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Everything posted by CowboyinAmerica

  1. Bearing witness to a win is fun #MoreMolholt
  2. Interesting. While the S49 draft is very defenseman-heavy with a few forwards sprinkled in, this next one could be the exact opposite.
  3. Yeah that's why I put the 5 seasons caveat. And that works, still pretty impressive for the 10-team VHL though.
  4. I feel like the main story is buried here. Everyone makes fun of TebowGow's name, then he goes on to make the Finals in 4 of his 5 seasons (and was an S47 collapse away from a clean sweep). 80% is probably the highest proportion of any player who made it 5 seasons, right? HISTORY. @eaglesfan036
  5. Yeah. So was there an easier way to get Part B that I didn't think of? I wasn't about to go through and analyze every single champion from both VHL and VHLM from the past 47 seasons and make a spreadsheet.
  6. Should be an exciting finals, ready to go up against the god that is Marcel Faux
  7. There it is. Well done boys. One Clegane down, one to go.
  8. No, that Toronto and Helsinki haven't actually won the series yet. I hate the 3-1 curse.
  9. Let me just say that the automatic assumptions at 7 and 8 worry the shit out of me.
  10. OK. I get the reasoning, but what I'm curious about and would be interested in hearing your thoughts in part two since it's not one of your justifications there: It looks like you're treating this as choice A (von Braxton) or choice B (Campbell + von Braxton). But where is choice C, and the one I was focusing on in my statement: Campbell, but trading von Braxton? In that case, you're only about $1.5M over, either the price of Nezhmetdinov or downgrading the depreciating and inactive Delicious slightly. I feel like it's the exact same thing I criticized Calgary for in Season 46 - you have to know what your window of opportunity is. For New York, it's probably now through Season 50, maybe even before then if McJustice can't be replaced. What's the point of holding onto a S47 goalie in that case, building for a future where you won't be contending anyway? Wouldn't it be smarter to ride out a proven thing in Campbell, then pick up one of the glut of goalies currently in the league (hey there, Weinstein) if you want and try in S50 or 51? Not to mention that you literally can't bring your next player up until Advantage is traded anyway.
  11. Wingate's got two full seasons for the top three, about 250 TPE to go. Let's go.
  12. Oooh, like the goalie battle. Go Toronto!
  13. Taking a game even when I don't play well, I like it
  14. The exact opposite actually. The Americans lost the series due in large part to a goalie with an .871 save percentage, when they let a reigning Shaw winner walk away in the offseason.
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