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  1. Like
    dlamb reacted to osens in Interview with Miami Marauders young star Dakota Lamb   
    Miami Marauders have been really successful with their prospect pool and one of the golden tickets of last VHLM draft was Dakota Lamb. He has been a monster on ice, he is one of the best players on the ice and he has not even fulfilled his potential. We have gotten Dakota Lamb and asked some interesting questions to him, to get to know youngster from Canada a little bit more.

    You have been a huge star in VHLM this season, being very successful in your first season in newly made team Miami Marauders. You seem very polished as a player, where would you like to improve more, to be even better?
    Yeah, I pride myself on my all-around play. I'd like for teams to be afraid of me in both the offensive and defensive zone. My offensive stats are right where I want them to be, so I am looking to improve more in the d zone, starting off with my faceoffs, puck handling, and passing as soon as possible.

    You have seen yourself thrown all-around in lines but you always get a lot of points. Who are your most favorite teammates to play with?
    Wherever my team needs me, I am more than happy to play. I don't care that much about production, but of course, it's nice. Whatever is best for the team is where I like to play, but it's always a little sweeter to hop over the boards with my friends. 

    There have been a lot of allegations for your teammate Oh Sens and his illegal activities, do you have something to say on these matters?
    As long as Oh Sens isn't getting into too much trouble with both the league and the law, he can do what he wants. I worry about that kid, he's a riot, but I'm afraid he's headed down a dark path. I'm sure he is responsible enough to know what he's getting into. 

    A lot of young players has got a legend, that they look up to, do you have your favorite player, that you look up to and why exactly that player? Maybe you are trying to shape your play like him?
    As a kid, and even into my junior career, I always looked up to Patrice Bergeron. Even though he is a rightie and I'm a leftie, I try my hardest to model myself after him, both on and off the ice. Just the two-way dominance he shows, plus the absolute class he has at all times is something I strive to be.
    Your team has been marketing a line of you, Florent Vericel and Oh Sens as ''Kids'', and you all should be pretty good friends off the ice. Would you be willing to bring this line to VHL too or is it only Miami thing?
    I would love that if we could carry that over to the VHL. As unlikely as it is, we could carry the chemistry we have and continue to produce. If VHL GMs are reading this, make it happen. 

    Lately, you have spoken out about the stolen opportunity to be a part of WJC this year. Is there any way you would change the World Junior Championship format, so anything like this doesn't happen again?
    There are always going to be good players left off of the World Junior Championship teams. There's not much you can change there. It sucks for sure, but all you can really do is make those World Junior Championship GMs look silly for not taking you. 

    In the junior leagues, there are a lot of talents and great players with massive potential. But sometimes players don't work too hard and they don't become the best version of themselves. Who is the hardest working player on your team and do you think you work hard enough to complete your VHL dream?  
    Well, first of all, I just have to applaud management. Miami management has made most of us, myself included, the best version of ourselves. Shoutout to Ricer and BigAL for that. Players-wise, I'll give a shoutout to Oh Sens, Andre LeBastard, and Kosmo Kramerev. These guys have been core and star players for us, leading the way in the locker room, showing us what work ethic we should strive to have. Personally, I have been trying my absolute hardest to raise my VHL draft stock. I want to be a star in every league I'm in, and I will do almost anything to achieve that goal. So yes, I think I do.
    Thank you for the interview Mr. Lamb.
    Dakota Lamb has been a household name in this season and teams doing scouting report on Miami Marauders always put huge exclamation mark next to Lamb name because he is one of the most dangerous players on the ice right now and I am not talking about only VHLM, I think Dakota Lamb would be really dangerous in VHL too and he is a player, which you could always love. He has his story of being underappreciated and Dakota is the perfect underdog story. He didn't make World Juniors Championship, but he will bounce back and if he is going to perform like this next year, he will definitely get in next year. Miami Marauders has got all assets to contend really and with Dakota Lamb in front, the future is bright. 

    The young player from Canada, Dakota Lamb has got a lot of room still to grow, but he is looking really promising and people will be talking about him years to come. With the right workload and correct people, Lamb is destined for greatness. No one can predict how good can Lamb look when he is getting the VHL team's resources in training and world-class coaches but if he is looking scary already, he will be a terminator in few years.  Dakota Lamb said that he tries to shape his game like Patrice Bergeron, but if he keeps up his training, he could be like him but only a hundred times scarier than Bergeron ever was.
    /little bit over 1000 words/
  2. Like
    dlamb got a reaction from Viper in LVA AGM Spot Available   
    Thanks for the shoutout @bigAL! Definitely applying, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to message me here or on discord (dlamb#5469)
  3. Like
    dlamb reacted to bigAL in LVA AGM Spot Available   
    I nominate both @Zetterberg and @dlambZ if you need experience and D if you want to mentor your AGM. 
  4. Love
    dlamb reacted to bigAL in Team Canada Fan Experience Contest   
    An update on the Team Canada Fan Experience Contest:
    The results are in! And they are… disappointing to my marketing staff. Ha in all honest, a big thank you goes out to everyone who participated. You didn’t have to, but you made a choice and gave me some of your time, so that’s pretty groovy ✌️
    To find the winner, we can follow the Green line and trace correct answers all the way to the end.

    WOAH?! Crazy right? The two Team Canada goalies were the only two people to score a perfect 4/4. And in the end, @HearnNation67 earned a pretty great prize: a start in the Bronze Medal game at the S72 WJC.
    First, let’s take up the answers, then we’ll worry about the winners.
    1.   SS Hornet, Spartan, is really friggin good at sim hockey. I don’t fully understand the eligibility rules, to be quite honest. The Great Horny Toad came to me with over 450 TPE! But apparently there are situations where a recent graduate of the M can come back – an ‘overager’ really. I’m pretty happy with our choice of a ringer.
    2.   This was a tricky question to answer. The only correct answers included both of the two answers. There’s lots to unpack here. First, the correct answers were Minnesota and Mississauga. Congrats to those two stud GMs for filling their rosters with good Canadian boys! Second, the amount of Ms in a row there made me dizzy. Third, no one, no one, not one single person guessed Miami? Oof, maybe next year.
    3.   This answer surprised me a lot actually! I didn’t know of Michael Mac until I saw his name popping up in the scoring race, but at the time of creating this quiz, he was seventh in the league in scoring. (note: scoring means total points @zetterberg). Every player got a guess here, and they are all good guesses. Those players are all still among the highest scoring Mers.
    4.   And finally, the hardest question of all. Of course, we see many, many players vote for themselves. Classic professional athlete ego. Among the real fans’ votes, there was no clear winner. Lots of players got lots of love from lots of fans, and we’re happy to have that contest end in a tie.
    But what about the fan locker room experience contest? How should we award that prize? Well, turns out that the pool of eligible players was, uhhh, shallow. Let’s start with the highest scores and work backwards:

    1.   In First Place, the GOALIES! @MexicanCow123 @HearnNation67 ? you don’t win the contest because you’re already in the LR
    2.   Next, the longest green streak up there, @McWolfand @Zetterberg. Again, ?you already have a key.
    3.   The only non-players left who got MIN and/or MIS are @Ricer13, @dlamb, and the Discordless- @GrittyIsKing09
    Congrats to Ricer and DLamb, who have earned themselves tickets into the Canada locker room after their bronze medal game tomorrow!
    Also, my forever thanks, appreciation, and gratitude to the people who make commemorative graphics depicting DLamb and Ricer's visit.
    Remember, don’t step on the logo.
  5. Fire
    dlamb reacted to bigAL in The VHLM's Newest Community: The Miami Marauders   
    The VHLM’s Newest Community:
    The Miami Marauders

    By: bigAL, MIA AGM

    Ahead of S72, the VHLM expanded to include a new franchise. The Miami Marauders joined at the same time as an influx of new members, and the new team offered first-time GM Krice a unique opportunity.

    “The sim hockey is fun and all, but what keeps me [in the VHL] is the fun of being in a really active team locker room,” says Krice when asked what keeps him here in the league.

    “And so,” he explained, “in my first GM assignment, I wanted to build a strong locker room.”

    Krice and bigAL both believe that teams in the VHLM serve an important purpose on the overall league structure. These teams are our new members’ first contact with the league, and so it is vitally important that this first contact happens in a way that encourages members to return. With friendly people, friendly policies, and a few ringers brought in from other teams, Miami sought to be the most successful locker room in S72.

    Expansion teams are designed to be unsuccessful on the ice in their first season. Without a dispersal draft, the Marauders were without a drafted player prior to the S72 draft. Without the year-over-year depth production ready yet, Krice sold off his high draft picks and built with an eye for the future.

    Without a chance to compete this season, Krice approached the draft with a focus on acquiring players who are strong community members. The Miami draft board was not ranked by TPE, or by how many times a player had been recreated. Instead, the GM and AGM ranked their preferred players by forum activity and general enthusiasm for the VHL.

    A lot of these players are eligible for the VHL draft this upcoming season. You don’t often get to see their LR contributions, so allow me to provide the league with a scouting update. I’m going to revisit the inaugural Miami Marauders draft class, highlighting their on and off ice skills, and assess their potential as VHLers.  

    Draft Position

    Player Name + TPE

    VHL name

    S72 stats

    VHL commitment

    23 – C

    Andre LeBastard (169)

    Andre Lebastard

    13-26—39 (42 GP)

    S73 Draft eligible

    26 – D

    Kosmo Kramerev (173)



    S73 Draft eligible

    29 – D

    Wolf Stansson (143)



    S73 Draft eligible

    37 – RW

    Bobbie Cheechoo (94)



    S73 Draft eligible

    42 – G

    Bacon (133)


    13 W, 0.869, 3.96 GAA, 1 SO

    NY Americans (S72)

    49 – C

    Dakota Lamb (134)



    S73 Draft eligible

    52 – RW

    Oh Sens (122)



    S73 Draft Eligible


    23 – C

    Andre LeBastard (C)

    Andre Lebastard

    13-26—39 (42 GP)

    S73 Draft eligible

    Andre is the heart and soul of our team. He was voted by his peers to be the first captain of the Miami Marauders, and he has surpassed all expectations. Andre makes a concerted effort to engage with each and every member of our team on Discord. He’s active in a variety of timeslots, because of his upside down Australian time. Andre can help you and your team start your day off with a smile, or go to bed on a high note with a goofy joke. He almost always reaches his weekly TPE cap, and will continue to be more a successful journalist as his Shite Sports Network brand takes off. Andre will bring his fiery passion for winning and his unparalleled sense of humour to any VHL locker room.

    26 – D

    Kosmo Kramerev



    S73 Draft eligible

    You might know Mongoose as the guy who makes the excellent Seinfeld graphics. His player, Kosmo Kramerev, makes it even clearer that he’s a huge Seinfeld fan. Mongoose is a huge add to any locker room, even if you don’t know Seinfeld. He’s always around the discord and on top of league affairs. Mongoose is a calm, cool, and collected guy who doesn’t get sucked into the internet controversy of the day, and does his best to put the team first. On the ice, Kramerev has been tearing it up. He’s 7th in defence scoring, putting up a ridiculous 61 points on a team that might not get 61 points all season. Miami drafted Kramerev with a high pick, and a VHL team should too.

    29 – D

    Wolf Stansson



    S73 Draft eligible

    Wolf Stansson is another player the experts might have called a ‘reach’ at the draft, but the Marauders are very happy with Stansson through the first half of the season. In the locker room, Wolf is our local intellectual. Wolf is deep and thoughtful in the conversations he starts, whether they are big thinkers like “what IS a chair?” or when he’s coordinating interviews with his fellow players. Stansson is a caring, compassionate, and team-focused member of our new community. On the ice, Wolf has been attached to Kramerev’s hip all season. While Wolf hasn’t reached the offensive ceiling Kramerev has, Stansson is still producing at more than a point a game. In the S72 draft, Miami got Stansson at #29; in the S73 VHL draft, Wolf shouldn’t be on the board by the time pick #29 comes around.

    37 – RW

    Bobbie Cheechoo



    S73 Draft eligible

    Bobbie Cheechoo started the year off quite strong. He was the first big ‘graphics guy’ Miami drafted in S72. As a California dude, Sharkie is active in those prime PST time zones. In recent weeks, Cheechoo has scaled back his commitment to the VHL and has been less responsive in the locker room. Sharkie is still active on the forums: in each of the last two weeks, Sharkie has earned 14 or 15 TPE. Cheechoo is definitely a player worth taking a late-round flyer on in the S73 draft.

    42 – G



    13 W, 0.869, 3.96 GAA, 1 SO

    NY Americans (S72)

    Bacon bacon bacon. This greasy goaler is a really fun person to have around in the locker room. He’s keeping the team in games on the ice, and is an active and engaged member of the community. Bacon loves to get in on the jokes and goofy bits, but also is able to take a stand when the team is slighted. His passion for the league and connection with his team will be a big asset for the Americans in S74. On the ice, Bacon’s strong play earned him a spot on Team Asia’s WJC team. Fatigue has not been a problem in the season so far, but Bacon has started every single one of the Marauders’ S72 games.

    49 – C

    Dakota Lamb



    S73 Draft eligible

    52 – RW

    Oh Sens



    S73 Draft Eligible

    Much like Brennan and Dale, dlamb and osens are a package deal. Miami was very excited to pick up both boys in close proximity in the fourth round. Knowing Dakota and OhSens like we do now, it was an absolute steal getting these two as late as we did. Both dlamb and osens are a lot of fun to have in a LR: osens is legendary for his high-effort/low-quality graphics and his borderline terrifying off-ice hijinks; dlamb runs the night shift in the LR and keeps everyone highly entertained until 5am EST. Dlamb has to be commended for his leadership skills in LR management, conflict resolution, and sim hockey intellect – he is applying for a variety of league management and staff jobs, and will likely be a leader in the VHL for many seasons to come. Both these two players are worth an early pick for any VHL franchise looking for a scoring centre, a physical winger, or two fun-loving goofballs in the LR.

    The seven players listed above represent all Miami draft picks from the first to fourth rounds. The Marauders have hit on 95% of their high picks from the S72 draft. No players drafted in the fifth round or beyond became active enough to warrant interest for the S73 VHL draft.

    Since the S72 draft, the Marauders have signed two players from waivers:

    Rocket (90 TPE LW): 8-7—15, S73 VHL(M) Draft Eligible

    Florent Vericel (119 TPE LW): 8-12—20, S73 VHL(M) Draft Eligible

    Both Rocket and Vericel had friends on Miami already, and have integrated into the team locker room perfectly, and both would be positive additions to any VHL or VHLM franchise.

    Miami built its draft board based on community participation, enthusiasm for the league, and overall dedication to the cause. Other managers might be looking at TPE, or goals/assists, but I want the VHL scouts to know that each and everyone one of these characters is a good person, a great teammate, and an excellent addition to your big-league team.

    If you have any further questions about any of our players, feel free to join our discord locker room or message the management team.

    Happy theme week!

    ✌️ & ❤️ Marauders

    -bigAL, AGM

    Word count: 1500

  6. Like
    dlamb reacted to Andre LeBastard in The VHLM's Newest Community: The Miami Marauders   
    This is a brilliant bit of writing, I couldn't speak better of myself if I tried!
    The graphics and stats just add to the flavour and the individual write ups are a really nice way to get to know draft prospects.
    A quality example of how an AGM can help his team and the players on it. It is also interesting to read a behind the scenes look at how a teams managements draft philosophy works.
    Nice work @bigAL
    I have to award this article 9/10 (clearly no bias here).
  7. Fire
    dlamb reacted to Andre LeBastard in Making Time To Take The Time   
    Making Time To Take The Time
    When I joined the VHL, I was signed by the VHLM's Mississauga Hounds and one of the first people I met when I entered the locker room was the team's goaltender, @Bacon.
    I did not realise at the time that this was to be the first of three teams we would find ourselves playing together on, in the short space of less than a season. We spoke a bit at the time but didn't found common ground on too many topics. We didn't really have any of those conversations that lead to knowing anything substantial about each other. It's often difficult to develop that sort of thing, what with the hectic practice schedule and the constant flow of games to play. After just 18 games with the Hounds, the season drew to a close and we both went our separate ways. 
    I would next run into @Bacon at the VHLM draft, as I watched him be selected 39th overall by the Miami Marauders, the very same club which had drafted me with the 23rd pick overall. So the two of us would begin our VHLM careers as teammates once again this time on the Miami Marauders.  Once again, the locker was not really a space conducive to in-depth conversation, particularly with players like @dlamb and @dart, who aren't shy about coming forward and letting you know what's on their minds. Don't get me wrong, the mix in the locker room is superb, we have a great team atmosphere and the camaraderie is akin to a group of players who have been together for a couple of seasons, rather than a disparate bunch of guys thrown together on an expansion club. I think we have developed a sort of 'us vs them' mentality and like brothers, we can fight, tease and have fun with each other, frequently at the same time, without losing sight of our bigger goal to take Miami to the playoffs and beyond.
    The everyday routine once again precluded our conversations moving much past the sort of locker room discussions that most players have with each other, although we did manage to move past the 'hey, what's up, how ya doing man', from time to time.  So, it wasn't until we found ourselves on our third team together, playing for Team Asia and coincidentally roommates at the World Junior Championships, that we finally found the time to find out more about each other between games and at mealtimes. For example, I discovered that our superlative goalie hails from Michigan but I learned something else, which I found amazing: While playing hockey @Bacon is also studying Business and Software Engineering at college. I too have a strong interest in studying Information Technology at college and so we spoke often over the next few days about our shared passion and how we may be able to help each other along the way. 
    All this just goes to show you, that you can spend a lot of time with people, without ever knowing you may have something in common, something that may well bring you together and provide a platform for dialogue and understanding. Making time to take the time to talk to people is the first step, perhaps in these uncertain times, all it might take is the willingness to try. 
  8. Haha
    dlamb reacted to Andre LeBastard in Shite Sports WJC Gameday   
    Shite Sports WJC Gameday
    Asia Shows No Respect: Gives Middle Finger To Hockey Powerhouses 
    If anyone thought there was going to be a nation that rolled over in the S72 World Junior Championships (WJC), most money was probably on Team Asia. Indeed, such was the disdain of the powers that be at WJC Headquarters team Asia was scheduled to face the two biggest powerhouse teams in world hockey back to back to open the tournament. Many suggested this was a move clearly designed to pad the records of Team Canada and Team USA thus giving both nations a leg up to start the competition. Clearly, the payers from some of the world's hockey poor nations, cobbled together with the cast-offs and misfits from the rest of the world stood no chance, or so the narrative was supposed to read.
    Unfortunately for Canada and the USA, Team Asia had no such preconceptions, had not read the script and didn't give a rats ass about what was supposed to happen. Amid jubilant celebrations from their players and fans, Team Asia only went out and beat both Team Canada and Team USA, to start the Round-Robin portion of the competition with a sparkling 2-0 record. The losses have left the managers of both the North American teams scratching their heads and looking for someone to shoulder the blame. 
    Team Asia       4 
    Team Canada 3
    Team USA     4 
    Team Asia     5 (OT)
    In related news, outspoken and un-selected Miami Marauders rookie player @dlamb had no hesitation in telling Shite Sports News where to point the finger: 
    '...the canada management (are) big red assed baffoons [sic] running all over the place...'
    The centre iceman prospect then added:
     '...don't worry, it'll be even funnier when they lose the gold medal game to europe...' 
    Strong words from the young player. Currently, Dakota Lamb is 5th in VHLM rookie scoring, with 19 goals and 28 assists for 47 points in 38 games played for the expansion Miami club.
    Team Canada officials have dismissed his comments, indicating the youngster was disgruntled at not being selected and needed to learn how to deal with disappointment, if he wanted a carve himself out a pro career playing hockey.
  9. Like
    dlamb got a reaction from bigAL in VHL Mod Team - Openings   
    I'll apply. Since I've joined the discord I've been very active, and I respond immediately to pings. My most active hours would be probably 3pm - 5am EST, yes, I am a nighthawk.
    I turn 20 in 53 days. I have 2fa already.
    I have been an admin in The Strokes unofficial discord for almost 2 years (https://discord.gg/hGDXKT) which in it's heyday was over 1000 members, but some owner drama and pruning later we are now around 400. Also I run an ongoing Eastside Hockey Manager league through discord, and oh boy, you need problem solving skills for that.
    PM me on discord with any other questions or concerns. dlamb#5469
  10. Love
    dlamb got a reaction from Prof. Zach Enron in The Kids in Miami   
    Myself, @osens and @dart are the new kids on the block in Miami. A LW - C - RW combo that strives to grow together.

  11. Like
    dlamb got a reaction from Baozi in VHL Mod Team - Openings   
    I'll apply. Since I've joined the discord I've been very active, and I respond immediately to pings. My most active hours would be probably 3pm - 5am EST, yes, I am a nighthawk.
    I turn 20 in 53 days. I have 2fa already.
    I have been an admin in The Strokes unofficial discord for almost 2 years (https://discord.gg/hGDXKT) which in it's heyday was over 1000 members, but some owner drama and pruning later we are now around 400. Also I run an ongoing Eastside Hockey Manager league through discord, and oh boy, you need problem solving skills for that.
    PM me on discord with any other questions or concerns. dlamb#5469
  12. Woah
    dlamb got a reaction from Prof. Zach Enron in Lamb left off WJC rosters   
    Dakota Lamb, a breakout rookie with the Miami Marauders, was sitting at home with his family. He was awaiting the selection of the World Junior teams.

    “There’s no way” he thought to himself; “No way I don’t get selected to play.”
    Then he saw the rosters begin to come out. Asia. World. Europe. USA. Canada.
    His family re-assured him that he would be there next year, however, Lamb took this snub personally.
    “I deserve to play there this year.” Said Lamb. “There is no ****ing reason that they don’t choose me. They obviously scouted our team. Congrats to my teammates who made it. They are all well deserved. But this just pisses me off. I’ve played my heart out. I deserve to be there.”

    Lamb is 2nd in VHLM Rookie scoring this season with 19 goals and 28 assists for 47 points in 36 games. VHLM rookie status I have heard is controversial but should still not go unnoticed. Despite not having a super well-developed game, his impressive production still should have shown WJC GMs that he is more than capable of holding his own on the biggest stage of players his age.
    Dakota’s father, Mark Lamb, is a former assistant coach for Team Canada.
    “I feel for [Dakota], I really do. I would’ve loved to see my son play, especially because I never got to as a player. I was a late bloomer, so maybe it runs in the family. But I also understand. GMs want the safe picks. He seemed like a wildcard, even with his production. I wouldn’t want a loss to be on his shoulders. [Dakota] always has a shot next year.”
    Dakota was really hoping that this would be his chance to prove to VHL teams that he is and should be considered an elite player in the VHLM. He is most disappointed about how it will affect his VHL draft stock.
    “I see all these names in the draft, all getting the chance to prove themselves to the scouts here. And I can’t do anything about it. All I can do is sit on my ass at home while they play for a medal. It’s brutal, this feeling of missing out.”
    Lamb does praise his teammates who made the WJC. Andre LeBastard, Bacon, and his close friend, Oh Sens.
    “They all deserve to be there. I’ll definitely be cheering for Asia; I want to see them win gold.”
    Another snub was Lamb’s teammate Kosmo Kramerev.
    Kramerev is a defenseman, who is currently 7th in scoring among d-men in the VHLM (19 G, 36 A, 55P) and did not see his name on any of the rosters.
    Despite it hurting, Lamb knows he must accept the fact he’s not there and focus on the season with Miami. The Marauders are still trying to make the playoffs in their inaugural season, currently sporting a 11-23-2 record. Lamb is going to do whatever he can to help them make the playoffs, and that includes ignoring the WJC.
    “Yeah, good luck to my teammates, but I won’t be watching. That s*** is a mickey mouse organization.”
    Lamb is still eligible for the WJC next year.
    Go Marauders.
    (529 words)
  13. Like
    dlamb got a reaction from gorlab in Official D. Lamb draft photo   
  14. Love
    dlamb reacted to Oatex in Mississauga Hounds AGM Hiring: We've Seen This Song and Dance Before   
    I vouche for all these guys, they're all super active, and can definitely light it up in Missisauga.
  15. Love
    dlamb reacted to Ricer13 in Mississauga Hounds AGM Hiring: We've Seen This Song and Dance Before   
    I recommend this guy, very active LR guy, has been very helpful with trivia, graphics, etc. You won’t be disappointed.
  16. Like
    dlamb got a reaction from mediocrepony in Official D. Lamb draft photo   
  17. Like
    dlamb got a reaction from Oatex in Mississauga Hounds AGM Hiring: We've Seen This Song and Dance Before   
    I'll throw my name into the hat, why not.
  18. Like
    dlamb got a reaction from osens in The Kids in Miami   
    Myself, @osens and @dart are the new kids on the block in Miami. A LW - C - RW combo that strives to grow together.

  19. Fire
    dlamb reacted to Andre LeBastard in Andre LeBastard: Junior Review   
    Andre LeBastard
    Centre | 6' 3" | 202 lb. | Age: 18 |  |

    Andre LeBastard's journey to the VHLM draft was an interesting one, perhaps not your typical path for most hockey players. Born in Ottawa, Ontario, to a French-Canadian mother, Andre first became interested in hockey at the age of 5, learning to skate with his older brothers on the pond behind his house. In the age-old tradition, the youngest always plays goalie and it was no different for Andre, as his brothers handed him a broken stick with one of those plastic blades attached and an old baseball glove.
    At first, he was just happy to be involved and dutifully stood in the cheap aluminum net his mother had bought at Simpson-Sears, licking the frozen snot off his upper lip and managing to stop the puck on occasion. This fine state of affairs lasted until his older brothers began raising the puck. Andre, (taking the words of the local parish priest Father Paddy O'Phile to heart), decided it was far better to give than receive and refused to play goalie anymore. 
    With two older brothers, the boys' mum soon decided that Andre should play centre and his brothers could play the wings. This kept the brothers apart and stopped them fighting and soon taught the youngster how to pass the puck, or risk a slash on the ankles. Several winters passed and with a developing skill at setting up his brothers to score, young Andre had soon graduated from playing on the pond to playing Junior hockey. His preference to pass first was a welcome one for many of his coaches and the young man soon found himself playing for the York-Simcoe Express U18 AAA team. He was given the honour of being made the team Captain for the season. LeBastard would go on to set a club record for assists in a single season for the Express, before another move was on the cards.
    So, the very next season, the 17 years old Andre LeBastard was drafted into the OHL, by the Sudbury Wolves. There was no stopping the young Ottawa native as his impact was immediate, as he helped the Wolves to a second-place finish which saw Sudbury make the playoffs. Unfortunately, LeBastard was unable to help prevent his new team from being eliminated in the first round of the playoffs.
    He would be destined to play for Sudbury for just a single season as well, before the expansion Miami Marauders came calling and decided to draft the play-making centre 23rd overall, with their first-ever draft pick. It will be interesting to see if LeBastard continues this trend. His development with the Miami Marauders continues apace and the 18-year-old could well find himself drafted into the VHL proper, after another single-season campaign at a hockey club.
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    dlamb got a reaction from Jubis in D. Lamb Graphic   
    New sig leggo

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    dlamb got a reaction from rory in Hiring S72 WJC GMs   
    I would be interested in any position available, the experience is what I need
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    dlamb reacted to Speed in D. Lamb Graphic   
    Hey there, I like the graphic. The concept of having the render inside/through the logos is awesome and well executed. The slight blur around certain areas aid it in blending the image together and is well done. When the graphic is enlarged the text effect sort of hurts the eyes but I see when it is reduced into a smaller sig the effect actually is soothing and works well. I like the work that is done and I can't really find anything to nitpick at, maybe if anything there could be more color variations in the background instead of all black? 
    Overall good graphic, really cool concept and great execution of said concept. 8.5/10
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    dlamb got a reaction from Ricer13 in D. Lamb Graphic   
    New sig leggo

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    dlamb reacted to ahockeyguy in Stansson and the Miami PP   
    Wolf Stansson is being used on defense, on the power play, on the penalty kill—pretty much everywhere. That’s simply what being a top D-man on an expansion franchise such as the Miami Marauders is all about. Through eight games, the rookie has two goals and four assists for six points. He has played 73 minutes on special teams—39 of them on the power-play. This is remarkable because he has played 196 minutes on either even-strength or the penalty kill. Oh, what’s that, you say? I didn’t say anything remarkable? Well, Stansson has two goals and two assists—two-thirds of his points—from the power play.
                   Why has he been playing so well a man up? For one, the style of the power play lends itself to Stansson’s offensive style. He shoots from the point, which will result in a goal, going wide, or a save. If it goes wide, it may go to a player down low for another chance. If it is a save, it may have a rebound that can result in another chance. In other words, it’s easier for Stansson to get on the board, since he puts shots on net. It sounds pretty simple. But it’s not merely this.
                   At even-strength, Stansson has no goals on 11 shots. His two goals come on 20 shots, or a 10% shooting percentage. So Stansson not only shoots more often on the PP, but his shots appear to be better quality as well. This PP work helped to lead Stansson to be named #1 star of the Marauders most recent game, and hopefully will lead to better things this season.
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    dlamb got a reaction from Speed in D. Lamb Graphic   
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