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Everything posted by dlamb

  1. Why in the world are players from Greenland emerging suddenly? In the portal era, not even one existed until Season 70. In the last 9 seasons, we have seen 13 players, to mostly successful careers. Nothing on the forums seems to indicate the sudden surge of Greenlandic players. Besides some half-jokingly suggestions about an expansion team there (mostly @GustavMattias calling for the Nuuk Nukes), not much seems to indicate where this all started. A potential theory is members being FROM Greenland (hello if you are reading!), but none of my research has confirmed that to be true. Join me as I take a look at all the players from the country and their careers thus far. Back in Season 70, it was obviously a rarity for a prospect to hail from Greenland. As stated by @DollarAndADream in a December 9th, 2019 forum comment, replying to the backstory of Lewis Dawson, a pioneer of Greenland’s impact on the VHL: “Hockey player from Greenland? How unique.” Well DaaD, it may be not so unique anymore, but rather a blossoming VHL player producing powerhouse. Let us look at the first generation of Greenlandic players, one in which we can call THE BEGINNING. C Lewis Dawson (S70) 932 TPE RETIRED @Kendrick Dawson marks the earliest VHL player from Greenland in the portal era, with Dawson popping up on VHLM scouts’ radar in mid-November, 2019. The all-time leader in TPE, for now, from the world’s biggest island, Dawson compiled 396 career points in the VHL between Malmo, Calgary, Davos, and DC, winning a Victory cup with the Wranglers as a rental in Season 75. RW Aleelee Kiak (S70) 494 TPE RETIRED @Grant As VHLM scouts discovered the aforementioned Dawson, it was not long until they found another gem in Kiak. The first champion on this list, Aleelee was able to conquer both the VHLM and VHL, winning a Founder’s Cup in Season 70 with Minnesota, and a Continental Cup in Season 73. A respectable career, however cut short, there is nothing to complain about Kiak’s 238 points in 287 regular season VHL games. G Grekkark Gyrfalcon (S73) 775 TPE @Sharkstrong The only known goalie from Greenland to see VHL ice thus far, Gyrfalcon has enjoyed a very nice career between Malmo and Prague. Another double champion (VHLM + VHL), along with a 178-124-21 record and a career .915 SV%, Grekkark has inspired many from their country to strap on the pads and see what the VHL has to offer. D Mie Dickinson (S75) 72 TPE FREE AGENT @garbageproducts Unfortunately, Dickinson had trouble keeping up with training, and only lasted 1 season in the VHLM with Miami before disappearing from VHL ice completely. D Thunder Dick (S75) 66 TPE RETIRED @garbageproducts As was with Dickinson, Thunder Dick was unable to complete the transition, and was never able to impress VHL/M scouts enough to land a deal. He has since retired. After those players, all was quiet. We did not see any talent good enough to crack a VHLM or VHL lineup from the cold island in Season 76. Little did we know, we were about to begin a new generation… in one I call THE EXPLOSION. C Asher Reinhart (S77) 490 TPE @rjfryman VHL, get ready for the family taking over the entire league – the Reinharts. Asher, who many say is most skilled right now, is another champion, taking the S75 Founder’s Cup with Philadelphia. Asher contributed to the Toronto Legion’s return to the playoffs, and is set to become their franchise Centre for years to come. D Reylynn Reinhart (S77) 476 TPE @Ricer13 The next 2 sort of go hand-in-hand. Reylynn Reinhart and Zeedayno Chara are the first 2 defenders from Greenland to officially play a VHL game. They play similar games, and they compliment eachother every time they play together, whether it be back in the motherland, or in the World Juniors. Reylynn is a silky smooth passer. No notable awards to talk about right now, but I expect that to change sooner rather than later. D Zeedayno Chara (S77) 414 TPE @Jubis Big Z, as they call him, is an absolute menace on New York’s blueline. As a rookie, he put up 6 goals and 41 assists, just a glimmer of what he can do. Chara and his Greenlandic roots hope to bring NYA back to the playoffs sometime real soon. D Joe Madison (S77) 260 TPE @Brewins15 A very promising prospect, Madison looks to make an impact with Calgary next season, where they are penciled in to begin Season 78. They showed off their offensive prowess this past season in the VHLM, with 67 points with Mississauga, helping them reach the Founder’s Cup finals. D Inunnguaq Kiak (S77) 182 TPE @Grant When it comes to hockey families, Canada has the Sutters and the Staals, but Greenland has the Reinharts and the Kiaks. The second-generation Kiak, Inunnguaq, is already following in Aleelee’s footsteps by starting off their career with a Founder’s Cup, accomplished in S77 with the Mexico City Kings. Inunnguaq may spend another season in the VHLM, but had a coming out party in Season 77 with 26 goals and 81 points in 71 games. C Jlloyoid Blloyoiderson (S78) 112 TPE S78 DRAFT ELIGIBLE @Cxsquared An absolute mouthful of a name, Blloyoiderson has flashes of brilliance here and there, but has stalled on training from time to time, so there is question marks surrounding their future. Scouts say the talent is there, however if the commitment is not, then Blloyoiderson may end up as the next Thunder Dick. Only the future will tell. G Tobias Reinhart (S78) 148 TPE S78 DRAFT ELIGIBLE @Spaz The second of the two Greenlandic netminders, Tobias has been absolutely stellar thus far in his VHLM career. Rocking a 12-1-0 record, he still has some improvements to make, but scouts are saying he will be one of the first goalers taken off the board at the Season 78 VHL draft. RW Tyler Reinhart (S79) 149 TPE S79 DRAFT ELIGIBLE @Zetterberg One of, if not the top prospect for the Season 79 VHL draft, the most recent Reinhart to announce for the VHL draft has his sights set on being the highest drafted player from his home country. He showed improvements in his game across his stint with the Mississauga Hounds, however, has yet to score a regular season VHLM goal. Look for that to change early next season. It is crazy the talent we are seeing come from a country of just 56,225. I do not think it is going to stop, as scouts have added Greenland to their usual scouting trips, just looking for the next budding star. As we start to get more and more players coming to the VHL, it may be safe to assume that eventually we may see a World Junior or World Cup team consisting of just the one country – akin to Canada or USA. Side note: Did you know Greenland is a territory of Denmark? In 1946, the United States offered to buy Greenland from Denmark for $100,000,000. That is all. (1150-ish Words, claiming for Week Ending 16 and 23)
  2. Sign me up, willing to manage as well
  3. Can we at least get the votes to be shown in public? Don't want any collusion of sorts
  4. 2. Who was the MVP of the Prague series for Warsaw? I think it would be Latrell Mitchell. He has been the backbone for the entire team thus far. 4. What, in your opinion, is the best of all the basic shapes? A circle. No start or end point, and theoretically an infinite number of vertices. 5. Seattle pulled off a sweep of an upstart LA team today. What are your thoughts on our potential future competitors? Seattle is definitely rolling, which is surprising to me. I didn't realize how good they look, however I think, once again, EU is the tougher conference. 6. What did you think of the punishments levied to Prague and DC for failing to start their backup goalies the required amount of times in the regular season? It was definitely too little too late, but everybody makes mistakes. It would have been interesting to see what Malmo could've done against a backup goaler. 8. What is the ideal height? 6'1". Anyone that says they're 6'0 are just lying and are actually 5'11, and if you get any taller you start getting jokes like "how is the weather up there?" 9. Based on their collective histories thus far, how would you rank the VHL's 4 most recent expansion teams (us, Los Angeles, Chicago, London)? Chicago - the only one of the 4 with a cup Warsaw - Victory Cup and a finals appearance, just missing the big prize London - made the playoffs a couple times, but never really had a deep run Los Angeles - probably better than London currently, however just made their first playoffs this season
  5. You never fail to blow out my eardrums at the start But great casual listening as always, looking forward to more. But, >
  6. Thank you to all the people that applied, if I could have multiple AGMs, I would! However, there can only be one, and I would like to announce the new AGM for the Ottawa Lynx! This candidate, albeit a newer member to the VHL, definitely stood out to me as someone who has real potential in the VHL management scene. I definitely think that he can help bring the Lynx back to the top! Without further ado, congrats to @JB123!
  7. Yeah, just loaded a retro card into ps (specifically the one below) lowered the opacity to like 50% and tried to replicate it as well as possible.
  8. Yeah, I found a retro card just on Google images and made my own from scratch based on that, appreciate it!
  9. Hello everyone, with GM Dok and AGM Spyro stepping down together, I am now looking for a new AGM! Looking for someone who: - Is active in the Locker Room - Can do weekly Press Conferences (preferably early in the week) - Can be my 2nd opinion - Submit STHS lines (no experience required) DM me here on the forums or on discord (dlamb#5469) if you are interested!
  10. Thanks everyone! Very excited for the opportunity. Special shout outs to @Esso2264, @.sniffuM, @rory, @Enorama, and @Juice, as well as the VHLM Commies and the people I'm probably forgetting about! Can't wait to get started
  11. maybe I lightened it up a little too much. Oh well.
  12. NEW YORK AMERICANS PRESS CONFERENCE Week Ending 02/05 1. Sometimes, the sims do not go our way. Where does NYA go from here? 2. FILL IN THE BLANK: The Americans' best player this past season was ____________. 3. What team are you rooting for to win the S77 Continental Cup? 4. How will you spend your offseason? 5. What are your thoughts on Mexico City's new logo? 6. If you were stranded on a deserted island and could bring 3 things, what would they be?
  13. 1. We’ve been on a bit of a slide lately, what’s it gonna take to get going again? We just gotta get back to the way we were playing earlier in the season. Obviously it comes with the usual "simplifying our game" and "getting pucks deep". 2. Ever since the trade deadline it’s been hard to find chemistry, if you had the chance would you go back and not make that deal? No, I don't think so. You don't make trades to have a good regular season. We can't look back until the playoffs are over. 3. Do you still like our chances in the playoffs? Of course. We're still having a great season overall, and I would consider us the main favourite. 4. Are you superstitious? Is there anything you have to do before a game to put your mind at ease? Yes, to an extent. Always put my left skate on first. Not sure why, just have always done it since I was a kid. 5. What’s your favourite dip for nachos? Sour Cream or Nacho Cheese, can't pick one. 6. How many push-ups can you do? I'm not sure to be honest, maybe 35ish.
  14. Welcome! Nice to see more bruins fans
  15. At the time of writing, Dakota Lamb is atop the Season 73 draft class by TPE. Although it is completely because MexicanCow and Rory have yet to update for the week ending April 25th, I am still going to take a moment to be proud of what I have done with Lamb, both on the ice, and off of it, with training and development. In the beginning I had a tough time grasping what the VHL was, and why I would submit myself to extra homework as a college student. Alas, once I was drafted into the VHLM by Miami and learned the ropes of max earning, I have never looked back and have never missed a capped TPE after those first few weeks of barely earning. I hope that when all is said and done, I can remain the top dog for Season 73. But, I would like to shout out the previously mentioned @MexicanCow123 and @rory, as well as @bigAL and all the other draftees that season for just adding a little extra personal drive to keep me max earning. Banking is kinda boring as someone who is always hungry for more TPE, but the friendly rivalry definitely helps feed that hunger. (204 Words)
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