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Everything posted by jacobcarson877

  1. San Diego Marlins Press Conference (Week of January 22nd, 2023) Answer 3 for 1TPE, 6 for 2! 1. Although we've had to say goodbye to a lot of Marlins legends this offseason as they move on, how are you feeling about being a Marlin this season? 2. It is a tough feat to win back to back championships, what do you think we will need to be able to accomplish this? 3. What is one thing you hope to gain from this season? 4. What is something good that has happened to you so far this month? 5. What sport other than hockey do you think your player would excel at? 6. If you could have 1 food right now, what would it be?
  2. Had a blast writing this of course but just found out it replaced the Veteran Presence which I have in fact already done. Landon
  3. We’re hitting the halfway point in Landon Wolanin’s career. He has been pacing well, and has really found a good home in Calgary. He has a group of players in his age group that keep him motivated and engaged. There is plenty of internal competition and the drive to win is through the roof. A lot has changed of course, with plenty of big names coming and going over the last few seasons. There has always been a great cast of players and more importantly people around Wolanin as he has grown up, from a boy to a man. Landon has seen a lot of growth over the last few seasons on the ice as well. Growing from a half-point a game player to a point a game player, now pushing 100 points a season and fighting to be one of the top 10 scorers in the league. There is not much more room to grow, but some final adjustments will leave Landon set to compete for a scoring title. There is still a lot more to accomplish though. Missing out on the rookie of the year award, and by a long shot definitely hurt at first. The constant playoff failure hurts as well. There is so much yet left to win, and that prospect is definitely exciting. Although the time is ticking, the prospect of success in the future is what keeps Wolanin going. Maintaining form will be incredibly important over the coming seasons as well, with such a high ceiling, there comes a lot of work to keep oneself at that level. Nothing would be worse than watching the seasons of work wash away with age. Sure, one day this story will end, but Landon Wolanin will be fighting to the bitter end. Landon hopes one day his efforts could be entered into the HOF, but until then, he just has to keep his head down and keep grinding away. Only the best of the best get that honour, and he has to prove he is one step above the competition. So far he is one of the best, but that isn’t good enough for the future. He sits in the perfect position to take the mantle of the best winger of his era, but there are still a few players that stand in his way. Just a few more names to hunt down on the leaderboards. Time is ticking.
  4. Wishing everyone who celebrates a happy training camp day (once it opens of course)

  5. Welcome! Feel free to DM me if you have any questions!
  6. Welcome! Feel free to DM me if you have any questions!
  7. Landon Wolanin has recently been trying to come up with good ethical ways to make some more money. He has always budgeted quite well and although he can have a few impulse purchases here and there, he has the wisdom to at least impulse purchase things he still needs. But despite being a max contract player in the VHL, he has realized he is 500k short of a really incredible training camp in his budget. He can’t simply ask his team for more money, considering how tight the salary cap is already, so he'll have to come up with something a little smarter. He has started putting out videos on the internet of his day to day life, vlog style, where he goes through his daily training and diet, and also his hobbies and social events. The videos have developed a bit of a niche cult following, with people around the world tuning in to learn a little bit more about their favourite VHL star.
  8. Landon is geared up for quite the season. Just a couple weeks away from hitting max build and earning like crazy to try to afford to keep this lifestyle. It seems no matter where I turn Ronan Lavelle is just 1 step ahead of me, and so I’m hoping this season I can start to close that gap. I’m at the point now where there’s nothing build-wise I can really do to outpace the competition but its just a waiting game to see if Simon will ever love me. I’m glad I still have 5 more cracks at it. Looking at my build’s inspiration, Duncan Idaho, it is a bit of a relief to see that he only broke out into the dominant player we all remember in his fourth season. I’m already shooting at an elite rate, just need those shots to start going in. Calgary is in an interesting spot at the moment, accomplishing all but one of our offseason goals so far. We got a star goaltender, we used our incredible prospect pool to replace aging depth talent. We earned and grew well. All that’s left is finding a cheap defenceman to fill in on the 2nd unit and we’re golden. It feels like NA as a whole looks weaker this season, with a lot of big retirements and some notable FAs heading to Europe. I don’t think the regular season will be much of an issue seeing the roster we have, but hopefully this will give us a shot at making that playoff push we know we’ve been capable of for some time now. I know the ProAm doesn’t really mean much but I’ve been on a bit of a tear there. I can only hope that the World Cup follows suit, and then the VHL season. I know Jacob Carson got quite a few looks internationally, mostly because I hovered at 400 TPA for a while. It would be nice to put some good international performances in the next few seasons, solidify myself in best-on-best play. I wasn’t great last time around but I was a 6th forward on a pretty shallow forward roster, so coming in as a leader offensively should help me out a bit more. It looks as though I’ll be playing with Leandro this season over Janser, which gives me a better opportunity to dominate by my own hand, but also means I can’t rely on Janser to drag me along. Leandro and I should compliment each other pretty well however, both being incredible possession machines. Leandro kept up with us pretty well paired with Grape, so it would be cool if we can outperform the Janser unit, or at least keep up, make it harder for teams to shut us down. Two units running like crazy will be essential to winning those tougher playoff matchups. I also can’t stress enough how incredible it is to have Lindbergh backstopping us now. There was so much uncertainty before, and although Simon does what Simon wants, we at least know that Lindbergh won’t be getting any worse, and has the talents to be one of the lucky ones to be a top goaltender each season. And we have a bit of term to start scoping out new young talent, assuming Pedersen can’t step forward into a star goaltender.
  9. Excellent role models to follow Feel free to message me if you have any questions!
  10. With the 4th overall selection the Blue Bombers are proud to select: Marky "Cootie" Dubois
  11. Wouldn't be the first time someone was selected multiple times! Although the one I'm thinking of was 3 times in the last 2 rounds.
  12. I feel wonderful about it!
  13. easy peasy
  14. welcome back!
  15. can confirm that since the TPE cutoff was yesterday and you were not at 200 TPE at the time, that you will be eligible to play in the VHLM next season. If you want to move on to the E however, they're usually lenient with anyone who hits 200 shortly after the deadline.
  16. can y’all get out of my way please?? i got goals to score
  17. I think the VHL is losing its "middle class" to be honest. There used to be so many people who earned 6-10 capped TPE a week, but that seems to have almost disappeared. Perhaps that was caused by/has caused the lack of press conferences. I assume the trivia problem also contributes to this as well.
  18. i think its only fair to make this a 1v1 VOTE ADREST
  19. wait twice?? did you get witched into yourself?
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