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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. I can see the idea you were trying to go for here but unfortunately it came out very messy. The colours don't work great, the stocks feel a little random, the render is over-sharp. The text is okay style wise but a little bit hard to read so it could be better. Overall that last sentiment seems to fit everything. It's okay but it could be better. Blending stuff and fixing the lighting would have greatly improved this.
  2. What am I even looking at? This doesn't give the answers, just who gave what questions???
  3. What is with me against Davos? I seem to either get a shutout or play terribly. GG Davos.
  4. You don't have the button that is highlighted? If not, which is certainly odd, we can do it manually. If you have the source button (I don't for some reason, @Draper wtf) then you should be able to manually type the code in that Dwyer suggested. Edit: I just went and checked, those buttons are in fact not present in the signature settings anymore? They definitely used to be. I just tested and I cannot type the code manually but it should work if you can access the source view. I just can't for some reason. Try copying someone's signature that has it centred (use mine if you want) and pasting that into your signature. It should keep the formatting. Then just replace the image(s). It should function although it's a workaround for sure. Edit 2: Alternatively, and easier, go old school BBCode with it! Apparently it still works, it's just hidden now. [center]IMAGE HERE[/center] That code should centre anything that falls between the two tags, images included. Pasting an image link in should automatically change over to the image itself and the tags will center it. Just make sure not to tell the forum to display the link as a link instead of an image. If you do that it will just display a centred link. I would just type out the two things of code and then drop everything into them. Alternatively, at least for now since I'll save you some time, just copy and paste this. The centre tag should still be present. Player || Updates
  5. You're lucky that Orange worked as a colour replacement better than dark red or else I would have taken it myself haha. Glad you like it though.
  6. As I explained in the PT section, with the long weekend I didn't have time for a podcast. In fact, I'm not even going to have time at home for photoshop time so I had to make this at work without any of my usual stocks or fonts. Not exactly the easiest situation when you've been away from GFX for so long I dare so. I actually think worked decently well all things considered. Thoughts? Here's the Original Image BTW
  7. With the long weekend I didn't have time for a podcast. In fact, I'm not even going to have time at home for photoshop time so I had to make this at work without any of my usual stocks or fonts. Actually worked decently well I think. Here's the Original Image BTW @JardyB10
  8. GG Davos
  9. REVIEW Your music still sucks I request some heavy metal for #10 Good, sit on the floor like a peasant so that I, in my comfy chair, don't have to hear the mice humping. I told you, stop getting TPE. God dammit. I don't understand how I started with so much more than you and you've still caught up. Maybe I need to donate again haha. Us old folks need to feel like our contributions ages ago did something so leave our things alone "Keep expectations low" the motto for anyone dating @ADwyer87 You'll be beating me with our second players probably. No way I have time for 2 PT's a week so 1 will likely be welfare. At least my welfare is 4 TPE though. The TCBL folded? I had stopped paying attention. Kinda felt it coming a month ago. Never underestimate the power of Phil Light your foot on fire, it'll stop the itching. Don't ask how I know that. Long walks in the park would involve going outside so that just won't do. You say a lot of things that could be used against you if someone edited your podcasts...not that anyone would do such a thing *innocent whistle* All those classes sound awful. Sad Dwyer makes me regret comment #5 Scotch tastes delicious you uncultured swine. Your wording while discussing GTA makes me regret reviewing this at work haha I think that was the sim where I had my stroke apparently... In I think Podcast 7 you claimed that NY would be interesting to watch as potentially the third team in NA Psh, screw your logic #FuckGow? Writing stuff down is probably better than most who just copy one that makes sense haha I really wasn’t expecting you to go through every one of your predictions but alright haha. Robbie winning most Sportsmanlike would be hilarious. Didn’t pick me for most improved: jerk. That’s my only award chance! Supposed to be good doesn’t mean I won’t be improved. I played bad, if I play well that’s improvement! Fuck your logical reasoning! You’re GMing in the VHLM, next step is clearly the NHL. Lies, fuck math. The only numbers I care about are frames per second and timecode. Everyone needs to come to Seattle; simple as that.
  10. Davos 4-2
  11. It was usually only 1 capped point per week which was for answering the main question correctly. Answering the bonus question correctly simply got you an extra leaderboard point.
  12. Well the question did include parental income for people who live at home so maybe our younger users have rich parents? Or at least they think they do.
  13. Player Name: Jakab Holik VHL Team: Seattle Bears Cash you have: $4 750 000 Purchase Name: Point Task Upgrade Cost of Purchase: $2 000 000 Cash Left: $2 750 000
  14. Contrast is very high, I suggest playing with exposure and curves layers to try and get it under control as it throws the balance of the piece way off. Logo in the BG is okay but I don't love it; using logos can be tricky and it often looks like they are slapped on. Text is a high point IMO. it's pretty creative and blends well into the piece. Normally it's not a style I would like but I find it works well here.
  15. What I can see looks really cool. Some nice effects, nice colouring, solid stock work. Unfortunately I feel like what I can see ends halfway down the canvas as the bottom half is far too dark and makes the text un-readable. I know and respect what you were going for but there needs to be some way to at least see what's going on down there; especially with the text location being where it is.
  16. I can see the elements here so I can't ell what you were going for but unfortunately everything feels a little disconnected at the moment. Some exposure layers would help to blend everything in together so that I can't clearly define each layer. The font is a cool choice but I think the effects on the text over-do it. Kill the drop shadow and tone down the green a bit. Render looks a little LQ and the lighting style isn't really helping that fact out any. Lighting should create some contrast and focus, not wash things out.
  17. Love the white text but the dark green text over dark grey is very hard to read. Maybe give a little bit of white around it or something to make it pop off a bit so it could be legible. Dupped render is interesting although I would like to see one as more of a focal point, either by messing with the sizes or blurring one or something. Right now it looks like the render has a conjoined twin which is a little off-putting. Some lighting could also help make the render stand out a tad over the text.
  18. The text is the absolute star here. Amazing font and effect work on it. The render effects I think look pretty solid however the entire render area is a over-exposed so it kinda just washes out everything you did. If your lighting created some contrast and you sharpened the face up a tad I think this could really pop.
  19. Very very dark unfortunately which is holding everything else back as I simply can't see it. The idea seems to be there with the waviness and I like where I think you were going with this but I would like to see some light to really get the elements to the forefront. I'm also concerned about the text style. That font (or is it the effects?) just doesn't seem o be really working flow wise with anything else.
  20. PROPER LINK Considering it was against NY I would have expected yto play better but at least it's a win I guess. Rough sim for me.
  21. PROPER LINK Also, that was easily the my worst game of the season and potentially my career. That was just pathetic.
  22. 404 error
  23. Meanwhile I just deleted it today to save space. I have heard the expansions were a lot better but I hated the end game and the plot so much of the original that I didn't want to pay for them.
  24. HUGE episode (just shy of 1 hour and 20 minutes) so processing could take awhile. Answered questions from @Phil, @gorlab, @Banackock, and @ADwyer87
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