I think it's more complicated than just saying all jobs are now worth 3. We would definitely have to define certain ones as being PT replacements or maybe article / PC replacements or something to compensate. At that point is it really more streamlined than just stating what jobs get paid what? Streamlining is one thing but certain jobs are more necessary than others which is why they are paid more than others. Simming and Recruiting, for instance, are vital so they really shouldn't be paid the same as say reviewing which is important and nice to have but the league won't die without.
Maybe we could have 3 levels though and it would keep things relatively streamlined:
3 TPE Job Pay: Regular starting salary for all jobs, basically as you discuss.
9 TPE Job Pay: Replaces your main PT plus gives the regular job pay. Would be used for PT like things (scouting report, etc) plus stuff like simming or Commish. Perhaps even updaters.
12 TPE Job Pay: Very rare, used for extremely important things such as Recruitment and offers the full cap without anything extra needed.
I would be fine with something like that. Even in addition to what was described above which is growing on me a tad more since it would allow us to get more reviews which means more activity in addition to making traditional jobs seem a little more enticing because you are guaranteed that full cap more steadily; since a lot of people reviewing could mean not enough reviews to go around.