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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. 1. How are you feeling about your player so far this season? he's aight, prolly couldve done better 2. Are you having fun this season? kinda? depends on how is Riga performing 3. We lead the league in a tight race, what do we have to do to keep on top? score goals 4. Who would you say your biggest rival has been this season so far? tbh I dont care enough to have a rival for now 5. Tyler Busser is only 3 points from leading the league, do you have any motivation for him to achieve that? he's probably already having enough motivation to grind for that 6. What is your favorite flavor of Ice cream? oreo cookie ice cream
  2. I thought I'll have a strength to write something more interesting, but no. This past week has been more entertaining, I have to admit. Yes we had that roe v wade thread week prior, but last week events were straight league based. We had some interesting trades happening with the bigger implications than we would've ever thought. Anyways, I'll start with the most recent trade to date, which actually happened yesterday. CAL/VAN - straight forward trade. Calgary gets more scoring boost in Telker and getting themselves into the title contention. Vancouver getting a younger player who never had a real chance to flourish in more stacked Calgary team. I'm a bit sad Frank didn't get a pick, but we'll probably figure something out later. Good for Telker who will finish his career in a contender. VAN/NYA/SEA - now this trade was spicy as hell. In fairness, despite of a three way trade status Vancouver didn't play a major part in this drama. They just came in to grab another young player for two older ones and went to hibernate again. However, it didn't save this trade from sparking a tense situation. Looks like some members were mad as hell Seattle got what they wanted once again. And again it came at the expense of New York. 89 trade says hi. It was known that Beaviss is way past his sim league prime and his player's build was meh to say the least. When the player only scored 3 points in last playoffs in a team that won a championship...you know that this ain't it. However, was this really a bad trade? Honestly, the 89 trade was the only one that wasn't looking great. I get that Cow wanted him, but as far as I know nobody else was giving damn about him. So giving a first was very uneccessary. Certainly should've lowballed. This trade though? Now that NY had Sven, I see where Cow was going. The defense and goaltending was already set, this trade was for setting up the forward roster for the future seasons. Basically the now ex-GM was not interested in waiting for too long before entering the contention phase. This strategy is an interesting one, though it comes with few obstacles: - it requires a good free agency. Not the certified MID like it was this past offseason; - gotta trade more picks for more forwards to make the team enticing enough for potential FA's. the best case scenario is trading for FA rights and convincing player(s) to sign with the team; - not longterm enough. Some of the bigger NYA players are either already in regression or are not far away. Though with the current depreciation system...maybe it's not that of a big deal. As you can see, this strategy is not horrible at all, just risky. Obviously it also would be nice to somehow bring Beaviss in and make him reroll MDM's build. And also hoping that GM's can free reroll inactive players builds. That'd make someone like Wilk a better player too. Anyways, Cow cares about none of that anymore. People went too berserk on his moves so he decided to pull ''fuck all of yall'' and stepped down from New York. Now it's the interim Fresco who will try to make something from it. Or do nothing, he is still an interim after all. Also, Bana trying to defend this trade in that thread was a bit funny. I bet he was cackling out there while typing his explanation. At the end of the day he got what he wanted. Switched from a player with non effective build to a two lower TPE guys to make 6/4 roster. And Bushtit may not even be worse than MDM at all. So these are trades that happened at this moment....wait no. RIG/PRG - just pressing accept button as we speak. Got a 4th defenseman in JaredN, a familiar member for Riga. Maybe this time we will get a title with him on the roster. That's it and I'm out.
  3. 1. as of now, ye sure. 2. idk, prolly Busser or me 3. he's decent, still wishing for more tbh
  4. New week new whatever type of media. Riga is somewhere at the top. Probably couldve been first, but that stupid illogical loss to Prague puts us at the same level as some other teams. Speaking of which, I am a bit concerned about the offensive output so far. Sometimes we are doing well, but most of times we're just ok with 3 goals or something. I guess I'm greedy as hell, but I do want to see more goals from the team. More goals = more wins = championship. That's the logic right here, not what sim spew out in our game against the rebuilding Prague. Also, a bit funny and relatively rare stuff - actually not one contender is doing horrible from the get go. I was getting used by at least one team doing really meh until mid season, but for now nobody is falling under that category. The whole NA contender group occupied the top 5 early on and it doesn't seems like they will keep the foot off the gas. I'd say, there are still some iffy teams in this league that may only fight for the wildcard spot this season. - First off, Davos offseason implied that they are putting the league on notice...but so far relying only on couple superstar tier forwards is proven to be a meh strategy. The offense definitely isn't convincing enough and Davis is still trying to get back into his better form that he showed in Prague. - London had to sell Godlander who never thrived in the non meta era yet. However, it didn't save them from being just mid. Pearce might be the only one who is actually trying, but for how long this will continue? I feel like once he is tired of carrying them, it's trouble time for Dil and company. Otherwise, other four EU contenders are feeling more or less comfortable and I think neither of them will miss the post season. By the way, Moscow really thumped Warsaw like that. I mean, Moscow is a 4 times finalist, but 8-0? Simon T smh. AK is actually doing fine so far. 17 points in 12 games which is the best points total in the team for now. Also he leads defs in this particular stat as well. Is this type of build really is being welcomed in this new hybrid era? Might as well as be. Because some of the best players in this leagues do have similar ratio...new meta I guess. Anyways, if this is the preview of what's to come in the VHL league, I will be a happy camper. Now it's on to Spartan to not screw this up after Mark retires. Disinterested in his own player hedge is not the best hedge for the team, though I feel like Calgary was fine with Klam regardless if I was being max earning guy or barely being a clicker. So this is the end of this article. Yet another successful week of spewing 500 words for 6 TPE and it's already July! That's it and I'm already out.
  5. 1. How's the start of the season going for your player? uhhh, he looks cool so far. probably the build does some wonders 2. What do you think is Riga's biggest need is at this point? nothing really about now, it's more about the future now 3. Heading into the second season with it - are you a fan of the new meta? that's a big word here considering nobody is doing meta numbers. but so far so fine 4. If Riga had to have a company logo on it, what would you pick to have on it? Latvijas Balzāms cause why not
  6. this thing messy as hell Brendan Telker @Jubis I guess you go
  7. so that means you shoulve been banned 30 years ago. Right?
  8. Here we go, hotter weather. Which means I have a harder time to come up with something meaningful article cause I have no desire. I guess welfare coming up soon. Hi @Spartan. Anyways, we had some spice going up and it was brought up by US supreme court or whatever that thing is called. The thread about their decision on abortion really blew up and this is already a summer classic thread. May even be remembered by the end of this year too. Nothing much new on Riga as well. I thought I can sell Telker somewhere, but looks like I can't even do that and nobody even wants him. If only for a useless ass pick or player so I'm not even sure what to do. What's the punishment for playing the roster that's over the cap? Asking for a friend. I even brought in Powers and Kaprizov because I didn't think I'll have major problems with giving Telker out. But now he may not even be traded to a contender which is even more stupid. There is one 50/50 contender that was running around but I doubt they will put anything at this point. So yeah...I guess rip Riga picks and my GM position as well. Anyways, nothing very much interesting elsewhere too. Calgary decided they need yet another center, but I guess their wingman position is gonna be stronger. Good for them. Prague is getting more youngins and picks. The rebuild is going pretty fine I see. Good for Acyd. Wait, I just realized I didn't mention where did AK land in the VHLE league. I was having some guess that I will be drafted by Istanbul since their AGM is the starter goalie in Riga. And they had lots of picks too. My hunch had it right. Matter of fact, the hoodie guy was actually drafted high. The third overall - I believe this is the highest overall my player was ever drafted, though I may forget something. I am very sure I was never picked first nor second. I think I'm pretty good and never being drafted with the top picks and I doubt this will ever happen. I'm very in doubt I can have another go after AK and sim leagues in general. Moreso, will I even stay at GM for long? Oh wait, I could stay for long just for making that Seattle oldhead suffer with his 7 cups on his back. And while I'm typing this, a member who goes by the name of @Scurvy included AK92 among his creative names list....or annoying. Or both? Anyways, I could just recreate after the hoodie man is gone while stealing another rappers long ass name just to make everyone suffer. So yeah, nothing really else to say. The season starts on Thursday so we can chill for more days. And I can still have the 43.5M roster for 3 more days. Or more? Time will tell what plans I have. That's it and I'm out.
  9. 1. do you think Riga GM is crazy for still being over the cap 3 days before the seasonn start? 2. do yall actually celebrating summer solstice? if so, how? 3. so Avs got it. happy or nah? 4. any milestone you wanna reach this season stats wise? 5. who is the most dangerous opponent for Riga in your opinion? 6. what's your favorite drink for the summer?
  10. the biggest bystander in the game says this is a lie
  11. 1. Happy belated fathers day! Did you celebrate it? 2. Or, do you ever plan to become a parent at some point? 3. Lots of members are complaining about the heat while I'm crying about ''only 20C''. What should I do to turn things around? 4. How's the Avs vs Tampa finals so far for you? 5. What are your feeling on EU conference still being stacked as hell? 6. How more do you think you can spend on sim leagues before calling it quits?
  12. The E draft is soon and I'll have to witness on how far AK is going to drop. Or not. He has a good amount of TPE so he deserves to be high. Also, I won't even watch that draft because hedge sleep meme. Don't know much about the draft, I just know Istanbul has 5 picks in the first two drafts, that's wassup. Also, I've been contanced by 3 teams so far. One of them had to move out from talks quickly as they have too much defensmans. But hey, thanks for talking regardless. The offseason is about to end...in a week and half? Good lord, that's a long time. I guess thanks, cause I'm not gonna pay much attention to sim leagues from thursday to sunday and maybe even beyond. I've heard we're finally getting some heat and I'm ecstatic about it. Who cares about sim leagues when you can go to the beach and chill. Anyways yeah, only one trade from Riga so far. Carter had to go and considering he was pending FA. The price was somewhat fine. Got a second rounder plus a player on ELC which certainnly gives us an opportunity to make a decent roster with some depth. Another idea for a trade is swirling around so we may see an interesting trade soon probably. Speaking of which, @Frank is in shambles. His player is still hanging on Toronto and having a very uncertain future cause the cap space and stuff. I guess someone like Chicago is gonna put a cheap ass price to take him and make a decent contender, but hot damn. Also, Oilman retiring just to give Seattle a cap relief, that's some lmao moment. Not much sympathy for this team cause they managed to rob A FIRST ROUND PICK away from NY for pre much a cap dump. They'll be fine I reckon. And they did sign a 5.5M deal with a player who has a questionable build and already used the free reroll option...are they really really trying to go back to back? Anyways, EU conference is still a dogfight. 7 teams are having a chance for the playoffs and only Malmo can relax and dream about winning the first overall pick. Moscow - lost Idaho which is a hella blow imo. I know other players did good too, but not having this player might have a negative effect on offense. Still a major contender; Warsaw - looks pretty dangerous, but what's up with low skating defs. sheesh; Riga - the roster not ready yet lol. But should be fine regardless; Helsinki - finally a decent roster, though defense is a question. Think they should make it this season....to the playoffs, I did say nothing about winning it all; Davos - Alex is having his quest for the GMoTY award. team is depending too much on two big time forwards and goaltending. Might squeak into the post season; Prague - trying to step back from contending, but their offense is still decent. Might have some fight left in them; London - Dil is coasting to the rebuild sooner than later so he didn't do much this season. Probably too mid to make it. Malmo - no stress. But hey, NA is finally having some life too. DC brought Idaho, Calgary fortifying their D spot, Chicago is somewhere there lurking too. Too bad the playoff fight there is still too predictable but hey, at least some movements there. Ok, enough words. That's it and I'm out.
  13. I really have no idea why you tagged me definitely no reason whatsoever for sure it's not about VHL or managing something, right?
  14. 1. Do you plan on bulking or cutting in your training routine this offseason? Stay where it is. 2. Which attribute would you Jaromir Jagr right now (i.e., no depreciation)? Defensive coverage likely. 3. Who is your favorite prospect heading into this years draft? Outside of my player, Dogwood looked like the best first gen 4. What brand would you prefer to sponsor you? any sponsor that does good hoodies 5. Avs or Tampa? Avs 6. If you were to trade life with anyone for a day who would it be? No one lol. I'll just stay me instead
  15. So the draft happened. Which I didn't attend to because I chose sleep. Could've been a trifecta of my most famous meme, but there was one problem...I had no picks to begin with. However, there was still an intrigue going around. About my player in particular. I had some idea where could I go, but there was nothing certain. I was mostly sure he will go mid to late first round, but where? First of all, I will name teams that did have some scouting on AK after my previous article. Moscow was the first team that approached me. I feel like Spartan was having an interest on my defenseman from the get go, but thought it was a pipe dream since we're both GMing European teams. So he was having a surprise moment when I was not ruling Moscow out. At the end, he was made it known he is very interested in drafting the hoodie guy if he drops to any Moscow picks. Then Toronto came. In that article I was putting them into the uncertain category. They had decent amount of younger defs, but neither of them seemed a big threat of my quest of putting big stats. We had a brief talk about my player, but that was about it after. Probably Doom wasn't really a fan of my answers I guess. A day or two before the draft two more teams approached me. First off Prague. We had some time talking trades with Acyd and in one of them he mentioned AK. He had a plan on drafting a franchise D with one of his picks. The move that came to frution, except he drafted another defenseman. Oh well. And the last team was Quebec...Vancouver. I'm not sure what exactly city the old-new GM Frank wants to represent lol. Anyways, this place was looking intriguing to me after Kowalski was traded out and I was mentioning it to him. Anyways, as we can see, AK92 went in the draft. Certainly lower than Dogwood Maple. Like I said I wasn't attending the draft. I was hoping to check the draft stream in the morning first so I couldnt have spoilers, but apparently it was done via YT instead of Esso twitch. I had to dig it to the discord for searching the draft stream link, but my eyes went too much over the place to keep it a secret. Seeing the ping in the Moscow LR meant that I didn't even have to search for the link anymore cause why would even Spartan ping me if he didn't draft me. If only as a joke or something. So the only question was - 13th or 15th overall. 13th. Spartan was for sure so excited to have the hoodie man that he didn't even want to wait. He definitely knew I was the part of the only Moscow championship to this date so he is pulling this strategy. Let's see if this thing work. Though, there are still some questions left. I'm pretty much sure AK's rookie season is about to be trash cause Markinson is about to take most of them stats. What about after him? Powers is still there and Flynn too?? Though he is about to be double regressed at the time of the debut of Hoodie. To be honest, to have some interest in my player I need stats. Without them, I don't think I will have lots of fun and even my TPE earning rate may slow down cause the lack of interest in my player. Time will tell what happens in the ELC period of AK. I can't predict what is going to happen in a month, two or in a year. I only can say that I want to max earn right now. Will it be doable? Shrug emoji. That's it and I'm out.
  16. w4 oh no I have to write something again next week ffs
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