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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. It would be even better if the top pick is ready for the VHL immediately. I see only Smarch who can make it and even that's not certain.
  2. If you're trading all 4 picks; sure, they're staying. The S59 promises to be kinda meh anyway.
  3. *I EVEN STOLE THE PICTURE FROM HIS ARTICLE!!!* We may see the same themed media from @CowboyinAmerica, but for now I'm stealing his idea and post my thoughts about the future of all 8 teams. I think this can get me to at least 1000 words, so sorry not sorry. CALGARY WRANGLERS (S60-63) The ending of their contention period is approximate (that goes for every team), but seeing that they have a couple of S57 players and the first stage of regression isn't harsh makes me think they can go for 4 seasons. Maybe more, if a GM will find the way how to do it. Why not from the next season? Well... I checked out the draft pick tracker and I realized they have no S59 first. They're having a nice young core, but having only two firsts for the next three seasons is not helping this team and I think Calgary will lose to Davos in a bid war and wait when someone from Riga/Toronto/Seattle is going to make a firesale following S59. DAVOS DYNAMO (S59-62) Another team who might make it to 4 seasons according to my predictions. However, there are some doubts - Jokinen is already old and Savard won't be younger either in early S60's. And the GM may trade some younger players with stalled activity for already established superstars. In this case their contention period will likely be cut short to 3 seasons. At this point, I see McDragon and Sobeck (even with his good activity) and couple of firsts on the trade block, but let's wait for their GM's next move. Also, I'm expecting a blockbuster trade between Davos and Helsinki in following off-season. HELSINKI TITANS (S58) To be honest, their contention period has been dragged out too long. Perhaps other GM's weren't interested in Helsinki players, but enough is enough. Especially when Boubabi has been banned and both of his players may meet an early retirement (???). Regardless of the fate of his both players, Helsinki GM should trade remaining players to other teams to still have a decent rebuild. As I said earlier, Davos may be interested in this turn of events. NEW YORK AMERICANS (S58-61) I won't be surprised if NY manages to stay in contention for a longer period as they have a lot of young players. As about their near future, there is a one big problem: Fujimoto is gone following this season and their GM will definitely search for a replacement. He even might give up two firsts for a star forward as this team's future is already secured and GM won't have to worry much about picks. A ''star forward <---> young forward+S59 1st'' type of a trade also can happen. I expect to see at least one trade from them after this season ends. QUEBEC CITY MEUTE (S61-64) I'm not sure when exactly Quebec will be ready, but the rebuild isn't going smoothly like their GM wanted. Lunaro is inactive since mid-November, Phil went on another hiatus and Ben Green is on/off with activity. They for sure have some bright news like Louth, Kiaskov, Ball and Laurent (last active: Monday. WUT?). However, they will have to wait for the S60 draft to have a clear view on their contention period. Can they fasten this rebuild? Only if more than one team is making a firesale (likely Seattle and Toronto), but that's not certain so I'm not changing my prediction. RIGA REIGN (S58-59) Let's face it, Riga is pretty much the oldest team in the VHL league. Will that stop me from competing in S59? At this point my answer is no - I think I can get something valuable from S53 players and having King will also help. I have a one big problem - this is the last season for Trombone and I'll have to search for a replacement, but is not like the S61 1st pick is something valuable for me when I'm competing. Also, I have a too big ego to retire Krīgars at his prime so see ya in S59. SEATTLE BEARS (S58-60) This team currently in it's peak and they're young enough to not fold out before S60. Sure, GM will have to say goodbye to some from their current roster because of cap. I'm putting my money on Fook Yu as it's his last contract season and trading a lower TPE player like Laflamme or Quill won't help them much with the cap. The biggest problem, however is not having a first round pick until the S61, which can screw their chances on making a good trade. But I still think they will have something left for multiple seasons, mainly because of McAllister and all three S55 players. TORONTO LEGION (S58-59) As for Toronto...I'm not sure if they can hang on with Seattle in terms of longevity. The retirement of Snatch + three S53 players will be hard to overcome and their GM is going to make a tough decision - a drastic change or continue with the same core and prepare for the S60 draft which might be big if the blue team will implement changes in welfare system. I have a feeling that he will choose the second option - both his players are on peak, but inconsistency on updating from several players might put a stop to have a long contention period. Alright, it's time to stop here. This was my view on each team and yes, you can disagree with my point and fite me. Don't forget that the end of the contention period is approximate, especially for the rebuilding teams (Quebec was the hardest one, they only started make the new team). In overall, the S59 off-season won't be too exciting with only Helsinki doing a firesale and couple of contending teams trying to fill holes or change a roster a bit due to cap situation. Now it's up to blue team on making some exciting new in this off-season (at least the potential welfare thing might receive a lot of replies even without Boubabi). That's it and I'm out. 6x2=12 TPE goes to Krīgars 15.01 - 21.01 22.01 - 28.01 FITE ME GM'S @Bushito @Frank @DollarAndADream @Banackock @Tyler @STZ @Higgins
  4. this also could work for the potential rebuild
  5. The only GM who did a three-peat, the only one of it's kind.
  6. This year started off very bad for him.
  7. I suggest to not posting standings cause it's a spoiler.
  8. 229 Legion 230 Reign 231 Americans 232 Reign
  9. Egons still thinks he's Traplord. Stupid ass re-sim, he would've had 4 fights already. That guy who's fifth in points?
  10. and also rip Helsinki. -2 good players

  11. The Man, The Myth, The Legend. Alexander Thrower.
  12. o shit Esa @Harumpf

    1. FacePuncher



  13. Krīgars: 83 points Cornerstone: 77 points VHL lost amirite
  14. I meant this Keaton Louth and Fredinamijs Krigars fight to a draw at 1:07 of 1st period
  15. How to make your topic popular: a) mentioning about welfare
  16. games

    1. boubabi



    2. boubabi


      damn, 8 balls pool is still a hot game on miniclip.

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