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Everything posted by CowboyinAmerica

  1. Wooo! As long as Toronto wins out, we got this
  2. Faux! I love the spread in goal scoring as well, that's excellent.
  3. Breaking: League confused how Riga keeps winning. Sims paused to determine cause.

    1. eaglesfan036


      lol this must be so upsetting for you :(

  4. I've liked not going first. It gives me a storyline of wanting to do better than everyone picked ahead of me (not so much with Olsen, worked for Wingate)
  5. NORTH AMERICA Game 3 - Toronto Game 4 - Toronto EUROPE Game 3 - Cologne Game 4 - Cologne
  6. I mean, yeah, but weird stuff happens in the playoffs all the time if you just make it, like Riga right now.
  7. I see no reason both NY and Davos shouldn't keep pushing, NY because they still have top flight talent and a solid gap over Seattle, and Davos because it's still going to take a bit for Stockholm/Helsinki to rebuild
  8. Heeeeey there. Told you saving the cash for Mikaelson would be a good thing Molholt.
  9. And Unassisted was assisted illegally, so this should count as a shutout.
  10. Beautiful. Good series New York, and on to Quebec!
  11. I'm going to commit seppuku if Riga wins this series.
  12. Of course Riga wins a playoff game. Of fucking course.
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