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Everything posted by Ramicus

  1. I have spoken to a great many people, on and off this site. There are some with whom I have spoken many times, while others have been one time occasions. One person with whom I once talked all the time is 701. Once upon a time, we were the very best of friends. Things have changed now, but he's still pretty awesome.. I will now share some words of wisdom given to me just for this little article. “Don't stick your dick in a cheese grater.” I really don't see why anyone would ever think this is a good idea. I've used a grater for cheese. It does a very good job at grating cheese. I don't want that happening to any part of me. Still, if Davey thinks it's a matter that needs reinforcement, I'll include it. “Don't do acid with people you don't trust.” Another good piece of advice: trust no one. Which I guess means you shouldn't do acid with anyone. Then again, Davey knows how I feel about drugs, so I'll leave it at that. “If the girl likes money more than you, leave.” A very good idea. I don't know how much leaving there might be to do, but it's still a good thing to keep in mind. A girl should be with you to be with you for you, not for your fat wallet. “Always use a condom.” Leaving my own religious beliefs out of this one, it's probably a good idea. I will leave you with these words from 701, with no explanation: “Where's the mayonnaise, Mom?” The words of a great man.
  2. I haven't seen it. Should I be ashamed?
  3. I have spoken to a great many people on this site. There are some with whom I have spoken many times, while others have been one time occasions. One person with whom I talk occasionally is Diamond_Ace. He's a pretty cool guy. I will now share some words of wisdom given to me just for this little article. “The positive things one's parents would often say (i.e. he's a nice guy) or even small, tangible achievements (won a spelling bee, took most improved in a football camp, etc) have no bearing on the real world. If a man is in the street dying, all that matters is if you are a surgeon. If your friend is being audited, all that matters is if you are an accountant. The world values people by what they can do for it, not by any other means.” Very well put. Not everyone is a winner every time. Life is a what have you done for me lately sort of place, and that's important to know. “When going for a certain job field, trying to find something both that you like and that will readily support you is the ideal, but if both can't be achieved, focus on what will support you. Most people in the world don't like their jobs. Odds are, you won't be any different. If it supports you, you can find enjoyment through your free time.” Also good advice. Follow your dreams, but also the greenback. “While growing up, it always seemed like there was a basic level of intelligence and/or world awareness shared by all adults. As you get older, you will find more and more evidence that this is not the case. As a kid, you see all adults as adults, as an adult, you often see certain other adults as kids. It's always shocking how many idiots there are, even among those who hold down jobs where idiocy should really be a disqualifier (sic).” This became evident in elementary school. “Odds are there for a reason. Never go into a dying field, no matter how confident you are of beating the odds. This was me. Instead, go into an expanding field, something that utilizes modern tech or growing industries.” Going into a field that has jobs seems like a good way to follow number two.
  4. I think Gorlab just called himself a horse...
  5. Player Name: George "The General" Patton VHL Team: Helsinki Cash you have: 1,000,000 Purchase Name: VHL Magazine Cover and Article Combo Cost of Purchase: 1,000,000 Cash Left: Absolute Zero
  6. Ramicus

    (S42) - YUK/OTT

    Yukon Receives: S43 Ottawa 2nd Doug Glatt - RW - 12 TPE Ottawa Receives: Roland Rengel - G - 0 TPE George Patton - C - 116 TPE
  7. claims Roland Rengel. Draper says I can.
  8. I have spoken to a great many people on this site. There are some with whom I have spoken many times, while others have been one time occasions. One person with whom I talk occasionally is Doomsday. He's a pretty cool guy. I will now share some words of wisdom given to me just for this little article. “Right now, you're used to waking up early for school and stuff like that so when you're scheduling classes, you're going to think that the 8 AM classes aren't so bad, you got this wrong. Don't be fooled, they suck.” I’m up at 6:30 for school every day. He’s right, it sucks big time. “Find clubs or groups that look fun to you. Get involved on campus and you'll get to meet people and make friends.” Good advice, and everyone’s giving it. When you get involved in things that interest you, you’ll meet other people with similar interests and make friends. That’s what they say, at least. “If you're in a dorm, try to meet the people living there too. If you're going to have a roommate that you don't know, get in contact with them ahead of time. Get to know them, figure out what they have and don't have for the dorm so you guys can make moving day easier by not bringing stuff you don't need.” Very important. They’ll be living around you for at least a semester, so you should probably get to know them. And nobody wants all sorts of extra stuff floating around, it would get in the way. I think. “Don't skip classes. It's awesome to have that power, but at the same time, by skipping classes, it forms a really, really bad habit. And at some colleges the professors will dock you for missing too many classes.” This applies at every level, really. Someone’s paying good money for you to attend those classes, you should make the most of it. “Try not to go home every weekend. Stay on campus, get to know it and make friends there. You'll also get more acclimated to it quicker as well.” Definitely a good idea. As my father says, “How can we miss you if you won’t go away?”
  9. I have spoken to a great many people on this site. There are some with whom I have spoken many times, while others have been one time occasions. One person with whom I talk occasionally is ydraJ. He's a pretty cool guy. I will now share some words of wisdom given to me just for this little article. “High school was easy, so I hope you're ready to be sad sometimes. College is wonderful, but it's not for everybody, and if you're not in Canada it sounds expensive as balls. You should do whatever makes you happy and try not to get stressed all the time. That said, if having lots of money is part of your life goal, you'll probably need a degree. And not some bullshit arts and crafts degree, unless that's something you're truly passionate about. No matter what you do, discipline is important. I love video games more than the next guy, but don't let them take over your life.” The expense depends on where you go. My chosen schools will likely be very cheap, but that's not the point. The rest of this is very important. Stay on topic, get a meaningful degree. “When living away from your parents, don't eat out too much. You save a lot of money buying groceries and cooking. Try not to exclusively live off KD and ramen either, it's not too hard or expensive to pick up a thing of ground beef/pork, or some chicken boobies. Most pork products take less than an hour to cook up, have no prep time, and they're infinitely more delicious than Swanson dinner. And bitches love guys who can cook.” Other than the part about pork, since I don't eat that. And by chicken boobies, I presume Jardy means chicken breasts, which are delicious. But it's true, cooking is easy and girls like it. “Also never stop improving yourself. If you drink a lot of pop, stop that shit. Pop is for putting in alcohol, and it's not really that good anyway. You'll get used to drinking water when you realize you can spend hundreds of dollars on that shit a year. And don't shirk on exercise. Go to the gym and get jacked. Start out easy, do a cycle of maybe taking 30 minutes to jog around the block, do a 5-10 minute ab circuit, or go just do a few basic workouts at the gym, like three sets of curls and bench press. Don't use that as an excuse to "treat yourself" with a bacon chocolate ice cream after. You might be thinking, 'That's all well and good, but I don't have weight issues. I'm 6'0 and 130 lbs.' Good, in that case you have a gift, and it will be even easier to turn into a sex machine. Start eating more if you have that build, but still not shitty food. You'll feel better physically and mentally, and eventually girls will want to fuck you, and then you'll feel even better.” All good advice. I don't need to say much because Jardy wrote 400 words. So, yeah. Good advice. “Most importantly, as someone who is not yet 20, you're automatically kind of shitty at everything. This isn't your fault, you're just simply not old enough yet to realize how bad you are at life. Don't sweat it too much, because you're still a good person, but try not to forget that either.” I am a good person. Thank you for noticing.
  10. Venice of the North: It's a Blast When we left off, so many months ago, George “The General” Patton was being kidnapped in Havana, Cuba. His head was slammed against a cement wall, and he was thrown in the back of a truck. The truck went to the airport, where the unconscious George Patton was thrown in a seat in the back of an Aeroflot plane, destination unknown (at least to The General, he sincerely hoped that the pilot knew where he was going), next to a handcuffed Cherry Baxter. When George “The General” Patton came to, a sinister looking man was staring at him from across the aisle. “Who're you?” He was still groggy from having been slammed against the wall. “Where're we going?” “The name's Mark Kent.” The guy did not sound happy. “And you're going to Stockholm.” What the bloody heck was in Stockholm? At least the guy was very clearly not Superman. He didn't need another guy yelling at him for being confused with a similarly named superhero. “What the bloody heck is in Stockholm?” What the bloody heck was in Sweden in general? It was Sweden. They had IKEA, right? And that weird car company. Other than that, though, he couldn't think of anything. “Nothing that isn't in Vasteras.” The Mark Kent fellow did not look happy. Now The General was very confused. Where was Vasteras? “Except our hockey team.” He spat on the floor of the plane. Now all was becoming clear. Someone was bitter, and they were going to try to use George “The General” Patton to get back at the city who had stolen their beloved horrible hockey team. Well, it wasn't going to happen. The General sprang into action like the super hero he had made himself. In traditional superhero fashion, the newly minted Titan knocked out Mark Kent with one punch to the chin. Once Cherry Baxter was uncuffed, it was time for the pair to spring into action. Well, not just then. They were still in the air, and getting from the air over the Atlantic to Sweden couldn't be accomplished except by sitting back down in his seat in the back of the plane. At least he hadn't paid for the tickets. Unless... The General patted at his pockets. Where was his wallet? There was nothing in his pockets except his ticket stub for the flight (why they had bothered to give it to him, he did not know), and his ticket stub from the draft. It wasn't much to go on, to be sure. He searched his area frantically, only to find it stuffed way down at the bottom of the seat back pocket. Who put important stuff there? Seriously. Before long, they were on the land, and George “The General” Patton rented a car from the same company as always, the one that was like the British pound except American. It was a long drive from Stockholm Arlanda Airport in Stockholm to ABB Arena Nord in Vasteras. There, perhaps, he would find some answers. Come back next week for… INTO THE LAIR or THE NEST ---- ---- Permission was given by Draper for an edit to fix an image.
  11. The best way to make sure it survives is to apply and become managers.
  12. Yukon claims Screw Mark Since he's a free claim, can I also take Merlin?
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