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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. Wasn't me. I prefer it but was just as surprised as you.
  2. I recognize that. Like I said, I actually find this one to be a bit better than the other one that was questioned. I definitely recognize that using the system you use is much more challenging but it's also hard for us to judge effort without having ever done it ourselves. That's why I leave it up to the PT head to decide how to handle the situation.
  3. Can't start a dictatorship strong leadership campaign by burning myself out early.
  4. 3 might be a tad of an exaggeration but if graphics are that challenging for you effort wise it may be better to hold off until you have a better solution. Personally I find this one better than the one we warned you for so it's a start. With that said this is @DollarAndADream's territory as head of PT's. I will let him decide.
  5. A third successful hashtag campaign for the Beketov agency, don't believe there is really anywhere to go from here. Thank you @Higgins for the vote of confidence and congrats @Devise as well. I'm looking forward to helping improve the site that I've enjoyed so much for the past 10 years.
  6. Your enthusiasm is nice, I'll give you that. I'm sure we'll definitely try as we always do. If we can get even 1 member of your quality out of it each time then it's definitely worth it.
  7. While that's great now it unfortunate can't keep up without a steady stream of players. This is the nature of the VHLM. Big draft years like this one result in a good amount of competition. But within 2 years everyone will be up in the VHL. Unless players come in to replace them it can easily become a wasteland again.
  8. I recognize that and applaud those of you with brains. Admittedly it's likely a vast majority. I've heard figures (admittedly I have not checked the validity) that the last bill only had 12.5% public support and yet they decided to make it worse. All I know is the US needs that blue wave as soon as they can get it. 2020 is a long way off.
  9. Can't help but grave dog this old gem up to once again ask what the fuck is going on south of the border. https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2017/09/22/catastrophic-millions-at-risk-again-as-trump-and-republicans-push-new-health-bill.html So the last two insane attempts to remove the best thing the US healthcare system has ever seen failed; their response is then to release something even more mind-numbingly insane? Can you guys seriously not impeach Trump already and get that fucking clown out of the White House. He's so determined to get ANYTHING done that he's willing to completely destroy the country no matter how many people think he's making a mistake. Yes, chances are high this is going to fail again but that's not the point. The point is that instead of trying to actually get shit the country needs done Trump and his group of Republican morons continue to focus on this lost cause.
  10. That also explains why it wouldn't embed! Could have sworn I hit unlisted but I guess it decided that it was private instead. Fixed now. #RookieMistakes
  11. No idea why it won't embed the video, it's saying YouTube won't allow it although embedding is enabled so who knows. Ignore that first sentence, I am dumb. Either way, we're back in MWR with actually some decent games; and then a couple of infuriating ones. Between shouting about camping bitches I did manage to answer some questions from @Phil and @Beaviss though.
  12. Roman Sokolov - D
  13. Can never have too many questions, you should know that haha. If I get enough to fill the time and stuff have questions left over I'll just push them to another episode.
  14. That I've done you mean? Unlikely. Sadly I work for a pretty small company doing mostly French TV so most of my work doesn't have much visibility outside of Quebec. If you happen to speak French though we do a great hockey documentary show called Trajectoires for RDS. In any case, yeah, extra would probably be pretty dull; same with grip work. Personally I work in post as I don't care much for set work. Too much rushing around and then waiting for someone else for my taste. Plus 14 hour days with 1 break aren't exactly fun.
  15. That's just the colour of tags on the 10th year theme?
  16. I might be a bit as well; I do make them for a living haha
  17. Why are you here reading this instead of giving me CoDCast questions or signing up for my Post Party? Go do that instead. #Bek4Blue

    1. Gudnason


      Want dirty questions again? 

    2. Beketov


      Questions are questions haha

  18. Exactly haha. You'll get better at GFX, it comes with time. I've posted my first one a few times though it has been awhile since I have. I don't think it's link is even live anymore but trust me, it's an absolute piece of shit. Most people are the same. It takes time to develop the skills to do it. Even at my peak (which I'm nowhere near anymore) I was never as good as some people.
  19. I'll take good practical effects over CGI any day. Sometimes even the stuff that is done really well I finds is almost done TOO well which makes it stand out IMO. Mind you I also analyze this shit far more than I should so my opinion isn't worth much.
  20. I'm not sure if photoshoppers flock to leagues or if leagues make photoshoppers haha. I had never touched any GFX program until I joined the ESHL years ago and I know most people were the same way. Podcasts weren't a think back then so if you didn't want to right you better get damn good at making sigs haha
  21. You know what these league has clearly been lacking? A good ole fashioned post party. Hell, it's probably been so long that a good portion of our members weren't even here the last time we did one of these. So, if you don't know how this works, it's very simple. I am nearing 16 000 posts in the VHL...well I'm probably over that but 2 site changes really mess with your post count. Anyway, I want to celebrate this milestone. So, all you have to do is post in here saying you'd like to be involved in the post party. I'll sign you up and when I hit post #16 000 I'll put up a topic with my thoughts on every member that signed up. Is it cheesy? Hell yes but it can also be quite entertaining so who'd like to come?
  22. No love from @DollarAndADream I'm not going to go naming a bunch of people but for me the VHL has always been, and continues to be, about the community. I had an entire season real early on where I couldn't do shit all with my player so I learned to enjoy other aspects of the site. We may not always get along but the community aspect of the league is what keeps me here. I've left the SHL more times than I can count because the member base is just too damn toxic. Do they have more active members than us? Probably. But I would take 1 VHL member over 10 SHL members any day. Also, I said I wouldn't mention specific names but I do want to throw a shoutout to @Beaviss. Our retention isn't always the best so it's always great to see young blood so invested in the league from the get go.
  23. I oddly don’t feel like playing CoD so we may have a CoD-less CoDCast but we’ll see. Either way I need questions so might you guys have them? @der meister @Phil @tfong @Banackock @gorlab @JardyB10 @evrydayimbyfuglien @Jericho @DollarAndADream @Kendrick @Devise @Smarch @punkhippie @Beaviss
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