and good luck, dlamb Ottawa Lynx GM
  9. Claim 2/2, for the week ending May 23
  10. Aina will always have a special place in my heart You know I will do whatever I can to keep his legacy alive! Come to the Ottawa Lynx for 3rd line minutes to start, with the potential to move up! Quote with #FEEDtheLYNX to join your boys @qripll and I with the Ottawa Lynx!
  11. Don't listen to Juice, Ottawa is the place you want to be! We can offer you 3rd line minutes right away, of course with the potential to move up quickly. We started your first career together, let's do it again. Quote me with #FEEDtheLYNX to start your VHLM career with Ottawa! @osens
  12. Apologies for extra ping, will track picks here, good luck everyone! 1. @Esso2264 F- Jeffery Pines F- Luke Thornton F- Lee Xin D- Tyler Walker D- Latrell Mitchell G- Doug Dimmadome 2. @dasboot F- Christian Mingle F- Onde Sandstrom F- SS Hornet D- Randy Marsh D- Spencer Elsby G- Vsevolod Askarov 3. @FrostBeard F- Isabella Campbell F- Robin Winter F- Valtteri Vaakanainen D- James Rose D- Micah Adrienne G- Jacob Tonn 4. @dlamb (Group Manager) F- Taro Tsujimoto F- Timothy Brown F- Dakota Lamb D- Alex Letang D- Tom Eagles G- Rara Rasputin 5. @RedSus F- Cabe McJake F- Groovy Dood F- Ola Vikingstad D- Erik Killinger D- Cowboy Prout G- Ajay Krishna 6. @JardyB10 F- Aloe Dear F- Muffbeav F- Addison McLaren D- Matty Socks D- Chris Hylands G- Artem Tretiak @Esso2264 is up
  13. Been awesome playing together, but in reality it's a two-way street. Playing with Dear has made Lamb better!
  14. 3. As the salary cap gets more and more difficult to navigate for us as a steady contender, how much longer is our window in your opinion? To be honest, I'm not sure. I'd say we still have a shot this upcoming season, but after that, it comes down to how well we draft and retain players. 4. What is the most useless organ in your body? 5. Across the entire VHL, which player most surprised you with their performance in S77? Aloe Fucking Dear. My MVP. 6. In the same vein, which team surprised you the most in S77, whether for overperforming or underperforming in this past season? Pretty consensus pick here would be Riga. They looked to be an easy playoff team and it just never came together. I don't think I can think of a specific "overachiever", maybe one of those top NA teams. 7. With a lot of the attention turned towards Thursday's draft, which team do you think will have the most impactful draft in the league? Even after the draft, I'm not sure yet. I'll have to look back in a few seasons to say for sure, but I remember Malmo making multiple picks I liked. 8. Who do you believe is the best graphics maker in the VHL? I think it depends on what you're looking for. For sigs, the space is a bit saturated, there is a few names that come to mind. Although it isn't the cleanest sigs you can find, I really respect what Z does for breaking the mold. 9. Which free agent do you think will have the most impact on S78 and why? Am I allowed to say myself? In all seriousness, Xavier Leflemant's return to DC will probably be successful again, they were really lacking forward depth. 10. If you could only listen to one artist's music for the rest of your life, who would it be? An extra answer because I want to say either The Strokes, or Mac Miller.
  15. dlamb

    NYA/WAR; S78

    This one definitely hurts, one of Warsaw's GOATs Excited to see what he can do in New York! ya boot
  16. More gatekeeping is not the way. I don't disagree, though.
  17. Wow, was not expecting no see my name on the ballot, thank you! Congrats to all the nominees, and a big ups to @rjfryman! Well deserved!
  18. dlamb

    MIS/OTT; S78

    @PandaBearD25 and @Cxsquared, extremely excited to have you both on the team! @Zetterberg
  19. Woohoo my article has every player from Greenland confirmed by the VHL historian
  20. dlamb

    LVA/OTT; S78

    Welcome to the team @Charlie! Pleasure doing business Jiggs
  21. Sorry to see you go, @.sniffuM! @.sniffuM why would you trade away @.sniffuM, you guys were so alike
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