I think I fall as someone who is pro-VHLE and also pro-welfare player while also agreeing that the welfare program is now too strong for the hybrid era. We should not limit membership to only people willing to give their lives to the VHL, because that isn't everyone's priority in life, it's literally a hobby. But, considering how easy it is to show up, click welfare and PF, ask for some trivia answers and write a few maybe sentence long answers and get 2/3 the TPE of a capped TPE player, it makes it difficult to really reward players for creating good forum content. Given that our TPE is roughly half as valuable as it was before the hybrid era, the difference between 6-8TPE and 12TPE is very small, especially since uncapped TPE opportunities continue to be squashed. I am a firm believer that you should get out what you put into something, and so I agree that the most active, and the best-earning players should have higher roles on the team, and as a VHLM GM especially that is what I aim to do. This isn't really something that can be ENFORCED, and therefore no rule change really affects this, but flooding the VHLM with 400 TPE players, active or not, only makes the 30TPE players look and feel even worse than they already do against 200TPE players. The VHLE serves as a natural resting place for those who don't earn that well, and really only doesn't work for those who earn well. Hence the new 300 Call-Up rule.
I am pro-nerfing Welfare, out of respect for my forum content creators, and I think 2 Welfare, 3 Pension works well. This means a maxing welfare earner gets 8 capped, and I would propose a maxing pension could get 9. This still rewards our veteran members, leaves us with nice clean numbers and rewards those who are doing PT. Welfare players would naturally settle into depth roles, earning less TPE and would peak in the VHLE, not affecting our top earners at all, as they would be called up at 300. Making the VHL then becomes a privilige, not a right, but all players get to play in a league suited to their earnings.