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Everything posted by CowboyinAmerica

  1. I'll take less than stellar if it means a win. One more to go!
  2. Reencarnacion and Faux with the goals, love everyone getting a piece
  3. That's a good way to end the season series against Quebec
  4. I think we need a re-sim, we're not allowed to beat Riga.
  5. This is my main one right now. I got CBS All Access when I didn't have cable and it gave me the opportunity to go back and watch old seasons. Trying to get through them all now, then listen the RHAP audiobook that corresponds with each one after I watch. Up through Season 17 currently.
  6. That's better. Moving closer to that best record overall.
  7. Not Wingate's best game, but I'll absolutely take that offense.
  8. At least it'll make the lottery fun, especially for the Americans (#2 spot, but a two-thirds chance of dropping to #3)
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