This. I have always stood by VHL jobs paying capped TPE because I don’t like the idea that earning a job means you automatically get more than someone else. Everyone can earn the cap in the VHL, it’s just how you go about it. I commish and sim, that covers my 12 (13 actually but I toss the last one) but it doesn’t mean I get any more than someone doing a PT, Press Conference, trivia, and 590. Both are still 12, it’s just different ways to earn.
The disparity is a combination of luck (lotto, fantasy, etc), timing (guys that join at the deadline get a few extra weeks of earning, joining around Christmas or July gives a nice giveaway, etc), former players (carryover isn’t a ton more than first gen stuff but it’s front loaded), monetary investment (donations are helpful), and ability to grab up uncapped opportunities when they arise.